Sandbox Jackal's Bridge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JackalAnubis, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    I'm really interested in playing this map, it looks unlike anything I've ever seen in Forge.I can't DL maps (my ****ing Bungie thing doesn't work, I can never be bothered to try to figure out why), but if you'd like to play some games on it sometime, let me know.

    Now, for actual feedback, let me just say I'm very impressed with the layout and forging. I am not a forger myself, but I imagine that using so much merging in the Skybubble is a bit of a challenge, but you've done a killer job there. Also, you have a fuel rod cannon and deployable cover on the map, and in my book that's like +8574839 bonus points.

    From your description, however, the attacker's base seems loaded down with cool goodies like Camo/Shields and power weapons that the defenders would have no access to. Maybe a one-way teleporter from the defender side to the attacker side (maybe the receiver node could be inside one of the caves?) would solve this? I'd make things more fair for the defenders, and the attackers would have to be more careful about going into the caves.

    I dunno, I feel like I'm rambling. This map has infinite potential, dude. Keep forging.
  2. Arazra

    Arazra Forerunner
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    Very well forged, I would be interested in seeing how well this plays with a team slayer, say a 3v3 game. The two opposing sides as opposing bases.
  3. JackalAnubis

    JackalAnubis Ancient
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    Actually the defenders have quite an arsenal to contend with. I added a mostly complete weapons list on the first post.

    Team slayer was set up so that teams start on either base, but nuetral respawns can happen on either so teams can migrate to any part of the map.
    #23 JackalAnubis, Nov 1, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2009
  4. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    Yeah, my ranting was aimed more at one-sided objective games, haha. Nevermind, I'd have to play it before I could really say anything about balance anyway.
  5. Fluffy Pie

    Fluffy Pie Ancient
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    My friends and I loved this map and we like the layout. THe only problem I had with it was getting confused when spawning and a couple times after I spawned I got confused. Other than this I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  6. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    At first I was skeptical but now this looks like a lot of fun.
    I can imagine it being very teamwork oriented.
    Its one of the few maps that made me say "woah"

    Send me a Friend Request if you would like to play custom games on it,
    or testing for a possible v2?
    #26 AlexIsCoool, Nov 1, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2009
  7. JackalAnubis

    JackalAnubis Ancient
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    i had some comments about the spawning in tunnels being kinda confusing. I thought I could put them closer to the exits so you would know how to get out quicker, but they whole point of putting them so deep in the tunnels was to try and deter heavy spawn camping since the map isn't very big. So it's a bit of a tradeoff I guess, but I bet if you play the map a few times you'd become familiar with the layout.

    Ya if anyone wants to test or help with map stuff send me a friend request or message in game, my handle is this same as my forgename
  8. A Fluffy Pillow

    A Fluffy Pillow Ancient
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    Wow, great job jackel. I love these kinds of maps. I played a 7 on 7 game last night and overall was really impressed. Really the only thing i can reccommend is to not have so many trip mines by the barricades. Either take one out or make them respawn later. Also, the top sinper seems to spawn at like 30, cause it was usually there when i checked for it and a sniper dominates up on the top ridge, so maby make that spawn later too. That's really it though. I love how next to nothing is flat and boring and I like the flag base. I also like your idea of the deployable covers in the rocks by the bridge. This is going to stay on my HD for a while =)
  9. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    I just downloaded this two days ago and did a quick forge through and wow, I was truly impressed with the hills and caves and little crevices inside the attackers base. One part under the attackers base is actually under the sky bubble! It was apparently high enough to not die though lol. I'm intrigued to test this out for CTF, seems like it would be alot of fun. Is this your first post? because if it is, then your coming in with a big bang.
  10. RedPwnerRanger

    RedPwnerRanger Ancient
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    holy crap, this map seriously is amazing. i havent got a chance to play it with my friends or anything yet, but just looking over it in forge, the merging is beautiful, and i love the feel of the map, just with the mountain, pillboxes, underground base and paths, and everything. idk how much of a problem the bridge could be, i really dont see anything wrong with it, i mean you have plenty of equipment/vehicles/weapons for the attackers. any map could always have a v2, however, but this map is already amazing, and yes, feature worthy.
  11. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Its a really great map ! But if the budget give you this option ... add a man cannon at each side of base because all the players focus on the main bride and its very hard to take the flag but you weapon choice are great ! What i dont really like it is because you but a flare , a sword and a camo in ONE weapon holder ! I think just one equipement or weapon are okay on a weapon holder ! So i give you 4/5 .
  12. reginald

    reginald Ancient
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    I like the bunkers on the defending side, it makes the game that much more like real warfare.
  13. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    After I saw the screenshots, I was overjoyed. I knew ghostmerging would create new and amazing things.

    First, the layout. It's very rough, but that's the cool thing. The two sides have different aspects that really help with gameplay.

    The green hill looks awesome, but it's really rough. That's understandable, though. The bottom of a tin cup is flat and round, after all. Underneath the green hill looks awesome, though.

    The circle around the green hill/base is pretty sick. It works well with the warthog and other vehicles.

    The whole map seems overpowered, but with an equal amount of power with each side, it levels out somewhat.

    I found the turrets at the defenders base hard to get into, maybe you could work on those a little bit.

    All in all, it's pretty damn epic. 4/5, just work on the turrets and if you can, make the green hill smooth. That'll be tough though.
  14. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Balanced just right>

    Once again amazing my friend. The combo of trip mines bubbles and deployable covers makes this map balance and flow great. Super fun map>


  15. sir derp

    sir derp Ancient
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    Personally i love this map after playing on it with my friends. The layout is great and the merging is one of the best Ive seen.

    My only grip is some of the weapon placements, i mean 2 trip mines in 1 area? Also way too many portable shields(or w/e they are called). Also i think the flame thrower is pretty much pointless since this map is mostly open.

    Overall i love it, i just changed a couple things around when i forged on it and added some walls to the open areas in the caverns
  16. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    SoI took a look at the map and the forging lived up to my expectations, but the weapon layout reeeally bothered me. So I saved my own version of the map and re-did some things to my personal preference. No offense intended, I'm still very impressed overall, but you might want to consider some of my suggestions:

    - I removed the Spike nade/Firebomb/Camo/radar jammer cluster**** and left the sword on it's own. I understand you were probably going for an ultimate stealth package, but stuff like that tends to annoy people. I moved the camo to the original overshield spawn, which leads into...
    - The overshield/hammer spawn. I took out the hammer and OS and replaced it with the camo (I left the nades).
    - I replaced the flamethrower with rockets. Because of this I was considering removing the Fuel Rod Cannon, but I do love me some Fuel Rod.
    - I removed the turret from the defender side, because I think it would serve better as a regular sniper tower. There's cover up there now, and the OS is in the hut on the other side.
    - Got rid of the second trip mine, and re-organized a bunch of other equipment I can't be bothered to type up.
    - Gave the defender side a mongoose. Every 1-Flag map needs a high-speed mongoose chase!

    You probably really won't like this, but I also added a one-way teleporter from underneath the snipe tower to the side of the cavern area. I did this so the flag carrier has a fighting chance of getting out alive if his teammates are killed so he won't have to cross the bridge himself and basically get raped.

    Like I said, if you're not interested in these changes, it's no big deal. I'd like to test your version of the map against mine sometime, so I'll send you a friend request and maybe we could try that this week?
  17. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I hate how people are complaining about the one bridge. It's SUPPOSED to be one guys. Like conquest, you can't flank. Thus, you have to penetrate the forces by driving straight up through them. Now, if there weren't vehicles, I could see that being a problem, but seeing how there are, this is definitely a good idea. I will download your map good sir, and give it a whirl.
  18. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    This has to be the worse editing job Ive ever heard of lol. I edited my own version but the only thing I changed was filling up the holes in the map by removing the hammer and fuel rod gun to free up some items. His map is supposed to be one sided. Teleporters ruin that aspect. Busting across the bridge is the main point. I find that this map works great with 1 flag.
    #38 Eyeless Sid, Nov 8, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2009
  19. JackalAnubis

    JackalAnubis Ancient
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    I wanted to add a poll to this thread, but I guess I don't have permissions to do that. I was curious to the most important revisions for the map that people would want to see for a more polished version. From the replies I've gotten these would be:

    1. An alternate path over the chasm (ex: additional footbridge)
    2. Gaps in underground tunnels covered
    3. Reduce power heavy weapon/equipment placements
    4. Relocate confusing respawn locations
    5. Smoother interlocking over green hill
    Other suggestions I've gotten, like more extensive tunnels and wraith mortar station, are too expensive for me to be able to add without having to delete larger portions of the existing map.

    1) The original design of the map was to be built in it's entirety, I never thought it would be attempted in forge because of its complexity. The map itself is a scaled version of the core idea.
    Set in a template similar to Valhalla, you would have an area 3-4 times as wide and 2-3 times as long. To one side rises an immense dam wall. Down the center chasm is a torrential waterfall from the dam cutting the playing field in two. Walking away from the dam, the hillside begins to drop off revealing a massive lake miles below. The far side of the playing field is covered in rolling grassy hills and trees while the other rises in elevation with rocky outcroppings and steep cliffs. There is a central bridge large enough for vehicles to pass over in the middle of the chasm. On the lake side there is a small footbridge, and by the spray of the dam side, a series of catwalks below the elevation of the bridge connects the two sides.

    So working with an area that was much smaller than imagined, I resolved that the single bridge might work with the narrow space. However I could concede with a single extra footbridge placed on the pillbox side, either at normal elevation or below the bridge as described earlier. I feel that mancannons would be too imbalanced, making it a jumping zergfest, teleporters could work, but would really weaken the point of even crossing the map.

    2) Could anyone elaborate on what areas of the tunnels they are covering up holes when they edit their own version? There are several spots on the map which could use a wall, just wondering where people had the biggest issue with. (The ones I know of are 2 in the defenders front tunnels, 2 in back tunnel, 4 in sword/camo cave, 1 in hammer cave.)

    3) Weapons stuff: Longer respawn on snipers (possibly not have them at the start), one less mine, less portable shields, no flamethrower, remove sword power node and leave sword camo only, remove hammer?, (if possible give defender one mongoose)

    4) Was thinking the spawns at the back of defenders base, and some of the tunnel spawns are probably the problem (i think)

    5) Cleaning up the green hill and continuing to use soley tin cups is not possible because of the steeper angles of the hill to the sides. If I had made a hill with a slower gain in angles, or if I could use the rounded side and not the flat side, otherwise I dont think it can get too much better.
    However by using smaller rock pieces the side areas could probably be smoother, just would lose the green look more because of this. Worth the tradeoff?
  20. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    Post looks great, i love the video addition that really helped to elaborate on the playability. The map itself is so original. The mountain really compliments the rest of the defenders point, as well as the tunnels that look a bit like there is overgrowth in a cavern. I don't usually check out competetive maps, but this one was really worth the visit. =)

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