Alright i cant go on the internet and xbl at the same time, and i have to constantly unplug my modem to switch from live to the internet. Why is this? do i need a router or somthing?
i had a "work switch" thing. my family thought it work. it did not. thank you i shall get a router when my xbox returns hone. edit: alright. more questions. you may not be able to help but what router would you recomend. I live in a 2 story house, and im going to move my xbox into my room on the 2nd floor, but its almost just above my computer, so thats where the router would be. i would prefer a wired router tho.
Get a router, and just get another Ethernet chord. Plug your computer into the modem and xbox into the router. Thats how mine is and Ethernet is better than the expensive wireless.
Yep Switchs won't work, if you need a cheap router go for a linksys or belkin the thing is you can use and set up settings
Get a really long ethernet cord and run it along your walls upstairs to your room. I think you can get it inside your walls if you have wood walls, I have solid cement, unfortunately. So I have this ugly blue cord running along the floor to my game room.
alright thanks. are wireless or or wired routers better. im not talking about the convenience of not having a cord. i mean lag and such. or are they the same?
I have both a wireless "official" Xbox adapter and a Dynex G+ wireless router. I rarely, if ever, attain lag while playing with my friends. Then again, I also have a really good internet speed. Although when I join random games, other peoples connections are able to slow me down. Anyways, I would have to say it doesn't matter because lag is inescapable on both types of connection due to other players.
would you recomend this : NETGEAR - Wireless-G Router with Built-in DSL Modem - DG834GNA snd waht does it mean by having a built in dsl modem? im not tech savvy lol
**** that. Drill through your floor (in your room) into your basement around your computer, and fish them up through there.
**** idk if this will work. i have a cable modem right now, so that means i cant use a dsl one instead. correct?
Guys stop going, R GET ROUTER IT BE BETTER! Right explain your situation a bit better. What is your current setup for your xbox, computer and modem? Is your xbox next to your computer or is it at the other side of the house? & If next to computer why is it you cannot connect to the internet on your xbox and computer at same time. &@ Falius, please keep your posts longer than 3 words.
Okay, right now i have a motorola surfboard cable modem that came from the cable company. my xbox is right next to my computer. i run the ethernet cable into a linksys 5 port workgroup switch, this was my problem. i thought that would do the same thing as a router. anyway, i then ran cords from the switch to the comp and xbox. What i want to do is move my xbox to the next floor, so i want a wireless router that can handle that. And i was looking at the netgear i mentioned above, but it says it has a built in dsl modem, so does that mean i couldnt use it because we get the internet through the cable?