Map Design Issue!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Devil95, Nov 6, 2009.


Map Design Section: Yes or No?

  1. Yes, Lets Help forgehub become a better place

    1 vote(s)
  2. No, Its a stupid idea

    2 vote(s)
  3. What does the scouter say about his POWER LEVEL?!

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Okay, lets face it. Forgehub use to have 6-9 maps added each day. Now theres only like 1-3 maps. Whats going on? Are we running out of Map Ideas. Or is it just because is down. Well the first problem can be solved. Map Ideas and Designs. Think about it if forgehub had a Map Design section. Were people posted map designs, you could print them and make the map come to life. I think this fits in with halo forge dicussion because its a problem for people who are forging but can come up with a map design or map ideas. Sure, we have that google sketch up stuff, but think about the new members trying to build their first map on forgehub. They could be pros but we never knew it or people who aren't good at forging. I say we should put a section where new members can print off map deisgns. It would help everyone still thinking about making maps. What do you think? :confused:
  2. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Actually, noobs are forging less and less nowadays, and so are really good members. People who suck have all moved on to other games by now. People who are good have been doing it for so long, they are somewhat, well, exhausted from making them?

    It's the forgers who are average, or on the brink of getting a feature, or on the brink of being as good as the good forgers, that are still forging.
  3. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    What? Noobs and Really good members aren't forging what are you on. I'm still forging and I'm a noob to this site. "It's the forgers who are average, or on the brink of getting a feature, or on the brink of being as good as the good forgers, that are still forging." Hello, thousands of people forging everyday. I dont think thats even correct at all. If thats the case, wheres comic rick? Hmm. People who have maps featured take a break and nearly ever make maps. Some of them do. But I haven't seen many forgers make any maps at all. I think this Idea will help me and many forgers make more maps and help forgehub become a better forging site.
    #3 Devil95, Nov 6, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2009
  4. Bigb779

    Bigb779 Ancient
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    Yeah I don't see many new people sticking to Forging. They usually make a map or two, post them, and then just leave for various reasons. Heck, that's what I did.

    Sharing map ideas has been going on for a while with Sketchup and drawings or just descriptions. This really comes to no surprise to me that less maps are being made. Forge has been out for a long time and you have to have realized that at some point people would lose interest and the numbers would start to dwindle. We still have a pretty large community though.
  5. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Okay again, Google sketch up. It really is a cool way to Design maps. But many new forgers dont know how to use it. I do. But is really hard and boring after a while. Infection has gone down before the Save One Bullet Contest. Slayer Maps really are small and Some Maps should have squels but they just leave it out to dry and let it die.
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