new maps in reach?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by alextrer, Nov 7, 2009.

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  1. alextrer

    alextrer Ancient
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    im wondering when reach comes out if all the default maps are actually new,yep i know it would be really cool but what about our old sandbox our foundry that have been always there to forge and play custom games and other things.Even maybe the newmaps would be worse than the halo 3 beta multiplayer maps?(75 probability of being worse,how many default maps bungie made that are actually really good?)this would affect all halo reach what do you think?

    please dont reply by saying improve your grammar im spanish/american
    #1 alextrer, Nov 7, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2009
  2. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Improve your grammar.

    Although you can expect Bungie to remake Foundry, and Sandbox, and other past Halo maps, plus the new Reach ones, so everyone wins.
  3. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Well it certainly won't have the Halo 3 maps. ODST had Halo 3 multiplayer because it was originally (and still is sort of) a stand-alone expansion of Halo 3. It was still a Halo 3 game.

    Halo Reach will be a different game, like H:CE is different to H2 and H2 to H3.
    ODST is Halo 3, it runs on the same engine, has the same gameplay mechanics etc.

    So Reach will not have maps made for it, not just ports of other maps. We haven't even had confirmation that forge will even be in Reach but its unlikely that Bungie would cut such a popular feature but if we do have it then having Forge maps like Sandbox and Foundry is a given but having exact copies is unlikely.
  4. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    Yes please do, I was confused.

    Back on topic...
    Of course there are going to be new maps but there are always remakes (maybe a Blood Gulch remake or other H:CE or H2 or H3 remakes). What they really need to put in is a better map editor because then people would really be able to make awesome maps.
  5. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    They will probably make something new for forging (or perhaps map creators in Halo Reach). If not, maybe Sandbox will be a remake.

    I just hope that Halo Reach has Coagulation, Headlong and Waterworks.
  6. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
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    Maps that I think probably will be remade: blood gulch, last resort (its on 2 and 3 why stop there), ascension, warlock, hang em high.

    Now I'm going under the belief that were going to get a whole slew of maps to play on, h3 has 24 I think so more would be understandable... Anyways, about 60-75% of those maps most likely will be original ones, or remimmaginings of less popular maps. I don't forsee any flood maps being made though, forunner will be rare and covenant and human style will be the majority of the maps.

    Also I'd like to see a map that is a space tether or a shopping mall maybe.
  7. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    I like the idea of a better map editor. Maybe include something with landscape (you know, trees, bushes, etc).
  8. Spawn of Saltine

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    what if the reach beta was pure blood gulch stuff?!!!!?!? I just got a chubby thinking about it.
  9. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    Reach will definentlly have new maps,considering it has a whole new multiplayer hence the reason for the beta,but Bungie knows how to make videogames and at the same time satisfy almost every wish there fans have.Of course there will be remakes,thats one thing that makes fans go nutts(how many people were excited that heretic was being released).They will mo0st likely have forge,considering that was the only thing that saved halo 3 when all the new games came out such as Gears of war 2 and CoD5.So in that sense,most likely they will make a new sandbox or foundry...or just remake them but I think its safe to say you'll be merging your new map ideas in Reach.Also Bungie looks at the things that made older maps so successful,and incorporate that in there new ones while at the same time keeping the originality and identity of the new yes there will new maps on Reach,due to the new mp but also keep in mind that when playing these maps that maybe you'll see a little Guardian or The Pit in them.
  10. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I would like to see a map creator similar to farcry 2's, as in it isn't realtime(so physics dont apply when forging), there is auto-noclip/merge, snap to objects(such as walls, fences, etc.) and the general use of the editor... I think it would be great in halo...
  11. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    The reason why Bungie doesnt make forge that easy like far cry2's is because they want a certain level of skill needed to create a map and all of these forge "glitches" are not really glitches at all,Bungie knew they exsisted but wanted the players to find out by themsleves.notice how the lesser forgers dont know how to even normally merge while the more experienced and skilled know all the tricks like geo-merging and ghost merging.if forge was like far cry 2,everyone would be able to make a feature worthy map and that wasnt the point of forge,only the ones that dedicated themselves and used the tools of the trade were the ones that made great maps.Im not saying u need to merge to make a good map but statistically i think its safe to safe the hierarchy of forged maps goes something like this.
    No mergeing maps
    Maps with merging
    Maps with geo-merging
    Maps with ghost marging
    Maps with all combined
  12. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    From what little I understood about that post, I'll say this.

    ForgeHub was not created until a few months after Halo 3 was released. Bungie didn't make forging difficult so that only experienced people could create "feature-worthy" maps.

    Also, Bungie did not mean for forge to be a map creator, simply a map editor. It is still this today, even with maps like Sandbox and Foundry. It is impossible to create an entirely new map using Forge.

    And, WTF does this post have to do with "new maps in reach"?
  13. Envy

    Envy Ancient
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    You know they're prolly gonna make all new default ones and make those past ones free DLC along the line. Like Cold Storage was.
  14. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Shutup? You talk like you think you know what your talking about when you dont.

    Bungie didnt make forge like far cry 2's editor because they didnt think forge would be what it is today, they didnt expect halo to be this big, they thought everyone would just play matchmaking and customs and the few odd people would make some nice maps like foundry -.- They even said they underestimated forge. Of course they didnt know about the glitches, they may, just may have known about interlocking but by god they didnt know about unlimited money and ghost merging, dont say, "THEY KNEW BUT KEPT IT SERCUT SO ONLY SOME PEOPLE NYEW!". The only correct thing you got in that post was the heirarchy but you scruffed that up the moment you said ghost merged maps are better than geomerged maps.
  15. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    And you know what your talking about because???You dont know wtf your talking about and what i sayed before was an opinion which im intitled too.Not to mention what I sayed makes sence considering if they didnt think forge was going to be big then why would they bother making better canvas's to forge on like foundry and latter sandbox.Whats the point of making something if in your mind you dont think players will utilize it...doesnt make sence does it considering making a video game is all about money and if they thought forge was just a waste of time then its also a waste of money making it.Also i didnt say the glitches were kept secure so that only some people knew about them,i sayed the players would hav to discover them for themselves rather than bungie just let evry1 know they exsisted from the start.And im almost sure they knew about the you know how long they test and search for bugs like this...and when they do find them they usally fix them but obviouslly they kept the forge glitches around for a reason.So shut the **** up cause in reallity u dnt know what the **** your talking about.
  16. MousseMooseROCKS

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    Actually, he was very accurate.

    I don't see how your post was an opinion. You were trying to say what Bungie did, not telling your thoughts about it.

    That's because Bungie made those maps after they found out how popular forge became.

    They were obviously adding forge to make money, but they didn't expect it to grow. When Halo 3 first came out, forge was supposed to be used to change simpler thing in gameplay like weapon placement and spawns.

    Could be true, but I have serios doubts. You have to realize that interlocking and stuff came a while after Halo 3 launched, so it can't apply all the way back then.

    I know Bungie workers to take some time to test out their games, but the rest of the Halo 3 players together have played many, many more hours than Bungie has. So what takes the community a while to find something could take an extremely long time for Bungie alone to find.

    He actually does. Don't make wild accusations.
  17. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    suck my ****ing **** and hop off his!!!!!
  18. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    That's what I'm wondering.

    You are somewhat correct, although, it is your approach and language which inevitably makes you look as equally immature.

    Nicely done, mature, short, and concise.

    Highly inappropriate, and unnecessary.

    But, to settle one of these issues, here's some knowledge on the subject.
    Bungie created Forge as a tool which player utilize in order to have fun and to edit maps. MAP EDITOR, not map maker. This was stated in one of their ViDOcs prior to the Halo 3 launch. Stacking crated and surrounding them with fushion coils was what they had in mind players would be doing with Forge. They never imagined Forge being as huge as it is today.
  19. used man

    used man Ancient
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    your cool.

    On topic: I think in reach, bungie will set up a permanent creator. instead of taking the position of an editor. I also think they should recreate certain user made maps from halo 3 into full maps.
  20. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Yes, there will obviously be new maps in reach. It's an entirely new game, so it will be similar to the transition from Halo 2 to Halo 3 or CoD4 to CoD: WaW.
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