Okay, so your probably asking "what is it?" Well, its a pile of boxes that, when standing in the rights spot, line up to create a picture. "Meta, what is the box supposed to create a picture of?" If I answer that question, I don't get to have any fun, now do I? And how else am I supposed to build hype for an aesthetic map? Every so often I'll try to get a picture that gets closer to the point you are supposed to stand at for the best picture. And If you joined my game and already know what it is, please don't ruin it for everyone else. Map done http://www.forgehub.com/forum/aesthetic-maps/92853-fronk.html#post1100147
Hype for an aesthetic map... Now that's an idea! Maybe if I... *Crowd Shouts* NO MORE -FING DATA VIRUS JUNK RED! Never mind... I am interested on seeing how this turns out. When you are done may I have permission to make it into a playable map?
New picture added, I've kind of rejected this project for a while fore a more interesting competitive map. well, I added a new picture that gets closer to the focal point, enjoy.
Meta there is a problem with the bandwith.... Try goinig back to photobucket and get the picture again
To see because of bandwidth problem. Right click and select copy image location. Paste into your browsers bar. hit go. you will see the picture. and when you return to this page it will no longer say bandwidth exceeded
Nice to see some pictures up. I've seen this project a while ago so I won't say what it is. You guys will have to guess without help =)