ONI AlphaSite Created by RedNeck & dargie1 Drops 12.20.09 Recommended Players: 8-16 8-10 Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, 1 Flag CTF, KOTH, Territories, Assault, Tolls Accepted Click on the pictures below to download the map and gametype. ONI AlphaSite is the first, and only, remake of Halo 3: ODST's ONI AlphaSite mission in campaign. Dargie and I, along with our combined creativity, have crafted this map to reflect ONI's bridge and capture the paralysis gameplay from the intense campaign mission. Which is why you can expect to be rockin' a wraith if you spawn on the attackers (Covenant) side of the map. The asymmetric bases of ONI AlphaSite will entail a great challenge for dargie and I to manage a balanced (asymmetric spawning) wraith, but we can assure you it will be fun, and chaotic. Aside from the epic gameplay, the bridge of this creation will be as balanced and identical as possible. Though we will not be able to pull-off the heaps of destroyed vehicles all over the bridge, we will provide equal and create cover for you to dodge those wraith shots with. Without disclosing to much, I think its time to give you a snapshot of the map: Defender's Base (UNSC) The newest variant of the bridge. You can expect this map in the Map Database by the beginning of 2010. Update: Okay, the map just finished up as of a few hours ago. Here is some things that where added/changed: Mini-Game Change After some analysis of how the map was turning out (and a little help from Shock Theta and Insane54) the map is now a mini-game. It will host a territories game variant (name yet to be decided) with a push-and-pull style gameplay. The attackers goal is to reach the other side of the bridge (UNSC base) while capturing the 3 (may add a 4th) territories as you progress. Once you hit the half-way point (capture territory 2) you will start spawning mid-bridge, so you will gain a slight advantage over the defenders (with an obvious disadvantage of having to back-track in order to grab power weapons. Power Weapons The map will host the following weapons: Defenders: Gauss Hog, Sniper Rifle, Spartan Laser. Attackers: Wraith (enclosed to one side of the map), Beam Rifle, Grav Hammer. New Name It was decided upon that the map will be officially named 'AlphaSite' to reflect the campaign mission but not mimic it. Cover With a slight item restriction we have added in the large barriers you see on the UNSC side of ONI AlphaSite. (1 barrier is symmetrical only on the defenders side while the attacker's side serves to imprison the wraith) Weapons Weapons Run-Down: (Amount - Re spawn - Spare Clips)Sniper Rifle (1-90-1) Beam Rifle (1 - 90 - N/A) Spartan Laser (1 - 90 - N/A) Grav Hammer (1 - 90 - N/A) SMG (2 - 10 - 1)(Spawn at start) Magnum (Spawn at start only) Assault Rifle (2 4 - 30 - 1) Carbine (2 3 - 30 - 1) Needler (1 - 45 - 1) Plasma Rifle ( 1 - 30 - N/A) Wraith (1 - 120 90 - N/A) Gauss Hog (1 - 120 - N/A) Machine Gun Turret (1 - 90 120 - N/A) Brute Shot (1 - 60 - N/A) Yes, there is an absence of Battle Rifles. We felt that since there is none in ONI AlphaSite, we would add in magnums at start and be sure to add Carbines.
Looking good man, only thing is i can't really tell how tall you made your towers that hold up the bridge. Still though looking very smexy, can't wait for it. Will be only 1 sided gametypes or ?
we are gonna try to make it support all game types, symmetrical or asymmetrical. but i can say that you're not gonna get the wraith on all game types
Looks cool. When I saw the title I was expecting something like the alpha site firefight mission. But this is probably even better. Maybe you could ghost merge some stuff inside a gauss hog on the defenders side to make stationary guass turrets like the ones you see in campaign. Ya know just have a hog inside a block huge so just the turret sticks out. (at least I think you can do that.). Anyway, keep it up. Oh and will there be banshees too?
Awesome job on the bridge remake bro! When I first saw this I was thinking that it was going to be for firefight, but then you told us it was just a normal competive map. This map would also make a good machinima map. Such as remaking the Dutch scene from the ODST Campaign. Again, excellent job. I can't wait until you put it onto the map section.
Wow, That was close. For a minute I thought you were building the inside of ONI Alpha Site. Aka The Firefight side of it. But Its gonna be in the ODST Multiplayer Map Pack. I was planning to remake that. But Im gonna Need some help. looks pretty good. Loved, how you compared a screenshot from ODST to your version. Really good. Anyways, Im going start forgeing ..... WAIT 2010 WTF????? That long. I mean sure I releasing my ODST Multiplayer Map Pack in Winter 2009. But 2010. Wow you got balls man.
OK I'm not sure about the there being a banshee, may be a bit to powerful, but if we add gause turrets to the defenders side then it maybe will be balanced...
I tried making this a couple weeks back, and utterly failed, though mine was for a custom gametype, yours seems to be coming along nicely, although you might want to make more than just one route to the enemies base for the flag ,because then it would just be a tug of war across the middle of the bridge, which might be nice for a non-competetive map, but not this, try some alternate routes. its looking pretty good thus far though. Good Job.
Well thank you. The bases will be asymmetrical with the intent to administer one sided gametypes, but balanced 2 Flag CTF and what not will be available. If you look in the bottom left of the screesnshot you can see skybubble's grid. use that for reference. Dargie are still playing around with that idea. I have doubts of it happening though. sorry. The map would indeed. Of course you would half to make some changes and what not. but I don't see why not. Well, I still have the forge the second base, we half to add in weapons & spawns, we half to balance it through a **** ton of testing. I predict it will intail the majority of december maybe even January. I'll handle the feedack. and we'll talk about it later. k Don't worry we've been playing around with some ideas for a secondary route. There will definitly be one for the very reason you've explained.
this appears to be coming along nicly, but ricebuckets need to be armored from the outside, placing in a block will cause it to eject when touched by anything. Banshee would cause problems allowing an attack on the rear of the base. The most important thing about the gauss turrets is to place them just outside the towers of the bridge so these block most lines of sight, otherwise a ricebucket (gauss turret) in daylight is utterly overpowering. You might also want to change the name since alpha site is generally associated with the indoor firefight map.
how about we both handle feedback ae Ryan? and also we cant really call it anything else because then when you look at the thread you wont know it is a remake until we tell you... and Ryan, work on making sure your sentences make sense!
that's 3 cracks from the whip for you mister. We are debating over this as well. But we will think of something and it's looking like the map will be named simply 'AlphaSite'
Update: Okay, the map just finished up as of a few hours ago. Here is some things that where added/changed: Mini-Game Change After some analysis of how the map was turning out (and a little help from Shock Theta and Insane54) the map is now a mini-game. It will host a territories game variant (name yet to be decided) with a push-and-pull style gameplay. The attackers goal is to reach the other side of the bridge (UNSC base) while capturing the 3 (may add a 4th) territories as you progress. Once you hit the half-way point (capture territory 2) you will start spawning mid-bridge, so you will gain a slight advantage over the defenders (with an obvious disadvantage of having to back-track in order to grab power weapons). Power Weapons The map will host the following weapons: Defenders: Gauss Hog, Sniper Rifle, Spartan Laser. Attackers: Wraith (enclosed to one side of the map), Beam Rifle, Grav Hammer. New Name It was decided upon that the map will be officially named 'AlphaSite' to reflect the campaign mission but not mimic it. Cover With a slight item restriction we have added in the large barriers you see on the UNSC side of ONI AlphaSite. (1 barrier is symmetrical only on the defenders side while the attacker's side serves to imprison the wraith) Weapons Weapons Run-Down: (Amount - Re spawn - Spare Clips)Sniper Rifle (1-90-1) Beam Rifle (1 - 90 - N/A) Spartan Laser (1 - 90 - N/A) Grav Hammer (1 - 90 - N/A) SMG (2 - 10 - 1)(Spawn at start) Magnum (Spawn at start only) Assault Rifle ( 2 - 30 - 1) Carbine (2 - 30 - 1) Needler (1 - 45 - 1) Plasma Rifle ( 1 - 30 - N/A) Wraith (1 - 120 - N/A) Gauss Hog (1 - 120 - N/A) Yes, there is an absence of Battle Rifles. We felt that since there is none in ONI AlphaSite, we would add in magnums at start and be sure to add Carbines, as a replacement. Testing will begin next week, anybody that wants to help send me a friend request.
i expexted to find the alphasite firefight map and was dissapointed it wasnt but then i saw your map and changed my mind! Looks good but sandbox is not the most sutable enviroment too bad there are no maps that suit the enviroment tho because that is the only thing i can see that is wrong with your map.
I tested this map about a week or so ago and I'll say that I'm happy with the changes you made. The BR did get annoying at points. I would be glad to help test again whatever date you schedule it on. I believe I'm already friends with you on XBL...
About the barriers... The barriers in ODST weren't just rectangular walls. They had these little slanted stand things at the bases. Sorta hard to explain, look at the ODST barriers to see what I mean.
BR? There is no BR on AlphaSite. Unless you are talking about something other then a Battle Rifle I am aware of the barrier situation. If they where added in it would clutter the bases in that area and waste a lot of items. So we decided against them.
Final changes have been made. Updated release date Updated New pictures Updated Weapon spawns Updated Picture for weapon spawns