Yeah same, except some kid asked if me and my friend worked for bungie. We told him yes. And he was all like "OMG can i play you for reconz" It was funny.
it wasnt really a bad idea even tho half of halo is going to have it in two weeks. at least you have to get through hard acheivements to get throught to get recon. I got recon and now im only wearing the shoulders.
Honestly, I dont care how people act about the armor because Recon is my favorite armor set (Same with Mark V) and I dont care how much of an ass people can be, its my favorite armor and I hated not being able to obtain it. So who cares if they are bragging? Its just virtual armor and the people that are constantly bragging about it are taking it just as far as the people that are incredibly offended by it...
i think it was pretty stupid. yeah it probably helped them sell a ton more games and it defends the 60$ price tag for odst but now recon isnt special. everyone is going to have it or almost everyone. the people that actually earned it shouldnt brag, but they did deserve it and now itll make there accomplishments not really even count. you could argue all day both ways though this is just my opinion.
I don't think it was a bad Idea to give away Recon through the achivements, but they should have made it harder. I mean it just takes time, not that much skill to get the achivements. Recon needs to be saved for the best of the best, not little kids that have a whole day to burn playing firefight with 4 of there "friends". If only they had an armor to replace Recon, to give out to those who earned it the hard way by doing something awesome, then it wouldn't be too bad.
When has Recon became something that is associated to people who are godly, or have immense skill, or is famous, or whatever? It was a present to people that impressed Bungie- Actually, no, it was an early gift that Bungie gave for impressing them. They were gonna give Recon to everyone, it's just that If Bungie liked you or something you did or made, you got the armor early, not exclusively.
I don't mind that they gave away recon. I just wished it had been harder. The were called Vidmasters because of Marathon. The Marathon Vidmaster was far harder than any one from halo.If it had been my decision these would hav been the vidmasters Obtain General rank enter a playlist with 777 exp on the 7th Keep annual Keep Deja vu Beat all of odst on legendary with melee only Survive 7 sets on legendary with four people and I guess keep the skulls one.
?? to punch through?? And I realize I could not get it if they did it this way, but those who did get it would be actually proud.
Those sound pretty good the only one i would take out or change is the legendary campaign melee only. That might be a bit overboard maybe have it just beat legendary on solo. Other than that thats a pretty good list of vidmasters.
At least now that they are giving it away people will stop whining and constantly talking about recon. It really annoyed me and Im just glad its over. Now we can get back to playing halo for the fun of it and not for some stupid armor
In my opinion the Vidmaster's werent hard enough for Recon. They were easy. It took me two hours for Endure, 5 min for Classic and an hour for Deja Vu. I hate people who brag about it. If i had it before ODST i would but after you have nothing to brag about it's available to everyone. By the way have you ever noticed, people with Recon generaly aren't that good? lol
I agree with this also. What's got me wondering though is when everyone has recon, what will be so special about it? Sure, bungie employees still have the flaming head perm(I rarely see it in matches) but what will take over the legacy that recon left behind? There is no other special permutation left for Bungie to use that seperates them from the average Jo. There isn't anything left to fight for! It makes me wonder what will come next..
I don't mind them giving out Recon. It is just a virtual armor after all. If you get that into it and upset then you may need to seek help.
The only mistake was to make an achievable item with unspecified parameters, and not an initially unlocked or easily obtainable item like all of the rest of the armour. It was a good idea for Bungie to award people an immaterial valued item, because they could dish it out to their hearts content with no effect on their pockets. The problem came when you morons glorified into something else and split the Halo community into people who set it in their sights and never shut up about it and people who wished it never existed.
Personally, i don't see the fuss about Recon. It would be nice to have, but I think it looks ugly. I'll stick with my Hayabusa armor. Getting recon doesnt take skill or anything anymore, and yet people still brag about it. If they're gonna brag about something then it should be something amazing like an Extermination! on Social Big Team (Which Im still aiming for)