Yeah so at about 4:37 this morning an earthquake struck the Midwest USA, and me being in Missouri and all felt it. It was pretty cool. I woke up and my bed was shaking and so I looked around and fell back asleep. I didn't know until 6:00 that it was an earthquake. Anyone else feel it?
Well no I didn't actually feel it myself but when I woke up my mom told me that there was an earthquake at four in the morning. She said the birds went crazy outside. I just told her that she really needs to find a good sleeping medication. Seriously who is awake at 4 in the morning on a Friday?
I felt it up in Iowa. It wasn't much, but laying down I definitely felt the tremors. I probably only noticed it because I'm rather paranoid when it comes to earthquakes. -*living in the midwest and paranoid about 'quakes... loser* -*shut UP*
Apparently my bro was on the 6th floor of a hotel near the epicenter. He said it scared the crap out of him. I slept right through it in Ohio.
Earthquake? I live in Hawaii. If we ever got a big one, you could say I wouldn't be visiting this site very much longer.
I'm around NY, and if there's ever an earthquake, we just feel it... barely. Like you could mistake it for washing machine vibrations. I was in a mall, and could have sworn I felt one. I was told "it's just the food court shaking from the amount of people" (not dangerously) then later I found out it was. Score 1 for sixth senses. Some info about the New Madras Fault, a vertical faultline, not horizontal, so you can't see how big it is because it goes down into the earth not across the crust
If I woke up and my house was shaking, I would probably do something, at the very least stay awake...but perhaps that's just because I've never experienced an earthquake before. But aren't they sort of natural disasters?