Well i was thinking of some social things we can get the forgehub community involved in and i though of MW2. I was thinking we could hold a biweekly or weekly event. Or we could try and get a MW2 TGIF party. This is just an idea im throwing around and would like to get your opionions on it. If i get enough support i will probaly go ahead and approach a forgehub staff to see if we can get it attacthed to TGIF night or i will just independently host it. The games played will of course consist of mostly competetive styled games but there will be fun/funny games. I was thinking: Demolition(And any variation i find interesting)- This could be on a number of maps. From the maps i have played i was thinking high rise or invasion would be good choices. Flag Runner (And any variation i find interesting)- This could be played on a number of maps. Ones i am looking at is Favela, invasion and derail. There is probaly a number of maps that i havnt played that would be great. Team Deathmatch (Hardcore and any otehr variations)- This can be on any map ofcouse. Domination and headquarters(And any variations)- This can be on any map that people want. Free for all- This is probaly one we would not play much as team agmes is what i would like to focus on. Search and Destroy- I personally do not like SND much, but it's what people want to paly not me. Sabotage-It's not very played but like i said before it's what people want to play. Fun games- We can play some fun games from time to time. I played a game of shields only with 4 people and surprisingly it was very fun. We can also do things like snipers only, knives only. If this does happen remember it is competitive styled modes but its about socializing and having fun with others from forgehub. Thats why i'm more inclined to stay with team games to keep emphasis on teamwork and socializing. I live in Australia, but the starting times work out for me so i am able to host in TGIF times. We will start the same time and go till everyone leaves. (Yes that can be over 24 hours ) So tell me what you think of this and if you would be interested. Ill send a message to some staff if we can get this integrated with TGIF IF their is enough support. If there is still enough support but no TGIF link ill just host it still.
I don't think you'll get anything official started, seeing as this is a Halo site, but I'm sure if you were dedicated you could hold these things every once in a while and people would attend.
TGIF isn't restricted to purely HALO. I'm sure peeps would sign up for a MW2 TGIF, but if you want to host one, ask a staff member to see if you're qualified to be a host.
yeah like i said in my OP. Im just gonna wait a day or two see if some people actually like the idea of it and give some support then ill approach a staff member. If not ill just do an independent host. I thought going through the TGIF would give it that little extra boost.
Hmm I love this idea. Since Halo TGIFs are bi-weekly too, you can make MW2 TGIF's on the next Friday, you know what I mean? This week - Halo, next week - MW2, the next week - Halo, and so forth.
If i get support Sarge i would be more than happy to run a TGIF group, if your cool with that? I was thinking, how they have HALO groups/hosts we could just have one extra group focused on MW2
There isn't really enough variation in customs (well, as far as I know) in MW2 to have something casual and new each week. The reason that the Halo TGIF is so successful is because of all the gametype and map options. I think that instead of customs, we could form matchmaking teams or something.
you can change options, so we could do minigames like cops and robbers, border patrol, hunter vs hunted, and Michael Myars.... Then mix those in with some normal gametypes?
You really have to think of Modern Warfare 2 in retrospects to Halo 2, and its limited customs variation. I suppose MW2 provides a little bit less variations than H2, but the comparison is still there. Most games are honor rule games with slight variations, etc.
Thats what im worried about, limited customization that nights will become repetitive to quickly. But we'll see what happens.
I've done CoD4 customs parties before, once you get a good game going, you play it for hours. We played a game I thought people would get bored of after one round or two, but we ended up playing it for at least 3 hours, and this was after matchmaking and yes, most customs require honor rules, which is why you need a good party.
Yes, I've had a similar experience. Though it is difficult to get a slod number of people. Also, In MW2 you will probably find that the customs won't intail a lot of honor rules. Hopefully.
QFTs. Sounds good, can't wait! Although there aren't many 'variations' for MW2 in Customs, there are the new custom killstreaks etc. and those could add an extra mechanic to the game, that wasn't there in MW. Either way, i see no harm in running a trial and observing the outcomes.
I'm planning on making a TGIF party and seems like it's working out alright. Of course this isn't official yet or confirmed but it seems like we are at least going to get an event happening. Even if it's not TGIF. We'll see how everything pans out.