Yay! no more G3 I hated that thing because everybody I knew or played with that was using that gun always had a mod. anyways does anybody know if the heartbeat sensor, replaces perk one cause thats what I have been hearing. P.S nice find.
No because i saw someone with a silencer and a heartbeat sensor on there m16 and in order to do that youd need to use the bling perk. Which is in the first slot. Heres a video for proof: YouTube- Modern Warfare 2: Legit Nuke Gameplay - HQ Pro
The hearbeat sensor seems like a cool idea, but it takes up a bit of your screen, and isn't that effective from what I've seen.
*whew* thanks for clearing that up with me and damn that tactical nuke is kickass. and actually the heartbeat sensor is pretty useful just because if an enemy was closing in on you, you could just hide and then stab them in the back, but the thing is you've got to go stealth which for me is easy.
It changes the way you play alot. The taking up screen is to balance it because you do get to see where others are. The way you play will become alot slower and you'll wait for that sensor to update before you move up.
Do what everyone else is doing - buy it on the 360 or ps3. Lack of ded's and 16 players is not worth 50$, even though for some strange reason its up to 60$ for a console port. I hope it sells like **** on PC so dev's wont do either of the things mentioned for the pc.
people have faster fingers than you think, its just that sometimes the connection doesnt show the recoil properly so it looks weird
If anything is OP (overpowered; not original post), it's likely they'll release a title update within the week. Edit - I can confirm you kill civilians. At least a hundred of them.
But the less people who buy the PC version the less likely developers are to make games without dedicated servers. In theory.
Multiplayer is very confusing, especially since I'm used to the original Modern Warfare. Plot shock below Spoiler /Uber Spoiler Spoiler CAPTAIN PRICE NUKED THE I.S.S. >:O (Yes, I was 100% Right, a Russian warhead detonated near the ISS) P.S. Captain Price made it rain Helicopters! xD!
Just a thought: Why call it a Tactical Nuke? It's a bit of an oxymoron, don't you think? It's about an tactical as grenade spamming- you push a button. Don't get me wrong, though. It would be hard as hell to get one, so I suppose it balances it. /thought
Smaller, more tactical radius. Instead of blowing up the whole ****ing country, you blow up a city. Tactically. America. **** Yeah.
It's more that they use radioactive materials with very short half-lives, leading to the same old devastating explosion with little radioactive fallout. The American levels are so pro-military, and so pro- war, so if you play it and think "America, **** yea" then congratulations, your mind has been warped by a cd.