This is the Classic Halo CE Boarding action remake. for all you die hard halo fans this is a map worth your time. when you want a good old favorite halo or halo 2 map I work my hardest to make it as close as the original as i can. Of course I do add some halo 3 touch into it tho. So please enjoy. =) RED SIDE BLUE SIDE And the youtube video of it YouTube - Halo 3 map Boarding Action DOWNLOAD IT
mh, i see, you seem to like remakes? i personaly do, so i dont like any of you 4 (!) posted remakes today. this is a little review to all af them: Turf Seems to be the "best" out of all 4 maps. You got the concept of the map, but you ruined it by ignoring some of the major details, if you make a remake, it should be a remake, not a map with the same geometry and some other stuff you added because you were not able to forge it right. But overall its one of the best Turf remakes i have seen. Warlock Your too late to remake warlock. If you would have been 3 months earlier this would be a hyped map because it would be one of the first. Today nearly everyone who remakes a map, remakes warlock, there are hundrets of maps out there and yours just doesnt stand out. Acension Props for trying. Acension is one of the harder maps to remake, it clearly visable by looking at your remake. It seems like you started to forge the map, stopped it someday and released it today, there are so many things missing that it doesnt even deserve the name or beeing called a remake, this good sir is a construcion side. Boarding Action Its been a while since ive played boarding action fot the last time, but im pretty sure it had a wall in the back of each side. Once again it seems like you started, but you got bored after some hours. Overall: You tried and failed. wich is not a bad thing. you have a lot of potential, just keep forging, but instead of forging 4 maps, you should forge 1, sont waste your energy forging 4 bad maps instead of 1 good map
Honestly, 4 posts of remakes. Chuck them into a Map Pack. plus, Im remaking Boarding Action Useing Google's Little Map Sketchpad thing. I dont know what its called. Once I'm done im going to halo 3 and start forging. These maps I have no idea if i should download. I've seen better. BUt here at forgehub, we dont get many posts for slayer or Infection very often. So I dont blame you.
fixed... Lets light up a bit buddy. He tried hard. These maps aren't fail at all, I actually really like what he has done here. I also love how you can't even spell alot of words right, or even have a proper sentence structure when you type. Trying to write a review with language like that just makes you look like an idiot. I personally like the Boarding Action remake the best, it has alot of the things you would see from the actual one. Very well done man. But as someone else said, instead of making 4 different posts, just put it into one post as a Map Pack. I am looking foward to more of your works. ~Plasmaterial
I never played a lot of the original CE maps, and so this looks pretty cool. Sure, not the most aesthetically pleasing, but the gameplay looks fairly unique for a TS map.
Great maps! I loved the boarding action remake. As far as any other map you have, they look boring. but that's understandable due to the fact that you seemed to have run out of space to place any more objects. Overall very pleasing maps. =)
@ plasmaterial Dude, thats my opinion, if you cant live with it, i dont have a problem with it but dont ***** around. instead of telling him how "great" it is i give cristisism to him (its hard, but he wont learn otherwise), you on the other hand told him his map is good, are you blind or have you never played any of these maps. the warlock one is good, all the others are below average, poorly forged with no details on them, if everyone kisses his ass to make friends in the internet he would continue to make poor map remakes that are nothing more than a raped version of the original. He tried hard, i know, i never said anything different. the maps are fail (in my opinion). you like them, cool (you opinion) you love how i spell alot of words wrong (...) and i sound like an idiot? Im very very sorry, i come from germany (if you havent noticed it), you know, thats in europe, in germany we speak german, so what do you think is the language i grew up with? right, german. i learn speaking english since im in the 5th grade, so im not as good as someone who grew up with it, the difference beween you and me is (i assume you are american) that i learn other languages, im able to speak german,english, french, latin and a little bit of greek and italian, you are able to spreak english, thats 6:1 for me, next time i review a map ill send you my post so you can fix it for me =)
You mean sketch-up? Are you using whizbutterfly's template or hitman's template. I use whizbutterfly's.
First off Can we stay on Subject of the map? This is going to end up in a flame war and its going to go all down ****ing hill from there so just chill. On to the map, I have seen Boarding Action remakes and there is a small amount. Yours is nice there's no doubt about it so dont listen to people when they say "This map blows I could make it 5 Hundred times better." Because we all know they cant. Map wise in detail there could have been some walls that would have boosted my Aesthetic approach on it but there is always the option of making a V2. Overall 3/5. There is barely any Boarding Action remakes and no map is perfect so keep going.