Which Guitar Hero is teh best?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mewster, Nov 7, 2009.

  1. Mewster

    Mewster Ancient
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    So Ive never owned a Guitar Hero or Rock Band game... ever, but they look really fun and so I was wondering which Guitar Hero is the best, I don't really want a Rock Band because all I really want to do is rock out on a guitar in my free time, and I don't have much money. I don't really care about graphics, and I tend to like older songs, but the song selection isn't really that big of a deal. So which has the best gameplay and such?

    EDIT: I have a PS2 along with an Xbox360 (duh)
    #1 Mewster, Nov 7, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2009
  2. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    Guitar hero 3. Hands down.
    It has the best track list, however, there aren't alot of features in it that made the newer ones successful in it such as create a star thing.
    #2 Crippled Hobo, Nov 7, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2009
  3. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Guitar Hero 3 is my personal favorite. It has a great set list with memorable classics, great unknown bands, and the most difficult songs of any game so far.

    A lot of people will tell you that Guitar Hero 2 is better, but GH3 is much more polished (although they both have their fair share of glitches) and has multiplayer over Xbox live as well.
  4. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    First off I'm going to already assume that you own a plastic guitar by what you've stated in your passage.

    In my opinion your three best bets are Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero 5, and Guitar Hero Smash Hits.

    Rock Band 2 is my personal favorite, it seems to have the most fluid gameplay, the most realistic charts, compared to some Guitar Hero games, and with all the dlc that is offered on Rock Band, I can say that RB2 is my favorite.

    Guitar Hero 5 is **** load of fun for parties, has an immense set list, yet there a ton of indie bands that are within that very set list. GH5 has the option to create your own songs, which kept me entertained for quite some time, and you can also upload your own songs and download other people's music, which is pretty cool.

    Since you said that you've never played a Guitar Hero game, Guitar Hero Smash Hits can give you the best sample of what Guitar Hero really is. The creators took all of the best songs from all the Guitar Hero games ever made and made one game out of it. GHSH lacks some of the features from GH5 and RB2 and has the smallest set list out of every music made, yet has some of the best songs published from all of the GH games.

    If you're interested in a specific game you can google that game like, Guitar Hero 5 setlist and it will show you the exact setlist.
  5. Mewster

    Mewster Ancient
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    Hmm well I dont have a guitar lol, but that will be no problem getting, the question I have about it though is will a RB guitar for the Xbox360 work for a GH game for the Xbox360, and vise versa?
  6. PaperThinWalls

    PaperThinWalls Ancient
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    I would go with Rock Band (so you can export the songs) and Rock Band 2. The Rock Band series offers the best overall band-game experience, in my opinion.
  7. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    After playing many games from both francises, I would have to say go with RockBand 2. Then buy a used RockBand and export songs. I just feel that Harmonix put much more than Activision did into their game. RockBand 2.
  8. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    Ah, a topic I have no problem contributing to.

    Ok, first off, realize that when it comes to music games, you have to rule out several (Rock Revolution, GH 1, GH Aerosmith (waste of money) GH Metallica (sucky (in my opinion) band), and GH 80's (bad and I mean REALLY bad covers).

    Which leaves the following:

    Guitar Hero 2
    Guitar Hero 3
    Guitar Hero Smash Hits
    Guitar Hero World Tour
    Guitar Hero 5
    Band Hero
    Rock Band
    Rock Band 2
    Rock Band Beatles

    Now, since I haven't played any new games that have come out since World Tour, I'm not going to comment on the newer ones. Thus leaving:

    Guitar Hero 2
    Guitar Hero 3
    Guitar Hero World Tour
    Rock Band
    Rock Band 2

    Now, there are two on this list that I would avoid just because of how old they are:

    GH 2 - No on-line multiplayer, and some REALLY bad covers (see the Aerosmith song).

    Rock Band - On-line multiplayer, but not for the world tour mode (which is basically the fun part). Rock Band is worth it though for the importing of songs to RB2.

    Those gone, we have:

    Guitar Hero 3
    Guitar Hero World Tour
    Rock Band 2

    Now, of these three, I would have to put them as such:

    #3 - Guitar Hero World Tour - It's their first foray into drums and mic, and while they nail those pretty accurately, what they did to the bass pissed me off.

    #2 - Guitar Hero 3 - 4/5 for song list, and some of them are really challenging (gee, which song could I be referring to?). But the boss battles are annoying.

    Which leaves my pick and recommendation:

    Rock Band 2. Harmonix were the first, and they did it the best. There's just too much right and aside from not having some songs that Guitar Hero has, not much wrong.

    So, go with Rock Band 2 (and rent Rock Band so you can download the songs).
  9. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    For me, I favor Guitar Hero 3 over all. The succeeding GH games after 3 just lost its mojo, in my opinion, when it took of the use of controllers and required the use of a guitar or any other musical instrument provided they have it.
  10. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    GH: Metallica hands down!!!!
    i love Metallica and they had a great song selection.
    definitely a must have :)
  11. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    IMO, I would have to say GH World Tour. The song selection is pretty good, maybe not the best, but pretty good. My main reason is that you can actually write your own music and upload it to GHTunes. That option is so friggin sweet. The fact that you can make your own song and play it on Guitar Hero is epic. Its kinda wierd if you dont know your notes and timing and its hard to make harmonizing guitar riffs like Trivium makes for example. You get 2 guitars but 1 can only do chords and the other does single notes. So to harmonize riffs, you have to use a keyboard with the guitar. Its a little hard but sounds good enough if you do it right. I havent played GH5 but I hope they fixed the harmonizing part in the studio. If so, I would go with that.
  12. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    To tell you the truth I liked Guitar Hero 2 the best out of all the Guitar Hero games. I haven't played Rock Band 2 yet so I cant say much about it.

    For your first music game, I would say get Guitar Hero 2. The transition of difficulty through the songs is perfect, like you would think it would be like. All the other games seem to have put certain songs in the wrong set lists making it more missmatched then anything, so you can't really expect the difficulty until you fail/pass with incredible ease.
  13. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    I'd get Rock band 2, its expensive, i know, but it extremely worth it

    84 songs on disc
    Has drums and vocals
    You can customize your own character
    Has over 760+ Downloadable songs as of today
    Has online play (which works for quickplay, band world tour, and score battles)
    Nice mix of old and new songs
    You will most likely find a song you like in the massive list of 760+ downloadable songs
    You can export the songs from rock band 1 onto rock band 2 for five dollars
    You can also export all 45 songs from the recently released Lego Rock Band onto rock band 2

    The drum heads can come off easily come off
    the guitar will occasionally malfunction after a year or so
    Large price for the game, the guitar, the mic, and and the drums
    No Beatles songs unless your willing to shell out 70$ for The Beatles: Rock band

    As you can see, the pros HEAVILY outweigh the cons
    #13 GR4V3mind117, Nov 10, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2009
  14. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    I like Guitar Hero 2 the best due to the music, of all the Gh's it seems to have what is for me the best taste of music. I also have GH3 which is great, but I still would have to go with GH2.
  15. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Rock Band 2 is the best, And Guitar Hero was great before that dumbass company activision stepped in, (Guitar hero 1 + 2 were only by Harmonix) I swear, they ruin every game they touch.
  16. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Definitely Guitar Hero 5. It just feels more complete than the other games.
  17. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    You hate Metallica and you like the Beatles. I don't like you.

    Rock Band is a cheap remake of Guitar Hero and that is what started it all. Personally I like GH 3 and GH Metallica. Mostly because I LIKE Metallica but still.

    And what everybody is saying about Rock Band is bullshit. Some GH games have bass, drums, vocals and guitar just like Rock Band (gay name).
  18. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    There is an unequivocal quality of stupidity laden throughout this post. As much as you seem to love the Guitar Hero franchise, I find it hard to believe that you aren't aware that the original creators of the Guitar Hero games are the same developers who created every single Rock Band game.

    You attempt to insult Rock Band (and gloriously fail at doing so) by saying that it is a remake of Guitar Hero and that it is unoriginal, yet you try to justify the Guitar Hero franchise by stating that it allowed for full band play in order to follow Rock Band's lead.

    You are also so dense that you can't seem to understand some people enjoy The Beatles, factually the most successful music group in history.

    You need to kindly shut the **** up and get the **** out, because this kind of blatant fanboy immaturity is not welcome here nor anywhere else.
  19. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    If you are going to be playing the game mostly by yourself, then I'd go with guitar hero 3 (if your a metallica fan, get GH: metallica)(aerosmith fan, get GH: aerosmith)

    If you always have friends over, then go with rock band 2.

    I fell Guitar hero went the wrong way with band play. I think they should have kept to just guitar but oh well. But heres a general of what I said above

    Rock Band ------ many people
    Guitar hero ----- By yourself
    #19 DimmestBread, Nov 10, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2009
  20. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    What I was going to say,but if you want variety,go with guitar hero3,or even better rock band2

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