The second railing looks very nice. And for a name, how about Periphery? Main Entry: periphery Part of Speech: noun Definition: outskirts, outer edge
I'm going to have to say I like the original railing. Anyway, I'm going to make you test this with me! I'm glad you decided to make a competative map because your style makes for a good map which this definetely will be. Good luck.
My God I must see this in game. Inv me next time you're on, though I might be on MW2. I actually like railing 1 better, looks cleaner. Though I have an idea for railing 2 that I would really like to see.
I would rather have a uniform look the the map, although this is interesting. I almost agree with this, but its a REALLY easy jump to do, and My theory is, Its okay to make someone jump once, but not twice in a competitive match. You can make the map from anywhere on the ledge to the base, and there was no more room for a ramp in my plans for the level. Elaborate please, because I have no idea what you mean...
After looking closely at your map layout, you will have a hard time working flag into this map as far as I can tell. You may want to consider which few game types you want to focus on first. It may help some of your items to fit the map extremely well. Like for example when people play a map and remember a wall there ... because it keep saving them. Going back to your possible flag issue is that it could end up that once your flag is out of base it will be difficult to return.... You will have to find a creative way to tackle that issue. I know you can with the skill and execution you shown in the design... just keep an eye out and Proceed with caution.
I have a few thoughts about this. 1. (assuming you're using them at all) do not have mongeese in assymetrical games. 2. Add a respawn flag away area in the center of the map so defenders can possibly cut off the attackers on their way out with he flag.
Seen as though you'd like to keep it uniform.. The outward look (2) looks better. It kind of gives the impression that the central ring is struggling to conceal something so the Spires are bursting out. Where as the Inward look, gives the impression its trying too hard to hide something. With this being a more open map (well thats the impression i get lol) I chose the 2nd look. Hows the object limit coming? Try not to go too into the detail side of things just yet... You definately need railings on each of your rings so that the playstyle wont be affected by people falling off to much. Its always nice to have a "comfort blanket"
As for names I have some... Meridian Paradox Thirty and Seven Composure Redemption Barbarian Endorphins
This is the next step I need to take in making the map, it will make sure that the bases cant dominate the railings and the combat is more walkway based. I probably wont get much done this week (mw2) but I plan on working on it this weekend.
I know its a little late for this, but making the center circle sloped, could increase space on the walkways, in turn making these better for combat. Additionally, without some way to jump between paths mid way, people will likely just pass eachother.
Where'd you get the idea for these names? :S Good shout, looks like it'd work and stay in form with the inner barrier, the large columns could also be good for bouncing nades off to get where l.o.s. cant reach. Good job. Yeah i was thinking about that originally, it'd be nice to see what finally comes out at the end of it. If testers are needed, im game over the weekend.
Lmao!!!!!! Because they have absolutely no relevance to the actual map. Plucking random "cool" words out of the air to name a map is a bit crap... the best names require no intelligence to figure them out. For example The pit... Has numerous "pits" everywhere because most gameplay is on the higher parts of the map. In naming this map, it needs anything to do with circles, or rings, not just some random bands song titles. Which means i could suggest calling it SPQR, Clouds over California But more to the point, Killocycle.
shut the **** up dude. you're not the one making the map so i'd rather have the maker tell me to shut up. I was just trying to help but you had to be a **** about it.... jeez. NOW THAT I HAVE TO MAKE IT ABOUT A CIRCLE, I'll name some NEW ones... Ellipse Ring Revolution
lol twat, those arent "NEW" names either... and i never once said im making the map i simply said maps need to have relevant names.. or 'should' have rather than 'need' and suggesting any random word out of the dictionary doesnt count as contributing to any map creator when they could quite easily open a dictionary on a random page, shut their eyes, and stab at it to find a map name like your doing.. so stop getting your nappy (or diaper) full of **** and go wash your mouth out!