So I have a few maps under construction right now and I want to see if any of them will seem appealing to other forgers. There are 4 maps, 2 competitive and 2 just casual. So here they are: Map 1: Centrifuge (Casual Oddball Map) Description: Symmetric map with a chamber in the middle. The chamber is full of grav-lifts and man-cannons shooting you around until you reach the top. At the top will be either a Power weapon (slayer variants), a King point (KOTH), the bomb (1 bomb), the Skull (Oddball) or maybe just the custom power-up. Map 2: New Auschwitz (Casual Infection Map) Description: Prison like map with lots of corridors and multiple floors. The outside of the prison will be filled with guard towers, a barracks, and some hiding spots on the ground floor. Outside the main gates will probably be a 'getaway' vehicle. Best with my Riot Control Infection variant. Map 3: Club Painguin (Competitive Team Slayer Map) Description: map set up to look like a night club. It will be symmetric with 2 VIP rooms, 2 dining areas, 2 dance floors, and connected by a lobby with a main desk and an exit to a parking lot. It will probably be best with Team Slayer variants, maybe CTF. Map 4: Bridge of Arck (Competitive CTF Map) Description: Symmetric map with two bases connected by a long bridge in the center of the map. There will be a sniper tower in the center of the map facing the bridge, and a smaller bridge jutting out from the main bridge leading to the Custom Power-Up Spawn. Best for CTF and small Team Slayer matches. So there you have it. I am done a rough draft of Bridge and almost done with one of Club. I call it rough drafts because they are nowhere near the skill level of other maps I've seen. I don't quite know how to place spawns effectively, and I'm still getting the hang of merging and interlocking. I think the hardest one for me might be Auschwitz, mainly because of the multiple floors. This site has been my biggest help with Forge ideas and tips, so it would be great if you guys could post some tips and ideas that will help me make my maps as good as they can get. My early thanks to the people who comment. Peece all, Sins
Bridge of Arck sounds very cool. I can just imagine what it will look like. Although the name could possibly be improved. And Arck is spelled A R C H(unless you intended to spell it that way). If you need any help with ideas then just PM me and I'll give you some shortly after.
I like those ideas, especially the Bridge of Arck one. I'm assuming that will be done in the skybubble? As for the centrifuge, that has been WAY too many times before. Even though it is a little different it still has the same ideas behind it.