Recon will be forgotten about soon and everyone will move onto the next armour set that bungie have got. The main reason why people want it is because of its exclusivity. The katana is a good example because in the early days of halo only the best got the katana and eeryone tried there hardest to get it. Once everyone got it it was seen as just 'another armour set'. A new armour for elites will be cool though. At the end of the day it is just a series of squares on your screen that you can't even see when you are playing and dosen't turn into some supergeroe either.
I think that it was a good idea because its something for halo gamers to aim for just like hayabusa, but hayabusa had turned out bad because evreybody has now got it. But on the other hand its a bad idea because there is no recognition for bungie employees. But in the end i think its good.
Its already been said but i agree with shock, it wasn't a mistake, but of course like all things it had its positives and negatives. Such as people being assholes, but that was happening before ODST so no real change there. But i can't even imagine how many people bought ODST because of the added incentive of Recon armor. I lag too much and can't find a party to do Deja Vu and Annual but even if i did finish those and get Recon, i'm not sure i would wear it. Just tough through it, the mute option is there for a reason
its both good and bad, good for bungie's prices and bad because now it has lost value and its annoying to hear everyone brag about how awesome their new armor is and how much better they are then us now that they have recon...
Some people abuse their award and others don't. You can actually get your recon taken away by bragging and annoying everyone so much about it. Those guys shouldn't have it becasue they're big fart butts. I don't brag about it, I just wear it and say, "Yes I do have recon, did you look at my service tag?"
I don't really think it was a good idea recon is a prize that had to be earned at that is what made it cool. Now its just the hardest armor to get that dosent even look that cool. I would have rather got it through earning it then just getting some achievements.