This is just a list of random stuff I'd like to see in a Halo game. Please, feel free to add your own. 1. A forge mode with landscaping ability. We all know that adding objects changes a map. Well, what about adding trees, or rivers, or hills? How would that change a map? 2. Environmental effects. I know this was touched on for ODST (I don't know how much as I have yet to actually play ODST) and Bungie said they couldn't do it. But come one, how cool would it be to have a level where it's raining or snowing. Or a true night time level? One of my all time biggest wishes is to see a map of Coagulation (sorry all, never really was a Blood Gulch fan) in the dark. A map where the only light is the ambient light from the bases. How damn cool would that be? 3. A better motion detector. Ok, so we know it picks up movement from big and small; from Wraith to Infection forms. Well, what about trees? Leaves move? What about water? What about the afore mentioned weather effects? How cool would it be to have your motion detector pick up rain drops? You'd have to start using your vision more in places. 4. Flashlights. You have them in campaign (or at least you did in Halo 2. I honestly can't recall if they were in 3). But them in multiplayer (especially in the darker maps). Make it so that yeah, you can make your way through better if you turn it on, but you also make a bigger target. 5. Halo 1 sniper rifle. I'm sorry, but that was just the coolest, being able to snipe in night vision. 6. Give us what we pay for. In Halo 2, you could use the Fusion Cannon. But it wasn't in multiplayer (which I find sad, as it's like the ultimate in power weapons). In Halo 3, you gave us equipment we didn't have for multiplayer (I'll just say this - Auto Turrets and CTF), vehicles we couldn't use (come on! A tranport warthog and only the humans can ride in the back? Where's the fun in that?), and poorly tested equipment (radar jammer, flare, personal cover). We paid for them, so why can't we use them? And to end, here's a list of things that I wish they'd bring back, and a list of things I'd wish they would get rid of: Bring Back: Spectre, all Halo 2 maps, lock-on rocket launchers. Get Rid Of: Flamethrower (you can keep the grenades. I like them), Missle Pod, Prowler, "transport Hornet"
Everything in halo currently serves a purpose and if it were removed without replacing it it would ofset the balance of play. Ex. Removing trans hornets. Or missle pods.
He has it right. They removed flares, radar jammers, and deployable covers because some exploited them to get to previously unreachable areas, in which you couldn't get to using regular or grenade jumps. I don't know why they just removed it instead of fixing it.
I really hate to complain, but, seriously bungie I think most of your other complaints/suggestions dont have solid reason behinds them. but the quoted ones I completely agree with.
Yea, I think they should give us transport warthogs... and maybe invincibility... but whatever, we still have 100s of other things so why complain? If you really want to have a transport warthog, well, you've got mongeese for a reason.
Do you imagine how much that would f*ck you up? I feel that the Motion Tracker-Visual aspect is perfectly balance. And what's the Fusion Cannon? You mean the Gauss Cannon?
Fusion Cannon... Covie version of a rocket launcher.. I know I'm calling it the wrong thing... um... Fuel Rod Cannon! That's what I meant!.
I want to see "Fronks Revenge!" on a map in which Fronk doesnt look so happy anymore because he got out of the fish industry! `I would also like the ability to have assassinations turn off in Custom Games so that invulnerable people can truly be invulnerable. `And a new katana- Shiny Revolver on legs. `Customizable Leg Armor
in MM yes it would but transport hogs would be a good idea for use in forge and customs, primarily for use in machinimas. the prowler was the replacemant for the specture. 1. and 2. would be awesome. maybe bungie could design/make a complete forging experience disk that would enable you to edit landscpe and weather. time would be cool as well like in lost planet
Halo needs a warthog with a portal gun (firing portals, not the other portal turret) turret at the top. That's all it needs.
Lol... Anyways, I agree that civilian hogs(ones made with glitchs) and transport hogs should be made available as items in forge(as well as the unusable equipment in MM such as invinc.) I mean, that right there would change tons of aspects of forge, imagine some of the new machinimas, no more "civilians" with a giant chaingun on their cars... ALSO! LET US LOWER THE DAMN WEAPONS IN CUSTOM GAMES, THERE'S NO XP INVOLVED!!!!
the missle pod was made to replace the halo 2 lauancher as it was a bit overpowering and was made a heavy weapon
Flash light, new maps, effects, give us wat we payed for and upgraded forge sound fine but i would rather keep the prowler and equipment thank you very much
I WANT FLAMETHROWERS IN MY HELMENT **** Let's see, super bounces is a must! Haha, I think more of those easter eggs Halo 2 was famous for would be nice. You all know what I'm talking about, the scarab gun, the giant soccer ball, so on. Ummm, I dunno. Everyone here is already thinking upgraded forge pallet and mechanics. Longer campaign wouldn't hurt.
well going off your... teleporter turret idea? I think it would be AWESOME if there was deployable teleporters. As an equipment like a power drainer or bubble shield. You could either have a fixed receiver node somewhere and a teleporter you could throw down that would last for about 10-20 sec. Or you could have 2 different telelporter equipments that would active together, but you would have to use teamwork to synchronize when you threw them.
I'm in a hurry so i'll just quickly say how all of those suggestions are bad, not thought through, and have probably been thrown about many times. There are good reasons for all, such as; The motion sensor that picks up everything so you have to use your vision more? Doesn't that defeat the point of the motion sensor? Also the Spartan is too tall to fit in the back of the troop hog, and 3 in the back would weigh far too much. Coagulation was far too simple, and full of flaws. They created a map called Valhalla, which has the exact same qualities, but with a bit of complexity. Fusion gun? Wtf is that. Certain equipment were removed from Halo 3 because people found gliches to use with them to double jump.
I still think the teleporter equipment would be pretty cool, and would change strategy on every map, I'm not saying it would be on every map permanently, but it could be like a variation to a map, like how there is Sand Tarp and such. It could also be used in some objective games, and you had to use the teleporter to get to the objective, but you could get out by using the teleporter again, or jumping down if the objective area was higher up than everything else.