I would give my parents whatever they need to get out of debt, and then we could afford to get a nicer car too. Then we'd save the rest for things like my college.
hmm, buy a cool car and buy some guns for when da zombies come to kill us. and a 6 month xbox live card.lol
As much as I would like a million dollars and as the next human being enjoy fathoming what it would be like to have a million dollars. I can say this: I would better my life for my soon to be born baby girl, my wife and everyone around me.
Most likely: Pay for college Buy a Car And put the rest in a savings account for when I really need it in life. (I know so exciting!!!!!!)
I'd go around life with 1,000,000€ Buy whatever catches my fancy as I pass by but I doubt I'd do anything else then let it sit there.
Buy a milking cow so I wouldn't need to buy milk all the time and let the rest rot in the bank for a few years.