Fish Food Download link : Halo 3 File Details This is my first attempt at making a race map I usually make competitive maps but I thought I would have a go at making a race map. And I know this is nothing impressive but as i said i thought i would attempt to make a race track. It is a short race track. Pics Start and Finish gate 1st straight The 'Big' ramp Inside downhill bit (only short and comes off the 'Big' ramp) Second Straight (comes out off the inside downhill bit) Last Part (comes off the second straight and leads to the finally corner) Download link : Halo 3 File Details
That is a nice looking track there. It looks generally clean and well done, I can also see some aesthetic structures. Clever use of the map 5/5. Keep Forging!
the map looks great.You took a very different aprouch too where the trach actually is on the map...most people would put it over the water but you seemed to do the opposite and thats why i like it.good race map and a great first timer
Yeh i wanted to do something different cheers for the comments didn'tthink i would get such possitive feedback from my first racetrack