In accordance with the boom of high-tech gaming gear like the tenacious Gunnar shades and the massively underrated FPS Freaks controller extender equipment, i present to you the latest in the gaming improvement franchise. Rubbars. Take heed, this is only a beta concept, and my Photoshop 7 does not have such advanced functions as warp, so i cannot add the renders in the correct proportions. However, the idea is still there, and i'm sure you can imagine it with me. Rubbars offers the must up-to-date-technology-in-rubber-technology. Grip levels peak at that of a Foruma 1 car during a 180 degree hairpin. Hang on tight as your character turns around like never before. Make the most precise adjustments with ease, and perform some truly ****ed up ****. Newly added perforations add air-flow to the hand, increasing responsiveness and dryness during tense and sweaty situations. Most importantly, Rubbars excel where Gunnars have failed. They look ****ing cool. No more will you need to worry about what people think of you when you wear your latest gaming gear. Finally, Rubbars offer sustained durability, and a 1 week lifetime guarantee. Gone are the worries of stepping on your gear, or worse, having a cat urinate on them in rage of being locked in a basement for the entire night. Bastards. Visitor message me if you want a pair.
Win win win win win. Let me know when it comes out of beta, I'd like to purchase a pair of my very own trademark Rubbar Handgrips with patented grip technology.
That would actually come in handy, because my controller keeps slipping out of my hands after every time I eat a greasy burger.
Same thing happens to me, except instead of grease I just have sweat rolling down my palms from how intense my gaming gets.
Nice idea but lets be honest, its a pair of plastic gloves you get in the hospital with an xbox controller printed on it? I like the photoshopping, as you said a warp would have looked better. Are the circles indents or just design?
But they're the most up-to-date-in-rubber-technology! A very smart buy for any Mulge Pro out there. Matty, gimme RUBBARS.