Hey MLG fans, from November 6th-8th, I will being running a Skype chat where you can discuss the events. Insane, Shanon, and Pegasi will be there and hopefully Roche, Orange(remi), and Phreakie. I haven't talked to the three I mentioned last, but I'm sure they will join in. If you own a microphone, be sure to have it on hand during the event so you can join us in our epic Skype chat. If you'll be on and want to join us for the chat, simply post your Forgehub username and your Skype username. I'll invite you to the chat on the 6th. See you there! Format: Forgehub Username: Skype Username: Participants: Spoiler Forgehub Username: AmercanPsycho Skype Username: AmercanPsycho Forgehub Username: Insane54 Skype Username: insane540 Forgehub Username: Shanon Skype Username: omg_its_shanon Forgehub Username: Pegasi Delta Skype Username: hamish.edmondson Note to participants: If you don't want information posted here, PM me and I'll take it down.
Forgehub Username: Novak Skype Username: turnernovak I'm 100% sure I won't be able to be in there the whole time, but I'll definitely join you guys for a few hours sometime during the weekend.
Added you Novak. You can download Skype for free here: Download Skype If you don't have a mic, I guess you could just type or something.
I'll probably be in there to type only, my mic is ****. Forgehub Username: Ladnil Skype Username: telindahl27
Forgehub Username: Roche178 Skype Username: Roche178 Think I'm already in the chat making it official.
Well I slept through the Kickoff and had to watch the rebroadcast just now. If I can get my X1's to work on my pc I'll use them, but most likely I'll just be typing. Forgehub Name SMGstrings Skype Name SMGstrings
I know for sure you can hear with them, I don't remember if they record sound though. Also could you guys really hear me talking, or was Matty just screwing with me?