I still am designing "The Pit" as a remake. Most people want to delete stuff off of The Pit. But then I thought "Guardian". No One hasnt dont that yet. At least not really that accuratly. Then Halo:CE's "Boarding Action". Some people enjoy BTB, Besides Most Boarding Action Remakes are in foundry. And Suck. But I cant descide, So I'm letting you the fans of forgehub.com to descide what remake should I make. The choice is yours. Make it a good one. Here's some others I though of: "The Pit" "Guardian" "Boarding Action" "Narrows" "Alpha Site" You Descide! I make and Release. Also Anyone thinking "Alpha Site, WTF That ODST."? Yes, I know but It may make an awesome 5v5 Slayer map. My opioion: Boarding Action: 25% Guardian: 25% Narrows: 25% and Alpha Site: 25%. But I need More opioions. Thanks Forgehub, P.S. Check Out and Sign In on ODST Multiplayer Beta Test Forum. If anyone wanted Multiplayer In ODST. (Includes Halo 1 Pistol) Heres The Link: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/testers-guild/90427-odst-multiplayer-map-rooftops.html
Isolation. I think Isolation is pretty fun when it is Team BRs, other than that its too boring. A remake of isolation would be great if revised a little bit to fit in with other competitive gametypes.
IN my opinion dont do a remake of a map weve already got on halo 3. Remake one of the Halo 1/2 maps. And isolation is already the gayest map that bungie ever came up with. Doing a remake would make it worse
Why remake a map thats already in Halo 3? You should make either Alpha Site or a map from Halo CE/Halo 2
I agree, Halo:CE/ Halo 2 Maps or Alpha Site should only be up there. But I wanted a vareity. "you should make a totally original map rather then copying Bungie's designs". Oh I'm sorry but this is a REMAKE forum. Not a regular Map Idea. if you want to help, Help others are forge discussion. This Map REMAKE. (There it is Nice and BOLD) is only gonna have 5. I though it was easy yesterday, But thats when I was High on Candy. So yeah now theres 5. So if you voted Isolation Vote something else. Just write it in the comment box. The Poll ends in 6 hours.
Isolation! I think the "idea" of the map is good, but Bungie ruinied it by adding the trees and rocks. Isolation would be sick as an Arena Like Map
Boarding Action for sure. Ever since Sandbox's sky bubble was revealed, people have been talking about Boarding Action remakes, but honestly, there hasn't been a good one yet. But whatever map you do end up remaking, I wish you luck. Also, and Isolation remake would suck. Making the hills and the underground part just wouldn't work with Sandbox's blocky-ness.
Im not talking about forging Isolation how it is. Make it a Arena Style Map, no hills hor trees. Take the 2 leveld concept with the underground bases, just take everything that is good on Isolation, keep out the Hills, the Trees, the Flood ...
hmm... I thinking about it. That sounds pretty awesome. I could add rocks and make the underground part a cave. I dont know I just making Ideas. what do you guys think. Im not going to end it yet. This is very high in votes, I want to see what happens later. Im going to remake 3 maps. by the end of this week. I start forging so start voting. Isolation: (wont be posted till like 4 months, will be made as a side map.) Guardian: (Forging) Easily Done. The Pit: (I dont know why, but when I annouced this map, People were greatly waiting.) Boarding Action: (everyone wanted this map to be remade 50% of the time when Snadbox released and Im giving it.) Alpha Site: (Could Be a awesome map, Im done designing, Forgeing underway.) Narrows: (Wow, No one. Ha this map must suck hard)
I think you should make a remake off of Halo 2 or Halo:CE because people would reather play and orignal then a remake. I've been wantign to see a good boarding action remake for a while so thats where my vote stands.
i Aint done with voting. keep on voting. You have tell next week. I finished designing Boarding Action. Guardian almost done. Alpha Site 50% done forging.
Woah, woah, woah. Alpha site may be a little too big to remake, and maybe BTB, not 5v5, would work on it. Try if you want, though, that's what I voted that you remake.
I have an picture of the map in Overview. It looks way too small for 8v8. Im thinking Multi Team, 4v4-5v5 Slayer and totally CTF. Thanks For Voting. What Part? Just the building? The Entire Map ..... Is that even possible? Nah I'll Start it. "It sounds like a good idea because it sound like a good idea" - (DigitalPh33r). Well Im gonna try it. Alpha Site and Lost Platoon will be added into ODST Multiplayer Map Pack.
You could probably build the main building and the area around it in the crypt. Not the part where there's always a wraith though.