
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Aftershock 10, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    Created by "aAftershock"


    - - -​


    Revelation, although it is the sequel to Absolution, is designed in a completely new way, with four separate parts.

    You can complete the four parts in any order you like.

    This map is designed not to be frustrating, tedious or repetetive. I have tried to make the puzzles as varied, fun and interesting as possible, so there is sure to be something for everyone :).


    The objective is to reach the oddball on your own. You do this by destroying the grav lifts at the end of each of the levels. Once you have destroyed all four, you can reach the oddball from the hub.

    This works because in the hub there is a corridor, at the end of which is the oddball, but there are four damaged columns blocking this corridor, and these are held up by the four grav lifts. Once you destroy all four grav lifts, these damaged columns no longer block the way, and you can reach the oddball. This allows you to do the four levels in any order you want :).


    • An original system, that allows you to complete the map in any order you like.
    • A way to commit suicide/ return to the hub from any point in the map, so you will never get stuck if you want to try a different level.
    • Four levels of varying difficulty...
      - Red level (the easiest level)
      - Blue level (the hardest level)
      - Crypt level (takes place mostly in the crypt)
      - Sky level (takes place mostly in the sky bubble.
    • 7 hidden plasma pistols, and 1 hidden plasma rifle. (The plasma pistols are quite easy to get, the plasma rifle is very very hard to get).
    • Smooth forging and awesome aesthetics.
    • No ghost jumps, turret clips or very hard tricks. This is a puzzle map not a jump map :).
    • No hidden objects, this map is about figuring out what you have to do with the objects you have, not about finding some random hidden weapon or vehicle.
    • The gametype is REQUIRED!
    • I have not designed this map to be rediculously hard.
    • This map is designed for one person, but it can still be fun for multiple people, although having more than one person will make some challenges easier to complete.
    • There are no decoys or red herrings, everything is useful for something.
    • There are death teleporters that are used to return to the hub if you get stuck. These are usually only just sticking out of the wall, so you know they're there and so it's hard to enter them by accident.
    • This my favourite one of all my maps :D. It's also my longest.

    The hub

    A second view of the hub

    The first room of the red level

    The first room of the blue level

    The end of the crypt level

    The end of the sky level

    A room in the blue level

    A room in the sky level

    Another room in the sky level

    A room in the blue level

    The end of the red level

    A room in the sky level

    A room in the crypt level

    Another room in the red level

    The first room of the crypt level

    Item lists, hints and help

    The items listed are the ones you need to complete each challenge.

    The Red Level
    1. Mongoose
    2. Mongoose, Overshield, Custom Powerup
    3. Deployable Cover
    4. Grav Lift, Deployable Cover [teabag the wall to reach the death teleporter]
    5. Sentinel Beam (DESTROY GRAV LIFT)
    6. Mongoose (RETURN TO HUB)
    The Blue Level
    1. Active Camo, Deployable Cover
    2. Machine Gun Turret
    3. Mongoose [Try not to splatter yourself]
    4. Radar Jammer, Plasma Cannon
    6. Mongoose, Overshield, Machine Gun Turret x3 (RETURN TO HUB)
    The Sky Level
    1. Sword, Battle Rifle [You can enter both teleporters by jumping]
    2. Grav Lift
    3. Fuel Rod Gun, Pallet
    4. Mongoose, Needler
    5. Sniper Rifle (DESTROY GRAV LIFT)
    6. Sniper Rifle (RETURN TO HUB)
    The Crypt Level
    1. Golf Ball
    2. Sniper Rifle, Flamethrower
    3. Plasma Cannon, Needler
    4. Battle Rifle
    5. Kill Ball, Bubble Shield, Pallet, Custom Powerup [Beating down 8 times marks about 9.5 seconds]
    7. Power Drain (RETURN TO HUB)

    Mander A1

    Final Comment

    This may well be my last solo puzzle map on halo 3, depending on whether i think up enough new ideas, and have enough time, but i will definitely forge group projects.

    Talking of group projects, the paradox forgers' latest map Paradox Origins should hopefully come out soon, and it features some insane puzzles and rediculous aesthetics. It is definitely one to look forward to.

    If anybody beats this map, finds the plasma pistols and plasma rifle, or finds any breaks. Please let me know. Thanks :D

    #1 Aftershock 10, Sep 13, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2009
  2. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Aftershock, this map is genuis. Hopefully I don't find any breaks when I give it another playtest today though, or you may have to do a v2. I really like the unique layout of this map, and the aesthetics are some of the best I've seen yet. It's just too bad this is is being released around the same time as Mind Crypt, it looks like we're going to be in competition with eachother :)
    A solid 5/5 from me though

    TH4 IMMIGR4NT Ancient
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    It is confusing, I'm trying to get the blok out of the way in the second part o the red room. However, it seems like an awesome map with very great puzzles so far and very good looking, I'll give a 10/5
  4. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Just downloaded and played. Didnt finish it though. In fact, the aesthetics are so good I almost stopped halfway through just to stare at something epic that was created. This map has good enough aesthetics, you dont even need to play it to like it. Even better though, its entertaining enough that you must finish it. This is definately your best puzzle map so far. Cant wait for the special paradox map you mentioned...
  5. dontknowme42

    dontknowme42 Ancient
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    i beat it woot crypt part took me the longest thought all the other parts were easy good job again mr you
  6. TecH

    TecH Ancient
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    Aftershock, I love this map!! Haven't quite beaten it yet but I will, thanks for all the help you gave me earlier to :-D Wish you the best of luck with this map!!!
  7. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    Thanks guys :D. If anyone needs any help then just say where you are stuck, and i might be able to give you a hint :), but try looking at the item list first, it can be very helpful.

    Another note... it's not meant to be the hardest puzzle in the world, its meant to be changelling enough to be rewarding when you complete a challenge, but not so challenging that you'll be stuck in the same room forever. That is also why you can complete it any order, so if you get stuck, just kill yourself and try a different part of the map.

    I'd also like to know how many people have completed it/ found some plasma pistols/ found all plasma pistols + rifle.

    Thanks :)
  8. GreG

    GreG Ancient
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    Hey Aftershock, its greg. Once again a great map, perfect forgering, and i found nothing wrong with the map on my way to getting the oddball last night. 100/5!!! Cant wait to play the paradox forgers map coming out soon.
  9. Verto1

    Verto1 Ancient
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    100/5... lol

    Awesome map Aftershock, i really liked some of the aesthetics in it, and some of the puzzle were really good, except the one with the pallet and the kill ball, didnt really like that one much. Looking at the hint would probably have helped a lot tho lol.

    I just gotta do the blue section now. 5/5.
  10. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Ancient
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    WOW! This looks very very challenging, even for someone who knows puzzles very well. I don't even know where to start on any of those puzzles, especially the sky level ones. I'm defiantly going to try this and watch myself and friends FAIL at completing it. Great Job Aftershock 10, this is a definite map for every puzzle lover. Keep it up all Paradox Forgers, you guys make AMAZING puzzles. - 10/10

    - Reincarnation

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
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    I like many aspects of this map, I think you made a good choice on building your hub the way you did. It seems to be aesthetically pleasing, and it offers more of options like multiple choices, like completing challenges in order you like. You had a good batch, of nice challenges although some were similar to previous concepts I seen. Also this map had good length, makes for a fun adventure. Puzzle after puzzle they are coming way faster than I think anyone could solve them. Overall another enjoyable map by aftershock, keep up the great work.
  12. Creech n Spawn

    Creech n Spawn Ancient
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    For me, I mostly liked the style of the map over the challenges in this map. I know you said you weren't go for the most challenging map, but for me when I play a puzzle map I want to get a challenging map. The aesthetics however I don't think are as good as everyone says, but they are still top notch. One thing I have noticed is that you use tube pieces a lot in your map, leading to some unique pathways, and quicker forging.

    My favorite puzzle in the map had to be the flamethrower room, it seemed like the most original challenge and most thought out challenge. But yeah, very unique puzzle mpa. 7.5/10.
  13. Dont

    Dont Ancient
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    This is an unbelievable map! I really liked the layout of it, and though I was showed through it, I still had fun doing the challenges. You struck a fine balance between aesthetics and challenges throughout the map, and I am left with only one complaint. It is that you had some challenges that I've seen before from you, and some challenges that were really hard to do, which puts me off from playing the map again. Still, it's a minor flaw in the masterpiece- 9/10!
  14. Jesus

    Jesus Ancient
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    First off, I would like to apologize if this is necro-posting. I would hope not, since this thread was only on the second page.

    Anyways, sorry Aftershock this took me so long. I have been busy with school and other personal matters; so really, I have only played Halo once or twice the past couple months.

    This puzzle, which took me surprisingly forever to complete, is now definitely in my top 3. I found that the challenges were all unique, without repeats. I liked that I could complete each section of the map at my own pace, rather than being infinitely suck at one part. In fact, I often found myself waiting for something to reset while completing another part. The challenges were very straightforward, which was nice for me because I knew where to go and what to do that with, however not how to get there. This is really how a puzzle should work.

    The blue section took me the longest, naturally. I really only had continual trouble with the first and last challenges though. I loved the creativity incorporated into those! Of course, I was blown away by the aesthetics. Although I try not to take those into account when judging a puzzle, they definitely add a pleasurable effect. Nice job on the construction.

    I'm pretty sure I found a minor break in the map during the red section; however it made little difference since I really didn't skip out on much.

    Sadly, I only found two plasma pistols on my first journey through the map. I plan on going back to look for them though, when I have time. I found the plasma rifle too, and I know the steps involved on how to get it, but I just quite can't get there! Nice job on these though, it adds an extra challenge and re-playability, which I like.

    Unfortunately, I wouldn't be writing a proper review if I didn't have some minor criticisms. Really, though, I have few, and they are picky. Some of the challenges I found frustrating only because I knew how to do them, it just took me forever to do so. Particularly the first puzzle in the blue section, which was a race against time for me. Also, the last puzzle in the sky section took me some time; I kept exploding the mongoose!

    Overall, I spent many hours figuring out all the challenges, and I was never disinterested, so that was awesome. Some of the challenges are pure genius, how you came up with them I don't know. By far my favorite map of yours, I give it a final rating: 9/10

    P.S. Play this if you haven't already! And don't give up when you can't figure something out, it will come to you eventually.
  15. Kinrex

    Kinrex Forerunner
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    could hang a video? to know how to end the level? is k follow the instructions i can not get spend-it x3

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