The Mantle (Formally 18) THIS MAP IS NOW NAMED "THE MANTLE" Let me very simply describe this map, "Big thing in center, go around it." In the end it will look like a big circle where there is a building on 4 opposite sides of the circle (completely symmetrical). It is designed to play like a mix between epitaph and Assembly, could be good, or bad... here are the screenies... Up to Date pictures
I love the multiple levels of it. The outside of the ring slightly reminds me of Gemini's outside area. Except with two levels to it. I cannot wait to see more.
This looks cool. What weapons are you thinking about? There won't be long sightlines since it's a circle so maybe shotguns, SMGs, spikers, ETC? Also a mongoose might be cool here for faster travel.
I have most of the long tedious crap done, now I just have the fun bases to make Yay. also, updated OP.
Oh that's how you do that. I've been wondering how to make perfect circles in forge for a while, never thought of that.
Ack! I've been foiled! Yeah I did use a respawn area to help make the circle, but the spacing and junk was a lot harder than it looks...
Well... I must say I rather like this idea. It looks very, very interesting. Someone mentioned weapons.. I personally think Snipers would work best. Theres no immediate spawn to spawn firing. Theres multiple levels to prevent spawn killing from range. And the large Arcs would be fastest accurate finger first. I like it. The middle, imo, should only descend downward. Maybe joined the top ring on one side, to the bottom ring on the other side. Which allows a "central" spawn point for a power weapon on the top ring, and possibly a power weapon spawn on the bottom ring. The mongoose is another good idea, IF all the ledges have barriers in place. I'll be watching this topic for updates
I planned on having the center do a wave in the middle, let me draw it... ____,,,,,,....--''''''--.....,,,,,_____ With this shape it will give the people in the middle a severe lower hand to the people on the top ring. and wont allow two people on the ground to see each other. There will be a power weapon on the top of the hill. I also added pictures of the NEW BASES yay I also need major help with a map name, so far the best one is "Drum roll"
The ring is going to make the gameplay interesting, especially if you have snipers cause their sites will be limited. And that will make it much harder for snipers which is a vey good thing. I'm curious what's going to go on the inside. Maybe some grass along with the two stories. Can't wait to see it. And as for a name. Periphery? I don't know, a synonym for a circle or ring.
how did you create the (almost perfect) circle structure? oh and the braces in pic1 are definately smoother looking. It goes along with the wedges. Makes it look better. And as far as a name, I've resorted to naming my maps after chick names for lack of a will to come up with something else. Name it after someone special
I kind of wanted a less complex word, and rather a cool simple name I.E. (Last Resort > Epitaph) I made a respawn area and made the circle around that. Thats what I thought at first, but when you go back and look at it as a whole it looks better flipped out because it goes with the large columns. then I would have to name it Laura
I like railing 1 better, it looks cleaner I also think you should add more than just one way to get in and out of the base About the name, I like Concentricity because that is what i first thought when i saw the two rings around the outside
What if you built rooms into the blocked off sides in the center (the semi-circles on either side of the middle bridge). You could make an area that leads into the center bridge, a bit like Rat's Nest (though it would play entirely different). Just a thought... Also, for the name... - Saturn - Engagement - Circus
I would suggest Circumference for the name. Also the new base looks great and option 1 for the railings would be my choice.
This map looks great so far, can't wait to see how it develops! How close do you reckon you are to completing it? Personally, I prefer Railing 2 (not just to be different lol). As for a possible name, maybe one of these tickles your fancy: Zodiac Revolution (as in turning of a wheel/circle) Compass Corona
Maybe you could remove some of those long pillars (like one every four pillars), so you have holes where player can drop through to the lower level. And fill some holes with grav lifts so players can fly to the upper level. Edit: I prefer railing 1, it looks more impressing somehow.
Firstly, Agreed with Scottash, with Revolution. I thought that the first time I saw it. Didnt wanna try suggest anything though incase you had something. Secondly, The walls: I think it looks good have flipped out and flipped in railings. Think about Call outs.. If you have one side Flipped in, it can be called Flipped or Flipped in, and the outside ones can be called Flipped out or Outside? Catch my drift? Thirdly, new bases: They look rather good. However, No one should ever need to jump in a halo game to get to anywhere new. Theres always an alternative way round even if it means walking a long distance. Only really small insignificant parts of the map have jump access points. E.g. Epitaph's "Attic" columns. This can easily be fixed with two paths coming around the ramps from bottom to top. So you still get your jump you want of Bottom>Top.. if your not a jumper you go Bottom>BottomRamp>TopRamp>Path>Top Catch me on that too?