Map- Sandbox Number of Players- 1-4 people Creators- About 1200 Jews – New upcoming puzzler Creech n Spawn – Creator of Pharaohs Crypt Tylyr1- Creator of Encryption and the Co-op puzzles YEE MAN IZ BAK- Creator of Dark Water, Hell’s Fury, and 40 more! Dr TecH Ex (T3CHH800) – Creator of Rehab, Valium 10MG, and Area 51 Supported Game Type- Oddball This all started one day when About 1200 Jews (An actual gamer tag) stumbled upon a Sandbox Canvas planning to create a new map all by his lonesome. When Gamesmoker89 and his friend came trouting up to him with a plan to make that into a 3 people group map, then recruited to it was Creech n Spawn. After the finding of him, “About Jews 1200” kicked GameSmoker89 and his friend from the project. Now it was but only About 1200 Jews and Creech n Spawn on the map. Yee Man Iz Bak courteously offered a section into the map. Then, once Tylyr1 was informed Yee Man would be in the map, he instantly wanted a part. And that’s when the project started as a solo project into a group project. Approximately 2 weeks later, the most unfortunate thing happened. . . The map had gotten leaked out with a total of 300 downloads. Later on, everything was getting under control, until Yee Man IZ BAK was forced to back out of the project,becaue he had to go on vacation, leaving the rest of them in the mud. About 1200 Jews ran into a situation where he couldn’t offer his time for about 14 days, everything was falling apart. Creech n Spawn offered to take control of the map, and also restarting on the whole thing. Jmen77 was then brought into the collaboration, but things didn’t work out for him, then Yee Man was back on! Just a couple days later, Dr TecH Ex (T3CHH800), offered a part. He then started helping getting everything back under control, and everything was going great! That’s where the plot brings us to now. . . This is our art; we hope you enjoy the show. The features on this map are – Ghost Merging Brand New Challenges Geo Merging (Legit) No Turret/ mongoose clips 3 Paradox Forgers! This puzzle was made for one player, everything in here is possible to complete by yourself. However, it if fun with at least up to four people. It is a very difficult puzzle map to do, there for, if you aren’t an experienced puzzle player, you will find yourself stuck on a lot of challenges in this map. Now, if you’re one of those types that are to lazy to download the game type, you better double think you original methods. Because without the game variant you will not get far in this map, it is definitely required. Also, it is indeed needed to recognize Creech n Spawn, for he rebuilt the whole map. Everything was forged by him except for Dr TecH Ex’s part. Who Did What? Challenge 1-2 = YEE MAN IZ BAK The 1st and 2nd hub = Creech n Spawn Challenge 3-8 = About 1200 Jews Challenge 9-11 = Tylyr1 Challenge 12-17 = Creech n Spawn Challenge 18-21 = Dr TecH Ex (T3CHH800) Challenge 22-24 = Tylyr1 Game Play- Everything in this puzzle map flows together very nicely. Each challenge has it’s own bit of difficulty level in it. There will be no breaks for easy challenges what so ever. There are even some things in here that you will find very aesthetically pleasing, also some very unique and brand new challenges that you are guaranteed to have never seen before. The Story: Councilor/Therapist – Alrighty TecH, It seems as if this session has run out of time, remember, if you think of taking another pill, don’t. Give me a call. . . You seem impatient, anything planned? TecH- Yeah I got big plans, we’re going down to the theater for the premier of our show. Councilor/Therapist- Sounds fun, doing extra curricular activities can help you keep that urge away. Now go along now. TecH- See ya doc. *Arrives at the theater* Creech n Spawn- Come on, Get that sign up! Oh my god, come on you guys, the show’s tonight! Tylry1- I want to sing, can we sing about ponies, and talk about butterflies, Yeah! About 1200 Jews- Tylyr, shut up man, no singing, this is serious stuff. YEE MAN- Where the F*** is TecH? If he’s not here in 5 minutes we need to start. Creech n Spawn- He’ll be here, plus, if one of us is not here, the show can’t go on. About 1200 Jews- I’m agreeing with YEE MAN right now, look at this we have a sold out crowd! Tylyr1- Hey, get the costumes ready, tell the workers to start passing out the popcorn to keep the people busy. About 1200 Jews- Great idea, we need to keep them as preoccupied as possible. Creech n Spawn- Ok, get the lights focused on the center of the stage, I just saw his car pull up. As the doors were pushed open, a figure came through. TecH- Hey, sorry I’m late, the session lasted longer than I thought. YEE MAN- Where the F*** were you? Our tickets sold out! We have a jam packed crowd! TecH- I’m here now, so let’s get this show started. The curtains slowly started to open. Everyone was on their feet. The show will now begin. . . Pictures: This is the first room done by YEE MAN IZ BAK As you can see, this is the hub made by Creech n Spawn. Design by About 1200 Jews Room done by About 1200 Jews Second part of About 1200 Jews’ part Room done by Tylry1 Room done by Creech n Spawn Second part of Creech n Spawn’s Third part of Creech n Spawn’s Room done by Dr TecH Ex (T3CHH800) Ending room done by Tylyr1 Overview of the map Second overview of the mapWeapon List / Equipment- Battle Rifle x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Spiker x3 Magnum x1 Needler x1 Brute Shot x1 Gravity Hammer x1 Carbine x1 Machine Gun Turret x2 Plasma Grenade x1 Firebomb Grenade x1 Bubble Shield x2 Power Drain x2 Trip Mine x1 Grav Lift x1 Radar Jammer x1 Over shield x2 Active Camo x2 Custom Power up x4 Challenge’s on a 1 – 10 scale of how difficult each individual is YEE MAN IZ BAK’s challenge (1-2) – [7] About 1200 Jews’ Challenge (3-8) – [7] Tylyr1’s Challenge (9-11) – [7.5] Creech n Spawn’s Challenge (12-17) – [9] Dr TecH Ex’s (T3CHH800) Challenge (18-21) – [9] Tylyr1’s Challenge (22-24) – [7] Testers mander A1 ActualGLoRY xDeaTHxsT4LkeRx This map is a well deserved download on your console. A lot of effort was put forth to this map, and please show your support by downloading! Thank you and have a nice day. DOWNLOAD MAP HERE DOWNLOAD GAME VARIANT HERE
Another puzzle map made by various puzzle makers! No map preview of this? It looks really nice and and the puzzles dont look like any that I have ever seen. I think the last puzzle map I played took about 4 hours to do... So i will have fun doing this one.
Ahh, thanks Yee Man for putting up the post! I'm glad you got around to it, so now we have it up on here for more people to see. Congrats to everyone else who put there hard work together and helped complete this map. And me having to re-forge the entire map was no easy task either. Everyone should have a great time, and a great challenge with this map For those of you who downloaded it around the time of the first post, we have updated the map due to 2 breaks found by a tester. If you'd like the newer version it is fixed in the link. Thanks!
how the hell have you not got premium yet? your maps are hella legit. even if you have a group of forgers, they still turn out really fun to play. i personally havent dowloaded this yet so i cant tell you how much i liked the challenges etc. anywho my main thing was just to express how suprised i was to look at your forgehub name and not see it premium haha seriously :O how many extremely well forged puzzels have you made? exactly haha
F-ing amazing map and an awesome addition to the puzzle database. Great job on it all of you, and Creech man, you really went all out on redoing the map, that's an effort above and beyond, and it really shows how much you guys care about the map. This is truly a masterpiece, and I can't wait to play it again! Nice job on the post Yee Man and Tech!
Wow, This puzzle map is very interesting, all the ideas that were put in here are amazing and they all flow together just nicely. I can tell you guys spent a lot of time on this map and it is an honor to have on my console. Im surprised as well your not a premium yet.
I've made it to Tylyr's part. This map is great so far and the challenges are really fun but pretty hard. Non-experienced puzzle players won't stand a chance on this map. I love it though. Nice aesthetics too!
The Time and hard work you guys put into this map was, worth the wait. Great job everyone who was involved in this project. Anyone playing this we hope you enjoy it.
Wow, I can't believe I haven't seen this before now. It looks great and that's awesome that you got some Paradox Forgers in on it. It's too bad that you couldn't have gotten BuddhaCrane and Mander A1 too, but I'm sure that this map will be promising nonetheless. I actually can't wait to get home and try it. Nice job guys!
We didn't want too many Paradox forgers in the project, it was started by About 1200 Jews (gamertag) and I, and we were not Paradox Forgers, we decided to let Tylyr1, Yee Man and Tech in, so it really wasn't a Paradox Forgers project, that's why Buddha and Mander weren't in there. WE had nothing against them, they just did not offer there services. I am glad I participated in this map, since it recently helped me obtain Paradox Forgers status.
Ah ok, thanks for clearing it up. I did kinda know though that it wasn't a matter of you refusing them, and was just saying that it would have been cool to get them on board too. It probably would have been too many people though anyways, and I think you guys did great on the map as it is. I played it, haven't beat it, but the forging is really amazing, and so are the challenges. I just got past the cloning one and that one was really crazy. Really fantastic map, and congrats on becoming a Paradox Forger. From what I can tell, it seems like a very hard rank to obtain.
Yes becoming a paradox forger was hard to do, but I worked towards it by forging this and another puzzle map. I did do almost all the forging in this map so the fact that I'd be willing to do that caught there eye. And my newest puzzle map that is in the works brought some attention. Also I would like to point out if you didn't already know the map has been edited a few times for some of the people who downloaded the map when we first posted it. We got to about 300 downloads, and then we discovered a major break so Tylyr1 fixed it for us and its back up. The link is still in the post, so if you decide to re-download it... Thats where it is