This is a race map, but it's more of a jack around with your friends type of race map. It's very fun because of the wide array of obstacles on it. And well I don't know what else to say about it. Here's a list of the obstacles. -Moonbounce -Corkscrew(Helix) -Tunnel -Ultraspeed Tunnel -Inverted Tunnel -Bermed Corners -Mongoose Hangar -3 Tunnel Jumps -1 Normal Jump It's very fun to play around on. The corkscrew is probably the most challenging part of the track but once you get it down you can go full speed down it and impress your friends. Video Link: This shows the first version of the track that doesn't have all the features hence why it's a teaser video. You can download here And YES I know it's messy this was made the day the floating objects glitch was found out, (In 2007) and before the melting objects glitch was made. but I decided to post it here anyways. We might make a cleaner version if we get bored enough.
umm screenshots r where??? and this map isnt een urs i downloaded it like a month or two from someone else. lol
THERE'S A VIDEO!!! and Yes it is mine. My gamertag is xRip U Up247x and my cousins is xMess u Up247x. It's in both of our fileshares. And the video we posted has 65,000+ views so you prob have dl'd it before.
i would still like too see some screenshots. especially if the video is a teaser...... well i guess the screenshots are a teaser as well....... um.. i just want to look at screenshots instead of have to watch a video i guess.
ya ur an idiot u didnt make that map its not the exact same map but u copied a lot of the stuff. and its not picky to want screenshots, its expected.
It looks like its messy and what kind of race course makes a driver fall off their mongoose? Overall 2 out of 10.
Somehow I did it without falling off Eyeless Sid the first time I tryed. I think you just suck at driving. Overall good map. And this map is his I've dl'd it before and if you compare it with the map you already downloaded it says xMess U Up247x made it then if you look in the link to the fileshare it gives you a link to the fileshare and in his fileshare it says make: xMess U Up247x. And you probably already have it because he posted a youtube video about it and it has 67,000+ views and the map has 8,000+ dls. You and he posted a video in the description. And in the description he states that it's messy and may be makin a new one. You guys are dumb think before you flame him for stealing and not haveing a picture, I would think a video would be even better. But you guys seem to be brainless. 9/10