Disabling party chat is annoying, and I miss hardcore headquarters. Also, hardcore 3rd person is EXTREMELY difficult to play with. Fun, but difficult.
The copy the Staff sent arrived last night while I was watching The Office. I don't have a 360 at the moment. Sad face.
Painkiller replaces Juggernaut, but you only get it for death-streaks. I'm only a Level 10, and I am new to the Modern Warfare series. Will someone tell me what the best gun would be?
There isn't one. It's the way the game is designed, so that a level 1 fresh into the game can pick up a default class and compete with a level 70 with all unlocks. Just use all the guns you have, and see which ones you enjoy most.
Like Raw King said, there is no best gun in the game. You should play around with all the guns and see what fits you. However, just like in CoD4 there are certain guns that are very versatile and are usually referred to as the best all-around. In the first game many people said these guns were the M4 and AK-47, along with the MP5 being very popular. In this game, the SCAR seems to be like a great, all-around weapon.
TAR21 worked out for me well on Underpass, got like 35 kills on domination with it. I love the SCAR, but the magazines are too short and ammo is low too. I just unlocked the P90, I'll see how that works out.
I've gotten Mastery on the FAMAS. Only thing left to do is get headshots so I can get all the paint jobs on it and I'm 100% complete. Love that gun. The SCAR is too close range IMO...very easy to use though, very universal.
Trying to get mastery with my Intervention. I'm on Marksman VI, Expert V, and have 23 more penetration kills for the extended mags (last one for Mastery). Those penetration kills are gonna take me awhile...
Try it with a red dot, holo sight, ACOG, thermal sight, or the regular iron sights at range. It's not a sniper or anything, but it gets its **** done. The TAR21 is amazing, though. I want to try out the FAL. And the Intervention FMJ challenge is hard...
What I did for FMJ: Go into Headquarters and watch the people filing into the room from a distance. Guess at the shot and spray. Usually they won't move after they get shot in the back for some weird reason ("Hey I'm getting shot through the wall...I better stay still!"). You can usually get them at the corners, just aiming about head level and spraying around to scout out where they are. It took a while, but I got it today, averaging about 2-5 per a game. Should be easier with a sniper. Easiest map by far is Junkyard.
Lol, that's what I'm doing it on. My setup is: Intervention -Acog/Thermal (I will switch it out depending) -FMJ -Blue Tiger Camo PP-2000 -Red Dot Bling Stopping Power Pro Steady Aim I get kills easy enough, but getting them through stuff is a pain, since A) You can't see B) It's rarely a one shot kill C) You need 40 of them. Also, does anyone know if you get a title for achieving mastery with your gun?
Getting the game today, just gonna use 1 of each weapon class and stick to them for a while, so what do people find most fun? M14 or Famas? I'm thinking Famas Invtervention or 50. Cal? I'm thinking Intervention Which Smg? I'm thinking Mini Uzi Which Shotgun? I'm thinking M1
Achievement Hunter · News Some MW2 achievement help. Also, I'm switching back to the intervention, the .50 cal makes me mad for some unknown reason, ugh. Hopefully I'll get all the headshot achievements.
FAMAS is the best, IMO. Very similar to a BR, it's a fun challenge, being a more long range weapon than a SCAR which is more or less the normal close range combat you get. Snipers are between bolt action (Intervention) and semi (Barrett) As for the shotgun, there's one crazy auto shotgun that's super cheap, don't recall the name offhand but it's freakin annoying. Also, shotguns are secondary guns...not really worth focusing on IMO.
Love the Intervention, probably my favorite sniper in both MW1&2. Though Mini Uzi is only available at Lvl 44.