Leaks (including pics and videos), or links to leaks, are not tolerated on ForgeHub. Leaks are a result of someone breaking Bungie's Non-Disclosure Agreement, and as such, are illegal.
thats strange. It looks like there is a needler/ carbine combination of a gun. I don't quite understand it... well those pictures are sweet none the less.
BR looks sick, and Spartan laser has view screen, and Needler married covenant Carbine... BUNGIE, I LOVE YA!
We want Bungie to like us, so they'll feature some of our content like the Conflict tourney on the front page. They won't do that if we host content that's breaking the NDA or things like modded content. Apparently we can talk about it, as long as it isn't posted here though.
I checked it out on youtube, I was expecting a video lawl, but yeah the pictures where quite good but blurry, maybe because they didnt want people to see the whole picture, as in their Dev Kit ID or maybe they used a dev kit to mod halo 3, thats quite plausable, someone people are sad enough to fake stuff.
"Secretly" Youd think that but its probally made to look like that. Some companies leak images of their games to get a hype. Maybe not by the company itself but an employee may take it upon themself RedLynx who made trials HD actually torrented trials and seeded it to get more publicity for the game, the only thing they didnt include in the game was the scoreboard LMAO