Writers' Bloc

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shock Theta, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Writers' Bloc

    Hello! Nice to meet you. This is one of those horribly serious threads that espouses commitment of time, engagement of the brain, and community interaction. But it's also going to be a lot of fun. If it sounds a little much for you right now, check in every so often and see what we're up to. If you do decide to take part, I recommend you subscribe to this thread as it isn't going to have quite the activity of some of the more fast paced threads in this board.


    "So what the hell is this all about?"

    Don't worry, I shan't keep you. In short, this is the beginnings of a community driven project to share our creative writing with each other; in turns to critique, compete and collaborate with our peers. Periodically I'll outline an activity involving the written word, and our task shall be to write towards that brief. Nothing has been predetermined as of yet, as I'd like to see what evolves out of the first batch of submissions and discussion.

    Session 1

    The first session doesn't have any set theme or particular goal. Write whatever you like, and post the final draft in this thread. Feel free to comment on others' work too, and/or simply discuss where we can go with this. The best submission will win something reasonably minor.


    • Minimum character limit (incl. spaces): 2,000
      • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis interdum, dui vel semper congue, ante nibh gravida magna, a lobortis tellus lectus non eros. Ut vitae bibendum justo. Nunc sed sapien vitae elit ultrices ornare ac nec eros. Nulla malesuada, nisl at pellentesque egestas, nibh tellus ullamcorper turpis, at tristique nisi ligula ut risus. Nullam placerat lorem ut purus dignissim semper. Mauris ut est eros. Aliquam tempus congue porttitor. Aliquam egestas eros mauris. Suspendisse sem tortor, laoreet vitae varius ac, lacinia id lectus. Maecenas scelerisque, urna non aliquam scelerisque, sem nisi ultrices sapien, eget pharetra magna turpis quis purus. Donec sapien turpis, venenatis non congue nec, congue pulvinar orci. Donec est velit, tempus a pulvinar sit amet, consequat sed felis. Mauris rhoncus nisi at libero facilisis bibendum. Donec vestibulum sollicitudin imperdiet. Vestibulum et eleifend velit.
        Morbi vehicula euismod enim at semper. Vivamus quis neque quam, vitae iaculis lacus. In erat urna, vulputate at gravida eget, bibendum et lectus. Aenean dapibus pellentesque enim at rutrum. Vestibulum et arcu felis. Donec ac orci non mauris rutrum faucibus et a libero. Integer ut augue justo, quis accumsan lorem. Praesent purus metus, consectetur id consequat non, placerat quis leo. Aenean id risus quis augue dictum congue. Ut fringilla, tellus rutrum ornare aliquam, lectus quam lacinia nulla, dignissim vehicula lectus est non ante. Morbi euismod, nibh non faucibus vestibulum, tellus mauris sollicitudin odio, interdum molestie urna metus nec ipsum. Phasellus laoreet sagittis orci, quis pulvinar nibh aliquet a. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus euismod lorem eget dolor dignissim dignissim. Maecenas nibh neque, laoreet ac ultricies bibendum, cursus id ante. Quisque laoreet metus vitae nibh aliquet venenatis. Morbi dapibus nisl vel mi malesuada vel pharetra felis ullamcorper. Sed nec massa mi, quis sodales turpis. Donec nullam sodales.
    • Maximum character limit (incl. spaces): 6,000
      • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed felis nisi, suscipit sed molestie eleifend, ultrices ut velit. Fusce congue nibh massa. Curabitur arcu eros, facilisis sed fringilla ut, hendrerit sodales orci. Praesent egestas molestie eros at placerat. Curabitur ut tellus at orci malesuada fringilla. Aliquam condimentum arcu sed ipsum lacinia lobortis. Nam ac congue enim. Aenean feugiat, lectus nec gravida semper, lorem leo ultricies felis, a egestas lorem leo quis erat. Integer molestie lacinia velit, vitae dignissim augue tristique id. Praesent sit amet egestas nibh. Donec laoreet urna at quam placerat placerat. Suspendisse pulvinar tellus in neque hendrerit non venenatis magna egestas. Suspendisse posuere odio sed elit pellentesque aliquam. Nullam non erat sapien. Ut nec est vitae odio placerat gravida. Donec a dui lectus. Aliquam pharetra, odio nec tristique euismod, ligula dolor tristique sapien, at interdum purus justo sit amet massa. Cras vitae nibh sed libero pretium vehicula. Phasellus venenatis malesuada mollis. Mauris placerat sapien ut dui malesuada convallis.
        Etiam sed purus nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum aliquet, lectus vel vehicula facilisis, arcu eros suscipit metus, vel sodales felis velit at diam. Ut commodo rutrum condimentum. Phasellus egestas porttitor hendrerit. Fusce rutrum posuere quam sed tincidunt. Nunc ullamcorper feugiat orci, ut mollis eros molestie at. Aenean suscipit mauris gravida nunc feugiat mollis. Cras eleifend, tortor et venenatis pellentesque, libero nunc ullamcorper nunc, quis molestie mauris purus id mi. Proin felis mi, dictum non egestas non, imperdiet et quam. Donec dapibus urna eget nunc auctor eu sodales orci vestibulum. Etiam facilisis, dui quis varius lacinia, dolor nisi dictum massa, eget tincidunt justo ante at lectus. Aliquam commodo convallis venenatis. Nullam risus augue, faucibus et convallis non, suscipit eget tellus. Donec et consequat nunc. Duis egestas odio ac justo blandit iaculis.
        Vivamus cursus pretium eros, dictum bibendum neque euismod nec. Nulla tortor tellus, volutpat sed commodo id, molestie quis metus. Duis id lectus magna, eget feugiat erat. Sed a ante libero, et semper est. Vivamus ut tortor velit. In sed arcu ut tortor gravida gravida sit amet et felis. Cras bibendum blandit viverra. Aenean vestibulum adipiscing urna et bibendum. Ut non sapien elit. Nulla porttitor tempor augue, et iaculis risus semper in. Ut est purus, elementum ut rhoncus quis, facilisis non metus.
        Nunc eu dui a ipsum ornare cursus et at tortor. Integer non ante sit amet nulla dapibus pharetra interdum eu mi. Suspendisse quis risus sem. Mauris sit amet lectus in felis placerat lobortis. Sed tristique lacus vel nisi pellentesque iaculis laoreet est egestas. Proin hendrerit auctor dignissim. Phasellus odio nunc, tincidunt ut tempor in, suscipit vitae tortor. Pellentesque libero nibh, convallis quis faucibus a, blandit a sem. Proin mollis semper metus, sit amet condimentum ipsum pulvinar sed. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus hendrerit est tristique eros faucibus elementum. Aenean quis nulla non quam faucibus faucibus in sed ipsum. Nunc sapien arcu, sagittis quis viverra ac, tempor ac mi.
        Nam ullamcorper, velit eget feugiat varius, enim eros fermentum elit, vel egestas risus dui a dolor. Mauris mollis lorem nec quam tincidunt eget consequat elit volutpat. Praesent vulputate urna sed erat commodo sit amet tincidunt purus tristique. In accumsan felis id tellus molestie bibendum. Vivamus in purus enim, in pretium dui. In in arcu eros. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut eget risus nunc. Integer et metus ut mauris tincidunt dignissim. In vehicula ullamcorper consectetur. Aliquam ac aliquet sem. Donec fringilla, lorem ac iaculis semper, nulla lacus pretium nisi, id gravida nunc felis id nibh. Mauris erat lorem, vulputate eu congue in, varius eu nunc. Integer euismod augue vel nibh auctor iaculis. Proin in odio lectus.
        Cras tortor purus, porttitor sed laoreet ut, varius quis felis. Nunc vitae nisl tellus, nec egestas dolor. Ut pretium porttitor lorem, sit amet consequat odio auctor ac. Duis euismod risus eu magna pellentesque porttitor. Donec sodales sem non est congue ultricies. Aliquam ultricies tortor faucibus magna luctus eu vulputate elit suscipit. Mauris dictum placerat libero commodo iaculis. In non tortor velit. Nullam sed libero velit, ac dapibus massa. Morbi gravida quam magna. Maecenas id nunc lectus, et varius lorem. Morbi faucibus enim non quam volutpat rutrum.
        In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In vitae dolor vel tortor egestas consequat id quis libero. Donec scelerisque risus ut urna dapibus fermentum. Donec sed accumsan nulla. Nam elementum venenatis convallis. Duis posuere lorem quis sem rutrum hendrerit. Sed lorem ante, ornare ac accumsan eget, tristique id tellus. Mauris sed felis vel mi pulvinar posuere. Pellentesque ultrices feugiat nulla, non sagittis orci ultricies quis. Aenean et hendrerit massa.
        Sed pulvinar augue leo, vel iaculis ligula. In blandit turpis et mi hendrerit volutpat. Phasellus quis magna nisi. Donec tempus tincidunt nisl, at imperdiet tortor tempus at. Mauris ut ipsum ut ligula tempor ultrices. Integer at lacus at libero rutrum blandit. Pellentesque libero sapien, sagittis et porta varius, gravida eu erat. Praesent tincidunt consequat dictum. Nullam malesuada cursus lectus nec gravida. Mauris mattis rutrum diam, id scelerisque sem eleifend id. Ut interdum tellus non felis pulvinar imperdiet.
        Nullam interdum urna sed purus pulvinar ut tempor tellus suscipit. Nulla et libero malesuada massa fringilla venenatis vel non tortor. Proin vitae lacus purus, quis vestibulum lectus. Sed ut turpis orci, ut vulputate tellus. Sed pharetra feugiat nunc in cursus. Vestibulum mollis risus et libero tincidunt posuere. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla sit amet sed.
    • The character limits aren't hard and fast rules, but try to sit your work somewhere between the two extremes. They should be pitched about right for a short story, but if you have a poem or other work that doesn't reach the minimum, or a longer passage that exceeds the maximum, don't worry - go ahead and post! This first session is about defining where we want to take this, so anything is welcome.
    • There's no deadline yet - we'll decide that amongst ourselves what is reasonable based on how many people are interested, and how long it takes to produce our material.

    Let's see where this takes us!

  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Excellent. I just finished up a poem for my writing class, but I'd like to continue getting more criticism on it.

    #2 Nemihara, Oct 15, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2009
  3. SmokinWaffle

    SmokinWaffle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Can we scan stuff into this thread?

    I got a lot of stuff I've wrote that I don't care to type up.
  4. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can see why that guy stuck a gun down is throat.
    Aside from the few word changes outlined, that poem is pretty damn near perfect. Well, it doesn't use all the techniques available in poetry, but poems don't have to. Hopefully noone will say "Needz moar similiz."
    #4 noklu, Oct 16, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2009
  5. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've had this idea on my head for a while now. I want to announce to everyone here that I am not racist and if this is offensive to anyone I'll gladly take it down. All races have their similarities and differences, in the case I'll be talking about the differences, specifically the Negro race. It seems to me that people that have a close relation to African people are generally, made, adapted for physical work. Now at this point you're smashing your keyboard in with hate, but just sit tight and read.

    Where I came up with my theory, would be the examination of the differences between the Negro race and te others. Let me start off on the hair, swimmers shave their head to be more aero dynamic. The Negro race has generally brittle, thick hair that if not treated with special care will become dry and break off, therefore is usually found short. In turn making them more aero dynamic, which is needed in more physical activities then any, work.

    Now for me to start talking about the nasal passages. When you do more work your body tends to want more oxygen. Through common sence we can say bigger nostrils will we able to send more oxygen to the lungs then smaller nostrils found on most other races. The majority of the Negro race has somewhat larger nostrils then others, easier to take in oxygen and have a higher duration of work.

    I have other points on the subject, but the rules are restricting me a bit. So I'll end this with one more, the Negro race seems to have an extra step in the physical shape of others. From examination and close speculation, almost everyone could say a Negro person would be faster, in tune with the strength of their legs. It's certain that the more fit and stronger you are, the faster and more efficient the work will be done. And that pretty much sums up three points on why I believe the Negro race was generally adapted and genetically made for physical work.
    #5 CaMOfo, Oct 16, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2009
  6. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So, I just got through writing a business-type letter asking for help on my fundraising for my trip to Virginia. Since this is open to any writing I thought I'd see what you guys think. So here we go:


    Dear Neighbors,

    As you probably know, I have been fundraising to go to the National Jamboree next summer with the Boy Scouts of America. I am well on my way to reaching my goal of $3,500 dollars but, I’m not there yet. I still have a large sum to raise and, again, I need your help.

    I have contacted the Shares Card program and received 250 cards to distribute to people. The way this works is when you go on your normal run to the store to grab whatever it is you need have the cashier scan the card and a percentage of your purchase will go toward my trip to Virginia. There are only four stores that you can use this on, however. Save Mart, Smart Foods, Food Max, and Lucky are these stores. Unfortunately Food Max and Save Mart are the only stores in the local area but, what ever money I get helps.

    I will also include some extra cards which I hope you will pass on to your friends and family. Even if one only contributes dollars it will still help reach my goal.

    Our jamboree troop is well on its way to becoming a fully functioning unit to tour the east coast and participate in the many activities the Jamboree has to offer. I have been selected to lead my troop and I look forward to this wonderful experience I have been presented with.

    Thank you for your support

    Ryan Jones

    If you have any objections to me posting this, or you don't think its appropriate, just let me know. I will take it down.
    #6 RedNeck, Oct 18, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2009
  7. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, well! My idea has been brought to fruition.

    Dull roars of those lions overhead shuddered the window as a streak of lightning raced between two clouds. Bolts of waters streamed down, pelting against everything, creating a symphony of splashes dancing about the city. But rain was the least of the problems that needed attention. For within that orchestra of water there lied a chaos of crashes and explosions and gunfire, distorting the music and making a piece that few delighted in listening to.

    Up above it all, a man, a simple human male, watched the roads through his foggy window, waiting, sitting in anticipation a moment of opportunity to show his worth. Ever since being forced to warfare, he hadn't a single showcase to pride himself on, unlike every one of his partners in combat. He was bloodthirsty, savage and ready to fire when it needed to be done. But he couldn't get a shot.

    He never could.

    Always being put away, above, and out of place due to his skill. His partners loathed him, and shunned him, and his commanders made him stay out of harm so he could perform his ability without excess distraction. A sharpshooter, they called him. More like an artist. None of his shots at base camp missed. None of his shots were awful or even mild. They were perfect.

    And so he was placed away until that time came. A savage, vengeance-filled soul that needed just one to be satisfied, but couldn't even receive that.

    The lions roared again, and they were joined by the cackle of machine guns and the deep basses of artillery. Yes, there were tanks prowling this shattered carcass of metal and stone that used to be a metropolis. But insurgents and their opposition that was the United States caused it to fall into despair and misery, which led to complete abandonment and military control.

    A huge explosion rocked the skyscraper, surprising the man and shaking him from his thoughts, compelling him to the road below once more. He watched as a group of his own company rushed across only to be mowed down by a hidden turret. He could tell the general location of it, but not discern how far into the building it was.

    Looking about, he saw there were fragmentation grenades, along with other useless - to him, anyway - weaponry. He picked one up, and eyed it with... well, suspicion, really, but why he could not say. Laying down his rifle and opening thwwindow, he plucked the flimsy holding pin from the orb, and simply hurled it down the thirty stories to the other side of the street, where it exploded with a heart-warming thud and flash.

    A crater appeared, and even though he could not hear the cries, there were shouts below, and the distraction allowed four more soldiers to rush unscathed. They returned outside in mere moments, two carrying the heavy mini-gun, and continued down the road with their six companions.

    Applauding himself, the man picked up his rifle, but immediately dropped it when a crack split the air, and he ducked, somehow missing the bolt that slammed into the concrete above him. He calculated, picked up his rifle again, and peeked over the rim of his perch slowly, and was rewarded with the blurry silhouette of a man four stories below him, a fellow sniper that happened to be on the wrong side of the war.

    The man sighed and moved to the left to another window, opened it, stuck his rifle over the sill, aimed, and waited. He wanted the shooter down there to recognize he was about to die. Water poured over the barrel of his gun and rim of his hat, creating little pools in the small indents on the sill and wetting his boots. None of it mattered, though, for he had finally found a target and was ready to blow him out of this life.

    A streak of lightning flashed across the gloomy sky, illuminating the whole of the street for but a few moments. He saw the man below in sketched detail in those short seconds, expecting to see scared features, but was met with steeled, rugged ones, hungry for the kill and ready for it, too. But he also saw confusion, and rightly so.

    Thirty more seconds passed, and in those thirty seconds, the man took five, steady breaths. At thirty-one seconds, the sniper below looked to the left and saw him, and widened his open eye. But that distraction was his downfall, for a small iron bullet sailed three hundred feet to pierce the eye and exit the man's skull, thudding with a nice sound into the ground below.

    The man above wept.
  8. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That is unusual. It leaves me with a sense of wanting to know more. Why did he weep? Why does everyone hate him? It can't be because he is so good. Then people would respect him.

    I guess that it is a compliment in that I enjoyed enough to want to know more. But, you've thrown in some details which you haven't explained to the reader, like why America is involved. You could just say it is Iraq or Afghanistan. Also when the bullet misses the protagonist perhaps a detail about it smashing through the window. Small things, I know, but small things make up the larger picture.

    I must say you have created the atmosphere of urban warfare quite well, and the reader can see a little into the character, although the characters are pretty one dimesional right now. Although, that can not really be helped due to th shortness of short stories. But one can still insert a sentence here, another there about other things about the sniper. Also, I demand some kind of title.
  9. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ha, I just made that up on the spot.

    They despise him because they cannot beat him.

    And thank you. I don't think I shall be making more, however, of that story.

    I'll try writing more when I have time.
  10. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, maybe just make things a bit clearer, like saying he wept with happiness (i think it's happiness). And I don't think you can do too much more of that story anyway.
  11. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No, he cried because he was horrified with what he had been longing to do. He finally did do it, but the realization made him crestfallen.
  12. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Where's the love, people? 3 weeks, no entries. I find this ashaming.
  13. The God of Grunge


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    As a newcomer to the city, I never felt quite comfortable leaving my apartment. Even walking down the common hall was an ardueous process for me, because I was always nervous of running into another tenant, and being forced into an unwelcomed exchange of small talk. Although some people may simply nod away such a formality, I do value common manners, despite my real feelings.

    If I did manage to reach the front door, then came the task of opening it. Every time I would grasp the doorknob with the intent of opening the attached door, I would begin to fathom what I might find on the other side. I would stand on my toes to peer through the peephole. Even if nothing was on the other side, I would still spend a good amount of time scouring the front porch with my vision, checking any place I could to avoid being ambushed with a formality.

    If I did manage to reach the porch, then the sheer size of the buildings outside, towering over my 2 story complex, started my heart pounding in my chest. I would crane my neck until I could finally see the tops of these great behemoths. I would then look down the length of these buildings until my gaze rested on the alleywatys between them. Surely people waited in them, in the shadows of those great buildings, with nothing but the intent of attacking me into an unsolicited interaction. The mere thought of the possibilty of this occuring would frighten me so that I would stand on the porch for hours, or, in more extreme cases, retreat back into my apartment.

    If I did manage to leave the porch, walking down the dingy streets to the square became a whole new challenge. Every time I passed another pedestrian, I would wince and brace myself for the superficial greeting that I always suspected to come. Sometimes I went as fas as to pretend to be a busy and deep into a task to avoid a verbal greeting. I would mutter nonsense under my breath and continueously check my watch, so that when another man saw me, they would think I was a businessman rushing to an engagement. Laws of ettiqute state that one should only nod at the businessman, for a even a quick conversation may hold him up.

    If I did manage to reach the square, well, at that point my nerves were so wracked that I had already forgotten my errand. I would turn and start to hurry away, down the streets, back to my apartment. Surely this sight conveyed madness to onlookers, but I could no longer care about my appearence. The only thoughts I had were fear of what could happen at the square, and regret for making the journey.

    Of course, this situation is entirely hypothetical. I've never left my apartment.
  14. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Y'know battle can really change a man. It can bring out character that a man never knew he had. It can also scar him so badly that his soul leaves him. I think that's what happened to my first sergeant.

    He wasn't a terrible man by most respects. He knew what a man could and couldn't do. He just didn't care about life anymore. He wanted to die.

    I remember one time when he took the dead body of one of their soldiers and slumped it over the top of his foxhole. He somehow managed to get one of their flags and draped it over the body. So, he just starts ****in' it. Some of the boys even cheered him. Well that just pissed 'em off. They started shelling us during that ceasefire. We lost a lot of good men.

    As sick as the sight was, I just couldn't help but think he was probably a pretty good lover. About an hour after dark a sniper picked him off while he was lighting up. I guess he got his wish.
  15. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The dark thoughts transpose
    As the mind drifts into an endless sleep of awareness.
    Dark feelings visit me at my solitude
    Beckoning me to do an action oh so reckless.
    My chest expands as a I draw a breathe in,
    The fleeting darkness dissipates.
    My solitude is every hour of every day,
    I sit in my skin only to be interrupted by humans.
    I pity them, there trivial pursuits of happiness,
    There is only one logical outcome for all of them. Death.
    The dark thoughts drift though time and space,
    Only to be returned to normalcy.
  16. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Coup de Fadre

    Together now are we
    Joy and ecstasy
    Never ending Hope

    Perfect vision dove
    Hold me like a glove
    Brutal honesty
    You’ll have all of me

    Heart that never sees
    A moment of breeze
    Rushing gale like storm
    Nothings like the norm

    It is all so new
    Emotions for you
    Stopping in my chest
    Seizing in my breast

    Somniferous enlightened eyes of blue
    Not threaten’d never fear your eulogy
    Long staring through the vicarious view
    Hear scant the villainy of blasphemy
    She burns for life, the odor, struck across
    The pure of heart and soul mistrust their light
    A man of faith atones as judgment knocks
    So intertwined with fate which logic block

    So don’t e’er sacrament time ne’er to fade
    The polymorphic omnipotent vice
    Disastrous then fatal hope; a blade
    By two and sharp to lead the blind by dice
    Loquacious din to lead a mind astray
    When all hope go ‘way, look to sky and pray

    At first its sweet annex; never ending And then it’s soon a mess; we’re descending Deep into a pit of immortality Two sit and watch as we all learn to bleed Lie and cry, truth be told, and in a sense We cut and raped each other’s innocence We stop and gape One binds with One Eleven make It all undone.
    At start its wonderful; the beginning At part its horrible; documenting The loss of all I cared for in this world I’m stuck Alone on my own, Truth –behold- The pain it stops my heart and wrecks calm seas The pain is gone from you? Oh please, oh please… We stop and stare One binds with One Eleven scare This Hell away

    So why can’t you all just leave me Alone?

    Coup de Fadre (part one)
    Lament of Fate (part two)
    Alone (part three)
    #16 Jex Yoyo, Jun 9, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2010
  17. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Soft winds sweep slowly,
    O'er cities sleeping silent,
    Washing sickness safely up,
    High above, in streams of sky.

    Brown trails criss-cross the sky,
    Ever present, always deadly.
    We take and take, never returning.
    The sky cannot take our sickness.

    Plumes of death rise from cities,
    While we natter in damned committees,
    Sickness spreads, ever evil.
    The sky cannot take our evil.

    Soft winds weep slowly,
    O'er cities dying silent.
    Seeping sickness slowly down, from
    High above, from streams of sky.

    Weeping high above, are streams of sky,
    Watching down as our human cities die.

    I've written some more stuff in my blog, \/\/\/\/.

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