Banner by GunnerGrunt Introduction/Brief History Asset is a gametype with an idea that's gone through much change. It started off when I (rifte gifle) tried to introduce an ODST style of gameplay into Halo 3, using the map Protocol. It started off as an infection variant in which 3-4 people (ODST) would fight against wave after wave of covenant. ODST had 1000% damage resistance, starting weapons SMG and magnum. Didn't play as well as you'd expect it to. Shortly after, I changed it to VIP in an attempt to try a new approach towards this. At first, the VIP was a spartan, and although it seemed to play a bit better than the infection version, it just didn't seem right. Shortly after, a Vergil variant was introduced after a friend (16ExplodingCars) commented on how Protocol resembled much like one of the levels in Halo 3: ODST and how there should be a way to make the VIP Vergil. After much testing and gametype editing, I realized that this was the way to go. After the release of Protocol, I received multiple requests of making a sort of how-to-make guide because of the potential this gametype had. Guide Links Asset Gametype Explained Building the Maps Asset Map Master List Important Links Asset Spin-Offs Please Post here and tell me if you have an Asset map that has not been added onto the Master List. Maps must be posted on a forging site. Submissions linked to files will not be added.
nice job posting this I look forward to making my own asset maps. It would be nice if you changed the re-spawn traits to allow vehicles. I am working on a map that has a turret chieftain and it would suck if you couldn't pick it up. I hope you post some of the other maps soon can't wait to see the final versions.
Thank you for posting this this is very helpful. Now I can tie of all the loose ends one my upcoming firefight map entitled, "Concrete Dunes."
Nice, is this why you left out game of asset ealier? Anyways very good gametype and very descriptive post. Thinking I will see alot more of these maps soon.
Lovin' the guide, I like how everythin' had some sort of explaination, and not a crappy one either. Sorry I havn't been working on my asset map. I've been busy with exams and stuff, so I havn't really had time for hardcore forging. On that note, I'm still deciding what map I'll use. I'd like to be unique of course, but Rats Nest is done, Foundry is small, Avalanche is hard to make a very floor based map, and I can't really think of others. If you got any ideas, be sure to let me know.
Damn... if I still had Halo 3, I could give you guys some Avalanche/Foundry/Rat's Nest/Standoff OLN/Budget canvases that I made a while back; I'm sure they'd be put to good use In fact, the Rat's Nest and Standoff canvases were the last maps on my fileshare, so they're still available for download if you guys want them. : Halo 3 File Share Great work with the gametype; I'm really surprised that there's been so many maps created in such a short time after you released this, Rifte Gifle.
The only thing that I still don't understand about asset is: Why is the Brute Chieftain gold? I think that it should be red... Brute Captain is gold: Brute Ranks
Asset Gametype Explained Banner made by Miraj Click here to download Asset V2 BASICS What is Asset? Asset is an 8 minute, 1-sided VIP game. In a 1-sided VIP game, one team will have a VIP, and the other will not. The ODST (defenders) have a VIP, an asset. Your asset is Vergil the engineer (yes, the one from the end of Halo 3:ODST). He's a high priority asset, and if he dies your mission is over. Vergil, like in Halo 3 ODST has certain traits given away when players are close to him, or proximity traits (explained later). During asset maps, the main goal is to have Vergil reach a destination point (escape, basically) somewhere he normally cannot get to without the help of the ODST. The attackers are the covenant, and it is their goal to kill the VIP. You’ll have certain classes available to you as the covenant, but the main goal is to kill the VIP, and stop him from getting to that destination point. The game is a bit more complicated than this, but at least you now have the gist of it. DEFENDERS Dropped into hell The ODST are what protect Vergil. Vergil can't fight obviously, so it is your duty to protect him. You’re weaker than the enemy in general, and getting close to an enemy at close range is suicide. So how do you win? What do you have going for your squad? Vergil’s proximity traits. Since Asset is a VIP influence game, you will gain traits that will augment your chance of survival and winning ten fold. Stay close to the VIP and protect him, or you will die. Outside of the 30-meter radius, a headshot from a carbine is instant death, and even 3 hits with a spiker will kill. These traits show just how crucial stay near your VIP is. Outside of radius: -200% damage resistance -No shields -110% damage modifier -Player speed: 90% -Player gravity: 100% -No sensors -Forced colour black -Waypoint visible to allies -Passenger only in vehicles(for hijacking vehicles) Inside radius: -2x overshields -Normal shield recharge rate -Immune to headshots enabled -Full vehicles use -25 meter radar (normal mode) I will explain with greater detail just why these traits are key to winning. The Asset Without Vergil, the ODST’s would be rendered useless. Although weak and armed with only a plasma pistol, Vergil has a pair of overshields with 50% recharge. Don’t think Vergil is invincible though; at the most Virgil is able to take one full hit at the most with a flame grenade without dying. He’s got a waypoint over his head, so no matter where he hides, the covenant will always know. Without proper protection, Vergil is a goner. Although Vergil cannot fight, he does give off vital traits that let the ODST fight effectively. VIP Traits -200% damage resistance -4x overshields -90% shield recharge speed -50% damage -Weapon pickup disabled -Inf. Ammo enabled -Player speed: 75% -Player gravity: 50% -Passenger only vehicle use -Enhanced sensors, 25m -Waypoint visible to everyone -Forced colour purple Proximity Traits The VIP has 30 meters of proximity radar. This does not give the ODST an incredible amount of room to move around, forcing your squad to stay together. Remember that when making multiple level maps, the ODST cannot gain those certain traits when above or underneath the VIP. Why are these traits so important? Overshields With overshields, the ODST are able to actually take hits, giving them the ability to fight in close combat rather than from a distance with your battle rifle. Radar ODST can now see your enemies before they get to you, which will be vital when facing against brute stalkers, sneaking past the ODST for a quick assassination on Virgil. Ability to drive vehicles The riding vehicles traits are only generally here for special reasons. One of those being the escape vehicles (explained later). Since Vergil cannot drive vehicles, he must have the ODST drive. ATTACKERS Brutes are strictly the only attackers on Asset. Although stronger than the ODST in general, and constantly have shields at normal recharge, they are a major threat. In Asset, there are a variety of classes that players may spawn as. Classes Brute Regular Normal class, nothing special about these guys. They will usually spawn near the vehicles as well as have the ability to select weapons. Weapons -All Covenant Weapons Keep in mind which weapons are the most appropriate for your map. For example, would it make sense to give the covenant a sniper when they have the height advantage? Equipment -Spike grenade (instant respawn) -Plasma grenade (instant respawn) -Power drain -Deployable cover -Bubble shields -Regenerator For the grenade, I recommend that you do not have both types on the map. Brute Stalker You spawn invisible, your tactics are sneaking behind enemy lines and attempting to assassinate the members. You have a mauler, which will be very useful in close combat. Weapons -Spiker -Mauler Equipment -Invisibility -Flare -Flame grenade The reason you want the invisibility set to respawn instantly, is because you don't want to spawn in a tunnel, and not receive anything. While you may not always get the mauler or flamer, you will at least be invisible. Also, note that these guys are the second most deadly on the field. Some maps may not even have these guys. Jump pack brute No different the normal brutes, with one exception. You will spawn on a ledge high above the playing field. Remember to make it high enough so that they will not be able to camp up there with a brute shot and take players out from above. Weapons -Spiker -Brute shot Equipment -Spike grenade -Flare -Grav lift When making classes, I personally find it better to have a class spawn with a specific piece of equipment. For example, on Protocol, whenever you see or hear a flare, you instantly think, "oh crap, jumpack brutes." Brute captain The exact same as a regular brute, with the exception of overshields. Recommending that players place the overshield in the same tunnel as the regular brutes. Traits -100% damage resistance -Normal shields -Normal recharge rate -125% damage modifier -Weapons pick up disabled -110% speed and normal gravity -Full vehicle use -Normal radar, 25m -Forced colour blue -Waypoint visible to allies only All brutes except the brute chieftain will always carry these traits. I know it just said that weapon pickup is off. That’s why Asset uses these respawn settings to give the brutes the ability to pick up weapons to fight with. Respawn Settings (10 second duration) -Invulnerable -Weapon pickup enabled -Driving vehicles disabled This works the same way when the ODST die and respawn. After the 10 seconds, the brutes will return to their original traits (except for brute chieftain) Brute Chieftain (Custom Powerup) The brute chieftain is available when a brute picks up a custom powerup. Strongest unit on the field, can take plenty of damage as well as deal the same amount. Traits -90 seconds duration -500% damage resistance -normal shields -No shield recharge -Immune to headshots -150% damage modifier -infinite ammo -Weapon pickup disabled -110% speed -75% gravity -Vehicle use passenger only -25m radar, enhanced mode -Forced colour gold -NO waypoint Note that the brute cannot pick up a weapon upon picking a custom powerup up. Remember to put the weapon (gravity hammer/fuel rod) behind the custom powerup so players will be able to pick the weapon up first before getting the powerup. Do not put the weapon right underneath the powerup. While there are 2 classes for the brute chieftain, remember to choose the one that seems the most appropriate for the game. I recommend not having both on the field; it makes the game incredibly hectic. Click here to download Asset V2
Ah, you released it. Now I can fix up my map; I had a few things in there that I guess wouldn't be accepted in an Asset map (bye bye, Brute Sniper...).
Building the Maps VEHICLES Without proximity traits, ODST are not able to drive vehicles, only ride passenger, and Vergil is set to passenger only. The only human based vehicle SHOULD be the escape vehicle. There may be maps that carry exceptions, but as for now there aren't any. The attackers are the ones that mainly use vehicles. Remember that vehicles aren’t a good choice for every map. Smaller enclosed maps shouldn’t contain any vehicles. Attacker Vehicle options -Wraith -Ghost -Chopper -Banshee -Prowlers (sometimes) Notice how prowlers have a ‘sometimes’ next to its name. This is because prowlers, can have a secondary passenger. If an ODST group is able to successfully take control over a prowler, they are able to drive the VIP around in it, and can ruin gameplay. This is not true for all maps, but I do not recommend you use it for maps outside the sandbox main barrier. Examples of maps that should not use prowlers are Protocol and Lost Platoon. There is too much empty space in the map for the ODST to explore with. Human escape Vehicles If you will have a vehicle be the solution for Vergil reaching the destination point, the one thing you need to remember is that it MUST be able to have a secondary passenger seat, and it should spawn according to the map. Escape vehicle options -Warthog -Hornet -Prowler -Mongoose Making the escape vehicle spawn later There are currently 2 ways for going about doing this Option 1) 5 minutes Diagram made by Gunnergrunt This is a very simple and cost-efficient method that will work on almost any map with a cliff. Basically what happens is the escape vehicle is somehow destroyed (e.g. fall off the edge, kill ball, ect) at 150 seconds. At 180 seconds, a shield door, mancannon (generally anything that will stop it from being destroyed) spawns. This is to stop the vehicle from being destroyed the second time it respawns. After another 150 seconds, it will respawn again but will not be destroyed. While this is a cheap and cost efficient method, it will only work to 5 minutes meaning less flexibility. Option 2) Asset Canvas by Ell3ment and Gunnergrunt Everything is already premade, and this beautiful canvas will include 7 drop pods, and a hornet drop system that will release the hornet in 7 minutes. Lots of flexibility, but not very efficient budget and object wise. Click here for a detailed explination of the canvas and to download. _______________________________________________________ Weapons Defenders In Asset, the defenders will spawn with SMG’s, and battle rifle. Asset uses these weapons since they are the primary weapons of the ODST, and also the most balanced ones. Asset maps however, allow human bases to contain ALL human weapons, no matter which. Just remember to pay attention to weapons being too overpowering, and the amount of power weapons you put on the map. Rounds will usually last to the most 3 minutes, and you may even have a wait time for the covenant to start actually playing so keep that in mind when setting the weapon respawn times. Equipment Only trip mines are allowed to spawn in the defender base. All other pieces of equipment must be picked up from the bodies of dead brutes. Attackers Explained in the attackers section, with the appropriate classes they belong to. Maps We’ve moved onto the more challenging aspect of Asset gametypes, making the map. What is the objective of Asset? Protect the VIP, get him to the destination point. There are 2 styles of Asset maps can be built. Holdout One way, is a base. Very simple, and common, simply make a base/holdout area, have an escape vehicle or something spawning at 2-3 minutes that lets Vergil reach the destination point at a normally unreachable area. To make games last as long as possible, you can either have the escape vehicle spawn at 3 minutes, or you can use the methods listed above to have the vehicle spawn later in the game. You also need a way for the covenant to get into the base and kill the VIP, and if needed, enemy vehicle entry points. There are different styles of Asset holdout areas. But the main theme is it’s a holdout area that promotes the defenders to stay. Remember that if you are not using GunnerGrunt and Ell3ments method, when the escape vehicle gets destroyed, Vergil's only option is to stay alive and wait for the next one to spawn. Remember to not make extremely easy to camp in area. An example of this is a long tunnel with only one entrance. This promotes players to camp easily. Another thing to watch out for, is elevation. In Asset, like most 1 sided games, the team with higher ground has the advantage. Why? It takes longer for attackers to get to you, and by the time you get there you're probably already there. If your map has varied elavation, expect most of the combat to be based around that area. No matter how little cover there is, people will generally always go to the highest area with least amount of entry ponts. Escort Another way to make an Asset map, is a moving style escort map. The destination point must be somewhere either where you need an escape vehicle or not. An example for this style of map is a city. Vergil must be safely escorted to the destination point; if he stays in the same area there is no way he can win. Point A to B style maps are seen a fair bit in infection maps, a good example being the popular Help's on the way, right? The difference is that you use a VIP that MUST reach the destination if he wants to win. Remember that if your map has multiple levels, the ODST will not be able to gain the proximity traits if they are above/underneath the VIP. How do I know if my map is Escort or Holdout? It contains traits of the two. Well, to classify your map as escort, the destination point must be somewhere you can get to without the help of an item/vehicle spawning. Asset maps that have you hold out for a bit to get to a certain destination is still an escort so long as you don't need a vehicle or item to get there. Holdout maps are the opposite, and you must stay and wait for something to spawn that will let you reach the destination. Teleporters In asset, teleporters are generally the fastest method of getting covenant infantry around. They can be very useful for quickly entering a battlefield. Remember though that teleporters should NOT lead directly into where the main combat area. This is because for 10 seconds, everyone has the ability to pick up weapons. Think of it like this. You spawn as a chieftain. You grab the hammer and custom powerup, and go through the teleporter leading right into the battlefield. 3 seconds till no more weapon pickup. An ODST with a rocket dies beside you. The chieftain picks it up and destroys the defenders. Not really fair, huh? That said, watch where you place the weapons on your map. Never put them close to the teleporter in fear of them being picked up by a brute. Scoring Usually in Asset, games will end in a tie. There are 4 games, when a VIP is killed, the opposing side will gain an extra 4 points. When a VIP reaches the destination, the team will gain 5 points. You will lose 4 points if the VIP is either betrayed or commits suicide (falling off the edge for example). Spawning Defenders There are 2 ways for the ODST to spawn. On the ground already with the VIP (be sure to have the spawns linked to the original story if you have one. For example, if your story has to do with a squad of ODST and Vergil crashing from a pelican, make a crashed pelican!), or method two, through the drop pod method. See here for tutorial on making drop pods. With that said, if you have a drop pod, make sure you have a kill ball or something spawn in the drop pod area to avoid players staying there an jumping down just before the escape vehicle spawns. Attackers Although there are multiple ways for the attackers to spawn, this is the simplest way. Firstly (if needed), have the covenant start in an enclosed area for 30 or so seconds. This is generally only for holdout style maps, to give the ODST a chance to prepare. Then, with the use of kill balls or another method, have it spawned in the enclosed area that the covenant are in to kill them. They will then spawn with the classes. The simplest way to make classes is to use tunnels. Use smaller ones such as these to make special classes spawn (chieftain, stalker, jump pack, ect). IF THE COVENANT DO NOT DIE AT START, THEY WILL NOT GAIN REGULAR TRAITS. If you will have a waiting time, I recommend you place something for the brutes to play with while they wait for imminent doom. Golf balls and strip poles are fine examples. Example of a small Tunnel. Only 1 respawn point in here. Use a large one like this for the regular class brute since they are the main infantry and need more space as more people will spawn as them. Make sure to always have 8 or more spawn points in here. Example of a large tunnel for regular brutes. Again, this is not only way of doing this. I'm just pointing out the simplest and basic one. Releasing your Asset map! After hours of patience and testing, it's time to release your hard work! When doing so, Asset should be released in the Casuals section. There is also currently no auto-prefix for Asset, so when releasing your map title, have it say = Asset: Map name here.
Wow, I didn't even realize what the gametype was. I thought it was a close-to-default VIP game. I heard someone say something like "You don't have shields when you aren't by the VIP," but it never really registered with me. Now that I know that, this map just got a lot cooler. I only saw the chieftain once, where does the CP spawn, and the teleporter for jetpacks? Also ramming Letol with the banshee was fun. Even though I didn't get to kill him. :\
Depends on the map. Usually though chieftain will spawn in his own tunnel with a teleporter leading to the battlefield. Jump pack is a regular brute that spawns on a very high platform. I think someone else in the game was like, "OH! IT's VEERGIL" After I told him this game was based off of ODST Were you there when they tried to break Monolith with the banshee? That was funny. UPDATE: Added a little section at the end about when you release your Asset map.
Asset Map Master List Protocol by rifte gifle Monolith by rifte gifle Rocking Squid by Joe is Outside Sandstone Plaza by R0FLninja Lost Dunes by anuv123 Installation 07 by maxp0095 Downfall by BigdogII7 Profanity! by Arbacca ONI: Hillside by Lil Devil9597 Restricted/Perilous by Lil Devil9597 & MaN1C K1LLA 93 Premise by I6ExplodinCars Grounding by I6ExplodinCars Desert Highway by jakob hunter Ridgeside by Ell3ment and GunnerGrunt Slip's Alley by Stealth9Sneaker Escallation by FryTheSly Monument by Xang Yang Christmas Asset by Mr Ipod Touch Power Core by steve 11thselby ONI: Rock by D4RK 3NCRYPT3R Cloud Nine by Reigning Chaos HillLock by One iiNSANE kid Visage by xPanncakez New Mombossa by ASSASSINinWH1TE Operation: COLD by Skittlemeister0 *Coronate by Forgotten Wing ONI:Ark by Jpeloquin218 *Fólkvangr by Letol Last Bird Out by rifte gifle *Moonbase Alpha by Joe is Outside Voi by meltyourtv Going Up? by TheClubhouse Final Stop by Crypocalypse Maps with (*) are not found here ad linked to other forging websites.
You may have to add onto this guide after my map finished. When it's done, it'll be the most unqiue Asset map yet, with it's a own unique play style and probably own unique gametype varient to go along with it. And yes, I've received permission to do this, and for good reason too.
Important Links Drop pod Tutorial by rifte gifle Asset Canvas by GunnerGrunt and Ell3ment Stealth9Sneaker's Image Compendium Please PM me if you believe an important link should be added.
I was playing Monolith yesterday, can we not get headshots on brutes anymore? It takes like 2 or 3 shots to the head to kill a brute.