I did this in my art project at my school . I am in Secondary 2 And i have 13 years old ! There Is Romeo ( My Version ) : I hope You like it !
Its something to do with the way languages are set up, we say 'we are' while in Spanish its 'I have' but you know in Spanish. Iunno if thats the language he speaks or if its another just sayin' anyway, about the drawing. I would say try studying some anatomy, well not studying it just know what it should look like so that you get proportions correct.
Wow. what an awesome image. The contours are almost abstract in design - very different from the norm, like breaking the mold. The monotone gray pencil and lack of light source helps to contrast with Romeo's outgoing and fun personality. The improv on the armor details are very unique and interesting. The depth is breath-taking; the sharpness on both near and far images allows one to see both near and far into the shot with clarity. Overall, 5/5, and I hope to see more from you soon!
Wow nice. I mean that at 13 years old is impressive in my opinion. Maybe I'm wrong because of my lack of drawing skills but whatever. And by the way, I take Spanish and translators fail me all the time
i knew this because the french say j'ai x ans hes using a straight translator and its preety nice but dont do this sort of thing for school projects cos teachers are ignorant bum'oles that will just say 'oh video games' put aside