A screenshot room under Citedal. Nothing really special. Have fun taking Screenshots!!!!! Pics: (Me) (Made brighter to see better) (Different Angle) If you would like to download click Here
Whoa, now thats cool, kinda reminds me off that graphics tester room or somthing like that which had those high walls.
Yes, this technically counts as a map, but just think: It'd be so much more valuable, and you're more likely to get downloads, if you posted it in the Screenshots section of Forgehub...
But then people would tell him its not a screen shot, and that it should be posted in the aesthetics section.
I've got down there before, there is nothing that special about it from a picture taking standpoint. plus why would someone waste a slot for this map, it takes like 5 seconds to get down there with a turret.
Dude I said there was nothing really special about the map. And I also made this map like the first day I got the maps.
i really wish i had the maps, it seems like you could make an interesting level in that area, but sadly i dont have them
Its cool to know they have a room under citadel but to do pic in the room i dont really think its the best ! lol !
If you KNOW theres nothing special here, why post it? I'm sorry but the only difference from standing there and standing inside the map would be it's a bit darker down there. Not anything special for pictures.
cool do u know Mini Waz originally founder of it as far as i know cause he has 1 and it made bungie fav's sometime durin late summer i think