Playing the L4D 2 demo was a blast, but when getting into random party’s I’ve been hearing plenty of “they should have kept THE L4D survivors !!!” or “Theses guys are way better then L4D 1 people” Personally I’m in favor of the L4D 1 Survivors, if you could pick the 4 characters that would you would star in L4D 2 who would it be and which group do you like better? I like L4D 1 characters but this would be my group Zoey Nick Coach Bill
Both had a colorful cast of your typical post-zombie-apocalyptic characters. While I can say I have favourites from each, I can't say one group was better.
And you just had to type in black to piss everyone off? Haven't really played L4D1, but I played L4D2 demo. They seem like a colorful bunch, but I don't really care about their back stories and personalities.
I have a favorite character just like many others, but which group is better is a tough decision. We've come to love the first cast and their funny moments. I enjoy the original character's lines much more than the new lines, but we haven't played the full version of the new game yet. I'm willing to give the second group a better chance, but so far I really, really don't like Rochelle. She's annoying and I believe doesn't have one funny line so far. I feel the new group is also a bit too serious for my taste, needs more jokes, lines that are a bit more fun.
Not having played L4D2 yet, I can't really say. However, just from a personal standpoint, I can say that the original survivors seem like a much more diverse, original set of characters than these newer survivors.
I like to use the female characters, Zoey and Rochelle. What Valve should do is allow players to unlock the characters from the first game in L4D2, or at least unlock them through DLC. That would be cool...