Ok before you all tell me this is in the wrong section, its not and you'll find out why if you read on. Also I want to add that I have been working on this group for over half a year so I am not just copying the forge academy, I have a number of people that will vouch for me on that point. I know i have posted a thread like this before but nobody applied so i have reviewed the subject and have created this thread. Ok my group, The Forging Teachers Association (FTA) are currently in need of a group of people that can become our permanent map testing team. This team’s main priority will be to test any applicant teacher’s maps prior to letting them join our group and teach new members. The Testing team will consist of 2 reviewers and 6 testers, although the testers will be in the game along with the reviewers they're role will be to give the reviewers any notes they have made on the map during testing and the reviewers will create a review and give me their personal recommendation on wither or not the applicant has the talent to teach. If any other players are required for the testing they shall be gathered the traditional way through friends lists or through the TG. If you would like to join the team please fill out the application below and post it as a reply to this thread Any applicants wanting to help us out can fill out the form below. Any applications must be handed in before or on the 23rd of November; the team will be announced on the 30th November. If you have any questions post them below or pm me(preferably the later to save space for the applications) and please leave discussions for other threads and only applications for this one.
forgehub account: alextrer gt: alextrer role im aplying to: tester comment: i would really like to be a tester im specialised on finding any ways out of maps and discover any glitches or bugs. extra: i see not many people have awnsered this yet so why not give it a try.
Forgehub Account: Redearth Gamer Tag: Doctor G33K Role I am applying for: Tester Additional Comments: Since I am applying for tester, I can say my final review skills are limited. I, however, have not had chance to do as much. I barely find matches where I might test. I am a hard worker, and as such I am sure I could easily fit the que for a map tester. I am an extremely detailed A+ student, well ahead my peers. I offer a slightly younger person's opinion, along with it being in an adult's class and style. If chosen I will do my best to do all possib le. Also, if chosen, starting on December 11th I will be able to record, in HD, all playtests. Overall I offer intelligence, a great opinion, and the ability to record video. Notes: I don't have a scanner, so I can't show proof, but during school I take excellent notes. I use shorthand, always finish first, never doodle, and concentrate at the same time. My notes are extremely thorough. For each chapter of the novel we're reading, To Kill a Mocking Bird, I write around four to five pages of notes, in clear concise areas. Here's an example of how I would take notes for a map. Givens: Map testing: Gametype: Things to look out for: Honor rules: My setup: Bugs/Glitches: *Geometry Glitches: *Weapon Glitches: *Spawn Glitches: Weapon Balance: *Power Weapons: *Standard Weapons: *Weak Weapons: Geometry: *Vertical Battles: *Horizontal Battles: *Long Range: *CQB: *Interesting Points (Grav's/Mancannons): *Tricks Jumps (Easily noticable): *Tricks Jumps 2 (Harder to Find): Spawns/Killing: *Camping Spots: *Proximity to Enemy/Teamates: Aesthetics: *Looks: *Originality: Extra: *Entertainment Level: *Additional Notes: - - - As you can tell my notes are very, very thorough. I can fill out all of these and play at the same time as well, before anyone asks. I would be enthralled if you picked me, thank you for reading.
Forgehub Account: Nick Vinoskey Gamer Tag: Nick The Pwnzor Role you are applying for: Tester An outline of any experience you have reviewing maps: I haven't review any maps, being a tester applicant and such. Links to reviews you have made: None Additional Comments: I am only available on weekends due to my parents killing the internet during the week.mg:
Account: pyro6666 GT: fang3013 Role: you tell me Experience/expertise: Using flow path models including weapon and equipment placement, elevation, and cover to quickly provide ideas for changes in structure and weapon placement without the need for playing multiple test games. This really helps by allowing a test game to go into more depth on the gameplay, rather than structural changes. Reviews: I almost exclusively do this in a forge session with the creator to instantly show any change ideas, so it is not easy to find one. Comments: This helps because testing really helps with weapon placement and some cover, rather than fixing the shape of the map which really makes or breaks a map.
Forgehub Account: CaptnSTFU Gamer Tag: CaptnSTFU Role you are applying for: tester I am an very experienced MLG/ Competitive player. I love to specialize in making sure the smoothness of a map and how well lines of sight are. Definitely up for testing and reviewing maps. My online times are basically everyday. I don't have any real references for maps, most are done in game with the map maker. Most of which are people who have added me from forgehub for the specific reason of testing their map and doing forge troughs. Additional Comments:Really don't have anything else too add other than i love halo and forge.
just thought I'd drop a line in and say that just because you are wanting to be a tester doesnt mean you have to leave the past experience section blank, even tester will have to make notes on the map so showning you have any experience will show you know how to make good notes and as such will be more likely to be chosen.
FH account- xwooden leafx XBL account- xwooden leafx Role- tested I was in the testers guild but became grounded before I could be a real member, I've tested several maps and given good review based on gameplay, I am very picky and have been looking at FH since a couple months after foundry. I play all varieties of maps and play a lot of halo. Comments- looking forward to testing and such
Off topic, but I think you should rename your group, cuz Forging Teachers Association sounds it's founded by a bunch of old 40 years-old nerds. Ya gotta know your audience.
Yeah, well its mainly for teaching pupils and I wanted it to sound professional, plus we will be teaching people of all ages not just really young people.
Forgehub Username: Monitormaster117 Gamertag: Gourmetpoop Role: Testing Testing Experience: I have had alot of testing experience, although only local with friends. Additional Comments: I love to test maps. I can spend a few hours, to a day on testing a map; I'm precise in testing and hardly ever miss an important factor out. I'm experienced in weapon placement, vehicle placement and equipment placement. I am a hard worker and will work very hard when testing. One of my best testing abilities is the ability of spotting camping spots, and how to get to them.