i personally dont want any more remakes from bungie, because each remake gets progressively more dissapointing. blackout and avalanche are garbage. bungies always been bad at remakes, the h2 remake of h1's hang em high was pretty bad, so was longest when it was turned into elongation. about the only thing they have done right is the blood gultch/coagulation/valhalla progression. however, i would be really happy if midship was ported 100% unaltered into h3.
some maps like relic or headlong would work as remakes. others like the halo 1 maps and some smaller halo 2 maps just dont work with halo 3 weapons, and how powerfull they are/were compared to halo 3 it all comes down to the fact that bungie chooses the worst remakes
i would have to strongly disagree with your opinion of sidewinder- it may not have the same tunnels-but the old 1 was easy to cheat on CTF, that is why they changed the tunnel system-because you could throw your flag into your base from across the map. and avalanche is actually only lacking one thing- the hornets should have a single rocket button- it doesnt have to have double missles, but it could have atleast 1 to match against the banshee bomb. and i would love to see blood gulch/coagulation- but Vallhalla would be far too simalar, they would have made coagulation, but they felt that players hated how open and flat it was (i didnt mind, i loved its flatness) and Valhalla is just coagulation with more cover, a rock, different weapon placement and different senery(river etc) the only reason cold storage isnt successful is because it lacks forge abilitys-and who cares, it was free-its worth it! and im sure people would complain if sand trap was deleted, it is the cover up for coagulation, its flat and open. i would love to see relic remade- i dont care if it is the same exactly, even theme, maybe a graphic improvement, that would be great!
Hell with it. I'd like all the maps remade. They were all good and memorable. Then we would have a great selection of maps.
first off those were amazing maps. anyway, technically coag/blood is vahalla. just a more grown version of it. a few changes, and this is just my opinion. it has the same river formation, what use to be a dried pathway. similar caves where the new ones are, bases, its pretty damn close. but i would love that map again, it was my favorite, and i have no idea what bungie was thinking when they didnt make a more exact version of it. it was basically the only map i played on then, and i have to resort to halo ce to get the same buzz blood/coag gave me, which on the computer is... not so good.
That had a lot of cusing but anyways i want Relic That one map with the truth statue, Terminal, coagulation
I would love to see Headlong remade!! I wouldn't want it f**ked up like Blackout though because that would just be a waste. I am eager to see if they remade any maps in Mythic. I would also love to see an Ascension remake. I would say Sanctuary but that has already kind of sort of been remade as Ghost Town. They are just slightly similar but not too much. On the other hand, though, I don't really want to see remakes. I want to see new maps that are amazing and fun to play on. Bungie always messes up the re-makes so what makes you think that will change? Sure, the old maps are fun to play but maybe something new would be even better!
Ahhhh ... as soon as i saw the title of this thread i thought of Relic. Its one of the best Halo multiplayer maps ever. It goes hand in hand with Foundation as one of my all-time favourite.
Yes! But there were a lot of issues, such as the center of the map never getting any action. Also the banshee should be a hornet, and there should be two of them. Relic has similar gameplay, but this map has a lot less camping then relic, and there's close to no spawn killing. Ice fields would be a good one, but if it were mixed with containment it would be even better. Ice fields had a tendency to be confusing.
Ice Fields would be pretty nice too. Both that and Death Island have a nice balance and use of vehicle and on-foot action.
^UBER ****ING BUMP^ now that this is alive again, i think that bungie should, just for the hell of it, remake every single halo CE map and put it into 2-4 DLC's. these DLC's would be combinable so that you could choose which 3-4 maps you wanted in your DLC. EXAMPLE:i want BG, Sidewinder, and (>>)Timberland (<<OOOH I WANT THIS ONE REMADE) but then i change my mind and want to switch Sidewinder for rat race before i download, so i do! yayz.
they should just remake everyone and make it 1 huge map pack for 1600 points i would buy it for sure im prettey every other halo fan would
I Think Bungie will be putting Blood Gulch in sometime near the future. It's just to popular of a map to miss IMO.
Pretty much all the halo 2 maps, they were basically perfect. Especially Terminal, that map is definitely top 5 all time.