Basically like Photoshop but watered down. Good if you don't want to go all out and get photoshop. Instant Eye-Dropper Instant Eyedropper: Identify HTML-color code from any pixel of the screen with single-click and auto paste it to the clipboard A handy tool to find out any HTML color code anywhere. Useful in many projects. - Home Blender is a free 3D modeling program. When I went on a tour of the EA offices in Richmond (I won a contest), Blender was recommended to me and the rest of the group by one of the modelers there. He said if we couldn't afford something like 3DS Max (The 3D modeling program used to make every Halo game) we should download it. I took a class with it and it works pretty well. It's available for Mac and PC.
Oh, another free unzipping program is 7 Zip. 7 Zip And my personal favorite extractor is Extract Now. It's what I use all the time. Extract Now
Fraps - Screen capturing software CeltX - Pretty useful script formatting software Evernote - Web journal thing. Useful for writers.
I haven't tried this out but it looks pretty decent Double Cad ...probably could be listed under 3D design
CAD is computer aided design. That's probably either 2D or 3D design to help architects, engineers, etc.
3dCombine 3dcombine is a cool one I've been playing with. It converts 2d pictures and video into 3d. You need at least a pair of those red/blue 3d glasses, but the effect is pretty cool. Maybe make a cool 3d open shot for a map post. Using Halo 3 you could make even more effective 3d images by taking two screen shots form a slightly different angle to simulate the distance between your eyes. Try it out. Official company blurb: 3DCombine allows you to create 3D photos and videos from 2D ones and output them in any 3D format you want. It comes with information on viewing different types of 3D image and a tutorial with sample photos to get you started. You don't need any special equipment or camera skills, if your pictures aren't perfect 3DCombine can correct them for you. Alternatively, use 3DCombine to manipulate and display existing 3D images including batch converting between 3D formats. 3DCombine
Updated, once again. This thread is the only reason I visit anymore though. That and the funny picture thread in OT.
For p2p put up Peerblock. It protects you from anti-p2p organizations while your torrenting. If your not using it, your going to get caught. PeerBlock ? Peerblock Site Don't torrent without Peerblock.
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Its a bit cheesy but you can make your own .sb games and animations with it and theres a load of tutorials and you can import images comes with background editors and stuff Scratch | Home | imagine, program, share