Those countries are close but aren't superpowers. Only the USA at the current moment. China is getting there. Russia still has some of it's ability as a former Superpower. That's it.
What is or isn't a superpower is based on opinion, at which point is a country no longer a power, but a superpower? Opinion decides.
It isn't opinion. The USA is the only Superpower. The USSR, the British Empire and USA have been the only superpowers so far. Not debatable. What is debatable is what countries can become superpowers. To be a superpower, a country has to be able to project it's interests to the world and influence events to it's own gain. Most of the time, in more then one place at a time. Can France do that? England? Chine? Russia? Opinion does not decide. EDIT: Anybody know the name of the song in the launch trailer?
Wow this has just turned into a debate about superpowers. Batman does not have superpowers, and he never did. Anyways I'm really psyched for the UMP45, but I'm pissed about the FAMAS because I'm pretty sure it's burst fire. I'm really liking what I've seen of the maps so far. The CoD 4 maps all seemed too similar, to where they all just started blending together. Seems like there will be a lot more color and variety this time. And another thing, how do you akimbo? I seems like it would be a perk, or is it under the attachments or something?
I am changing the superpower debate. I think level 70 is a bit to high unless we level up faster in multiplayer. I know we get 50 xp per kill and stuff, but that doesnt mean we dont have to have 2000 xp till level 2.
I think 70 is fine. There was 60 levels i think in cod4 nows theres 770?. The scores are really the same. Like in cod4 it would be 10xp a kill and 1000 to level. Now its like 50xp and 5000xp to level. I think they did this to balance out the score difference in playlists and different scoring methods. Its also level 70 to increase cod's multiplayer playability that bit more than cod4's 10 prestige. DIFFERENT TOPIC: I was playing on a friends modded console and i found out you can level in custom games/private match. MEANING easy boosting :[. Sorta ruined mw2 a bit for me now. I wanted to have the feel of putting all the effort into getting mw2 10 prestige but now that u can boost so easily.... seriously i got to level 24 in about an hour of straight killing guest controllers. ALSO ive been playing around with the SCAR and it feels overpowered but this is crippled by the really low clip and ammo supplies. Sucks that bling and scavenger are in the same tier. Cause rocking the heartbeat sensor and red dot on the scar is awesome, but theres like no ammo. But if i go scavenger i only get one attachment, and its red dot cause the scars iron sights suck. Yeah the scar is powerfull but balanced, waiting for the game to get up to 48 so i can see how the Bushmaster stands up against the SCAR. (Bushmaster is like my fav rl gun). From what ive seen it looks a tad weaker and tad slower fire rate but larger clip more ammo and iron sights i can actually play with. Wow long post....
Yeah from looking at trailers a long time ago the Bushmaster was my fav, but after playing the SCAR is my fav until i compare it to the Bushmaster.The scars reload animation is probably the coolest too, and theres a coll little details on some guns. Like the scar as a holder clip thing on the front that flails around when you shoot around reload. The game is alot like COD4 still. Which is sort of dissapointing, cause theres no huge major changes but i expected that so. S
The Vector, AKA Kriss, is like the sex-AY-est gun ever, in my opinion, I looooooooooooooves me some KRISS!!!(no ****).
I hate that gun so much. I can not explain why either. Its just when you do something you just hate it and i just hate that gun.
Hey, I just thought of something guys. They said that the supply box has higher level killstreaks. Does that include the tactical nuke? It would have to be a really low chance, less than a percent even.
55 levels in cod4 now 70 in mw2 BUT we havnt been told about how long each level is in xp and the amount of xp you get in games is quite huge
The throwing knives suck. Eh do them just for challenges but they are bad in all situation and the hit detection sucks. The higher level the killstreak the lower the percentage is that is will be that. The tactical nuke probably inst available from the supply box or its like 0.00001. Infinity wants to reward the players that go big so i think they didnt put it in the box, they could of though. I wish MW2 had online stats, i would really like to check like "how many tactical nukes fired" and see how much it's been used.
im sure the ratio is the same, everything is just multiplied by 10. So its gonna take the same amount of time to level up, therefore more time each prestige, because of the 15 extra levels.
It's not about how good a weapon they are, it's about the coolness and sheer badassery they represent.
THEY TOOK OUT MY DRAGUNOV. I just confirmed it for sure...and my ****ing M1911. Campaign only. WTF. My classes are ruined. ****ing ruined.