Ghost Merging??

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Twelve, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. Twelve

    Twelve Ancient
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    Apparently there is some new (or old, I don't know) merging technique out, dubbed "Ghost Merging," which I have seen referenced in numerous threads. Could someone post a link to a tutorial or something, because I obviously haven't been in the loop on forging recently. Thanks.
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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  3. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Welcome to forgehub I see this is yor first post. Here you can learn all there is to know about forge. Right now I'm on my lunch break and I gotta go back to work in less than a minute so unfortunately I can post a link. But if you want, you can send me a message on xbox and I'll invite you later today to personally teach yo the technique. If yi have any questions feel free to ask.

    xX BtR Chaos Xx
  4. Twelve

    Twelve Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry and thanks. It seems to me that this is easier, but unskilled people can now make maps that people would have drooled over previously. I have used the "start new round, place, run-time, repeat" method until now and I think I'm going to give this a shot now. By the way BtR Chaos, I appreciate your offer but I have neither an internet connection or an XBox Live subscription at my house at this time (at a friends right now).
    #4 Twelve, Nov 8, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2009
  5. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Don't be fooled, it still takes alot of time and dedication to make well playing maps. Check out the forging 101 section to get updated on well placed weapon layouts, spawn layouts, and general map layout.
  6. Twelve

    Twelve Ancient
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    Oh, I understand that completely Noxiw. It's the aesthetic maps overflow that I am waiting on, because a map stuffed with power weapons won't get much credit in the competitive section.
  7. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If you don't have an internet connection, how are you posting on a website?
  8. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    He's at a friends:
  9. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    He still said he didn't have an internet connection...
  10. Twelve

    Twelve Ancient
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    Read my post again: no internetz at MY house, so I am at my FRIEND'S house, lol. Anyways, back on the subject of the ghost merging. Is that where the spike in the amount of cave maps is originating? Because when I first saw the map "Hollows," I thought it must have taken a LOT of effort to make something of that caliber. Now that I know about this, it seems slightly less impressive.
  11. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ohhhhhhhh... carry on.

    And yes, cave maps are now much easier to make now that ghost merging has come up.

    The Hollow is still an impressive map whether or not it was ghost merged or not. I hate in when people's opinion of a map is lowered because it was made with ghost merging.
  12. Twelve

    Twelve Ancient
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    Oh, trust me, I don't think any less of Hollows as a map, it's just that now I realize it didn't take as much work and effort as I thought previously. I still play on the map and have immense amounts of fun on it, and it still looks great aesthetically. It's pretty funny, actually, because seeing that map the first time made me want to make a cave map, and I tried to do it using the old interlocking method and gave up eventually. It literally took hours to make about a 50 ft. by 50 ft. section.
  13. 99dudes

    99dudes Ancient
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    brief tutorial

    well pretty much, you spawn 2 of the same items in spartan/elite mode. To do this you have to push up on the d-pad, X and A at the same time while in monitor mode. You must do this twice. Then one one of the items CLICK X WITHOUT SELECTING THE OBJECT (so you can change the spawn settings). Change it to "never". Then pick the other item up and for for the that has the spawn "never" to dissapear. then make the run time minimum for the item equal to the run time maximum. Then your item will "duplicate" and you'll be able to put it whereever you want.
    Note: you can only delete the ghost merged item AFTER starting a new tound, if you messed up

    I hope I helped :)
    #13 99dudes, Nov 8, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2009
  14. Jzzkc

    Jzzkc Ancient
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    I really hate to be a downer here.. but this is yet another reason why the thread "New Forge Glitch" Should be renamed to its proper name. People are going to keep hearing about this glitch for months on end. They're going to look here, and not find it BECAUSE ITS NOT NAMED PROPERLY! If the moderators have any sense, send a PM to whoever started the New Forge Glitch thread asking him what it should be changed to. And then change it.
  15. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Question answered. :lock: Please?

    Also, a rename to noclip glitch or ghost merging would probably be in best interests as well.

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