I got the game and I'm eager to hear what other people have to say about it. Discuss what origin you chose and why. What are the best fighting style combinations? Did you chose to have a wardog (if you did the sidequest)? have you gotten intimate with anyone...?
Apparently the game is 60 hours long if you only do the story missions. It doesn't really look like my kind of game, for reasons other than the amount of time it would take to complete it.
To me it looks like oblivion with a facelift and some better storytelling added. If you get the stone prisoner dlc it unlocks a golem for a party member which I think should be cool.
I haven't heard of this game until now, but it looks very good. I may even consider it if MW2 gets boring.
No, this is a completely different kind of game compared to oblivion. at least to me. They are both considered "fantasy RPGs", but thats about it. If you ever played any Baldur's Gate, you know what i mean. i practically lived on Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance when i was younger. This is a third person, sort of overhead camera, not first person. Its also not really open world, but more linear levels and dungeons that you can go to. Which is not a bad thing, just different. Its also less customizing your character with different abilities and skills, more just picking a class and upgrading, most of the customization in the armor and weapons. Two completely different gameplay styles and two completely different games in my opinion.
Bought the game yesterday. On Xbox the graphics are shoddy, and the computer version is by far the best. The game has lots of cut scenes and superb voice acting. Fighting is fun and the story is full of twists and turns. I've only played 2.5 hours but I've already come upon a whole host of twists. There is a tactics section which you can tweak to your personal likings. Its basically an IF, THEN system. Overall, if you're into RPG games get it. But preferably on PC to get the best experience out of it.
Wasn't interested in this at all, until I saw a gameplay video. Quad Core support for PC's, yes! A friend of mine also has it for the PC, and he says its great. The videos alone intrigue me, so it looks like I'll have to be buying this in a week or two.
Yup I finally got it in the mail and I played it for a good 6 hours. There are a ton of missions.. The great thing about it though is that the side quests are not so boring that you won't even think about doing them. They are so intriguing that I go out of my way to do the side quests. I also really enjoy the beginning of the game due to having so many options of Your origin. I chose to be an elve that lives in the city and I had a sweet little wedding in the beginning of the game. I edited the OP aswell.
I'm glad someone started a thread about this. I am interested in getting a good offline game as my xbox may soon get banned, and Dragon Age intrigued me. I don't have much experience with console RPG's, but I played Runescape a lot when I was younger and loved it. I also loved Borderlands (I know it's completely different), but was not a fan of Fallout 3. It seems that everyone is enjoying this one, though. Anyone have any negative comments on the game? I greatly appreciate any input on the matter. Thanks.
There will only be negatives depending on how you like the controls and stuff, but you said you liked runescape so that shouldn't be a problem. The game has the same fighting style as runescape, click and wait. Although that sounds stupid for a x360 game, you can use skills/ powerups while you are fighting much like WoW. There is a party system that is used and it is very good and well thought out. You asked for negatives and the only ones I can offer are the characters "censors" in combat where sometimes you may randomly stop attacking a foe and not notice. I know all the things I said were about fighting, but the game is vastly based around it. The game is massive and that should be enough to get you to atleast rent it when you go offline. If you need questions answered to ask them, because I don't know exactly what to tell you.