Are there any printable templates or on-line ones out there that will let me try stuff out for forge without actually forging (I'm hoping this makes some sense). Thanks
See, I'm trying to think of how to put into words what I mean. I'm looking for something that will let me plan out my designs first, but let me get an idea of how much space what will take, how much I can use, etc. The most basic way I can put it is that I'm looking for something that's the modern version of a pencil and graph paper. *sigh* I don't think I'm explaining this right...
On paper the best thing to use is just a piece of graph paper. Especially on sandbox where there are no real boundaries, this is the most efficent. On foundry, I remember the width being almost exactly two box lengths. Just get it done with a good old pencil and ruler. I found the best thing on sandbox is to decide the layout then fit the available blocks to this pattern. although some people prefer using Google Sketchup this can take a long time. Personally I use this method along with the following table for vehicle and weapon placement. Sr – sniper Br – battle rifle Ar – assault rifle Smg – sub-machine gun Sg – shotgun Ma – magnum Pp – plasma pistol Pr – plasma rifle Cc – covenant carbine Bl – beam rifle Sp – spiker Mr – mauler N – needler Sw – sword Gh – gravity hammer Ls – laser Rl – rocket launcher Fr – fuel rod gun Bs – brute shot Mp – missile pod Se – sentinel beam T – turret Fl – flamethrower F – frag grenade P – plasma grenade S – spike grenade Fg – fire grenade B – bubble shield Pd power drain Rg – regenerator Tm – trip mine Dc – deployable cover Gl – gravlift Fa – flare Rj – radar jammer Iv – invisibility Os – over shields Cm – custom power up M – mongoose W(g) – warthog (gauss) Pr – prowler G – ghost C – chopper Wr – wraith Sc – scorpion Ba – banshee H(t) – hornet (transport) Edit: Despite being archaic, the best thing for a rough draft is pencil and paper. For posting a map preview, something more detailed is best, but just for an outline to be modified while forgeing there;s just nothing faster.
There is a handy program called Google Sketch up. People have made Sandbox and foundry blank templates in the program and made all of the items for those maps. You can grab the items and place them in the map in sketch up basically allowing you to create a whole map on the computer before even forging...I don't know where to find the link Forgehub for Google Sketch up its bound to show up. Here is the foundry one let me see if I can find the sandbox one
Is this what your looking for?
Google SketchUp you are welcome edit- nixa guy beat me to it but i still got sketchup DL link
There use to be a foundry designer on the forge-hub site. Sadly I do not think that is still around. I'm suggesting pen and paper. Base your map around the biggest objects you are forging map has to offer typically these are Double boxes. I would also suggest a rough lay down of objects on that map as you design on paper. This is my method but are you actually looking for a digital media or a digital print out? I know that if you go to the Bungie Heat map section and select a weapon that is not on that map. You can clear out the map of conflict and you have a very literal game measured layout to work with.
If you just want a simple designer for foundry or you can't use sketch-up you could try the Foundry Designer. It's not the greatest tool but it does have its uses.