when trying to be pedantic, get it right a satellite is anything orbiting anything and all of the world's superpowers use icbms
That makes the Earth a satellite, and to some degree, the Sun is a satellite. You could say the galaxy is a satellite as it orbits the "galactic core".
Satellite Definition | Definition of Satellite at Dictionary.com now get back on topic before i decide to report you
Sub-Machine Guns MP5K (default) UMP45 (default) Vector (lvl 12) P90 (lvl 24) Mini-Uzi (lvl 44) where is the scorpion?
I loved that gun, I was either knifing,pistal only,or scorpion ownage. I hope they keep the (lack of) recoil.
Last I checked, there is only 1 Superpower in the world. Maybe you meant any military power? Anyway, awesome trailer. They are really pushing that Invasion of American Soil. It's making e think that it's going to go through the same way as CoD4. CoD4 had the training and the interactive cutscene of the President for the prologue. MW2 has the airport killing spree and obviously training. CoD4 had an invasion of unspecified-istan which ended up with the nuke as we all know. The British go around behind the scenes doing investigation. MW2 has the US being ****ed in the ass and ending with the Space Station being destroyed. US allies help in Brazil or on US soil while the other guys are in Brazil. Basicly, I'm wondering why they showed the Space Station being destroyed if it's near the end.
when did you last check? when pangea was still around? Superpower Definition | Definition of Superpower at Dictionary.com well isnt everybody trying to pull my posts apart and failing?
He is actually right, the US is the only remaining superpower. Soviet Union was the second until the end of the Cold War. I think you meant major economic/military powers.
OMG I can't wait till tuuueeesddaayayay!!!! When I first started watching the new trailer on pg 5 i refreshed once to load it faster... in that refresh the last pg went from 7 to 8, one whole page in like a few minutes
Last I checked, only the USA could influence other nations. Britain, France, Russia and China can't. To a small degree they can but not fully.
Last time I checked, most of the countries you mentioned, ESPECIALLY Russia, could. Russia is as powerful, if not more powerful then the USA.
SAME! I have been watching videos of it for atleast 3 hours a day. Every video i watch excites me more. CANT WAIT! My tests end the same day so its a great day to celebrate by playing mw2.
I'm pretty sure you need to learn about the Cold War. Up until the early 90s, the USSR (Russia) WAS a Super power, rivaling the US, until it fell apart. Russia basically destroyed itself, and is definitely not more powerful than the USA in the present day. The United States are the only current super power, however many people China may gain that title soon, as its economy and influence are growing rapidly.
Close. Russia is currently now only considered a nuclear superpower. Their arsenal is smaller and less technically advanced, but they could still wipe you off the face of the Earth. Russia is economically a decade behind you, but it has a determined armed forces and the capability to invade if needs be. China has 2 armed forces to every one of the USA's, along with the production of the most advanced naval fleet on the planet and is currently building gargantuan nuclear bunkers in the mountains. China would mop the floor with you.
A lot of countries would mop the floor with Australia... It doesnt really matter. No 2 countries would go to war with just each other these days (on a large scale). It would all depend on the allegiances. The U.K. would most likely fight with the U.S., China would probably depend on the situation.
YouTube- Modern Warfare 2 :: Intervention M200 :: ACOG Scope/Reg ::Gameplay :: HD Got tests for the next two weeks so i can't play that much D:.