They shut down my brother's middle school because someone had the flu. Not even conformed to be H1N1, they said ,"as just a precaution we're closing scool for the rest of the week." My high school (same district 1 block away) is still running.
Well it's finally been bumped out of the news here... By a idiot in Napier who shot a cop and has been on a Waco, Tx styled standoff for the last 2 days. Apparently the guy fancies himself Rambo and has heaps of guns and home made explosives. The thing that has me pissing myself laughing is he is doing all this to avoid a minor cannibis charge...
@ waylander - the max prisonment sentence for cannabis is 2 months over here, so it seems pretty damn stupid to me. Maybe swine flu drove him crazy ^^
It's just something that the media uses to seem scarier than it really is. Eventually, it will be over. ALSO! It's H1N1, not swine flu, as pigs had nothing to do with it. I can't believe how everyone is so negative about this stuff nowadays, swine flu kill us all, 2012 r end r worldz, US govormunt r be gone maek us live in terror -Alex Jones Also I live in Florida. supertoaster uses: ***** YOU H1N1, STAY THE **** AT OF FLORIDA!* *H1N1 flees* Pokemon safari mode anyone?
Flu shots don't do anything, it's a different strand, so flu vaccine's don't work. It really isn't any worse than regular influenza, so I don't see what the big fuss is all about. Sure it's contagious, isn't every disease? If you're sick, stay home, just like before swine flu happened. Then all you scared people can pay $200 for a flu shot that protects you against the "worst flu ever."
Someone in Britain who got it has made a full recovery. We currently have 29 cases. OMG WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!1
I found an interesting article on the internet, it's worth reading: Genetically Engineered Flu: Swine Flu Genetically Engineered Flu? : Salt Spring Seeds Articles And another website, this supports the above article: US Patent Application 20090010926 - Genetically Engineered Swine Influenza Virus and Uses Thereof: Genetically Engineered Swine Influenza Virus and Uses Thereof - US Patent Application 20090010962 Full Text A You-Tube video: YouTube- What's In A Flu Shot Finally, one more article: Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease: Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America | Mail Online I suggest you look at all this stuff. And there are so many people, waiting in line for hours from morning, to blindly take a vaccine that they don't even need, only because the media has scared them so much and made them fear the flu so much. The 1976 swine flu. In February, 1976 a strain of H1N1 influenza similar to the 1918 strain killed a soldier at Fort Dix. Officials feared a pandemic and over-reacted. In actuality, the H1N1 strain was limited to the Fort Dix area and quickly died out, and another related strain only persisted until March. Nevertheless, a swine flu vaccine was developed and was given to 48,000,000 Americans, 22 percent of the population. The vaccination program was stopped in December after 532 cases of paralysis from Guillain-Barré syndrome were linked to the vaccine and 25 people died. It had been a false alarm, and more people died of the vaccine than of the disease. The risk of getting Guillain-Barré from the vaccine was approximately 1 in 100,000.
Swine flu has only killed a few thousand people worldwide, but the regular seasonal flu kills 250000-500000 yearly.
YouTube - RFID chip hand implantation They say that the Vaccines have RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips in them... There purpose... Is below, it's scary... YouTube - RFID Implant - Fox News - Mikey Sklar