Is the ghost merge killing forge? I remember when only a select few could interlock well now with the ghost merge every one can do it. Good or bad? Comment below.....
Its a good thing, now the more inexperienced forgers can now make amazing maps with little effort now. And, the better forgers will make even better maps than they could have ever imagined. Take The Hollows for example, before ghost merging surfaced, "Cave Maps" weren't possible. I'd say its helping forge EDIT: First.
Cave maps were actually common when forge first came out. Look at End of the line and other maps of early forge. Many forgers desired to make caves. the trick was they couldn't make it look real nor could they get it to play. Now with ghost merging they can save objects and it look a ton better. Ghost merging is a new brush to forge. It by itself is not killing forge. I haven't forged since Sandbox came out. I havent' been sparked with an idea. That is my issue. So, don't blame the tools blame the canvas.
No. How is it being more difficult a good thing? The point is it's meant to be easy to express your ideas.
Is the pencil killing writing? I remember when only a select few could carve words into stone now with the pencil anyone can write. Good or bad? Comment below...
It all depends on peoples perception of where the skill actually is in Forge. If people think your a good forger because you spent hours perfecting every item you place, then yes that element has been tampered with. Nevertheless, people are still going to be hopefully spending a great deal of time tweaking and testing, so although the practical element may be easier now, the overall time taken to make a map should not change much. But then some people will think that it has nothing to do with the practicalities of it. Maybe its just the idea. Not how clean, merged or fast you place the objects, but why they are there and what they do. Being a good forger may have nothing to do with the complexity of the map you are making or the commitment you apply, but the mental ability that you hold.
Oh my god, are you saying that functionality is actually important? This is forgehub, silly, we do things differently here. It's all about how many oddly angled geomerges you did.
Yeahhh... no. shitty maps will still be shitty. Nothing against him, but makisupa007 has made some awesome looking maps. the ones in foundry were gorgeous looking. as far as fully well functioning maps, there were not awesome. They WORKED, but not perfect. Hes gotten A LOT better, and the maps still look like artworks more than maps, but people will use this now, and i dont know how many people in custom have been like, "LOOK @ MA KOOOOL MAPS!! tookHOURS!!" and its a fancy looking piece of crap >_> with tons of spawn rape. This is like comparing windows Paint to Paint Shot Pro then Photo shop. you create a tool and use that tool to make a better one, but some people might as well stick with the rock on a stick till they get better. it IS making it better though IMO, cause now open boxes in foundry aren't so F***ing stupid to merge >_<
Obviously it isn't killing forge, killing forge would be removing all the glitches from forge. Now the playing ground is level and even inexperienced forgers can create good maps, so now skill can be measured by design and not how hard it was to do.
If anything, it's not killing it, it's helping it. Map makers now have more time to focus on things like map design, weapon placement, spawns, LoS, etc. rather than having to focus on the actual forging of the geometry as much.
This is a good thing i feel, because it's allowing people who have/had great ideas but weren't great forgers to finally be able to get their ideas out there.
My sentiment exactly. I was an average forger ( and still am or so i believe ) but with ghost merging i can do things that before i knew without lots and lots of practice i would never be able to do. And experienced forger's will still have the better maps. For 1 they will plan their maps more. 2 they will focus primarily on gameplay then aesthetics. Your new forgers now have the ability to make cooler maps with less effort. But your guys who have been around will have the best maps. Just due to the fact they have that much more experience.
you said now 3 times. As for ghost merging, I don't think it's hurting anything. It's not like forging is some kind of art that only certain people should be able to do...
Ghost merging isn't just simply placing ****. It's not more simple than interlocking. Sure, it's helped make geomerging easier..but you still have to learn the technique, brace objects, use two controllers and be very precise. It has the same level of things to learn as how to do good geomerges or interlocks do, and that's what makes the maps geometry smooth. The technique itself is useful, but it's everything associated with the technique that needs to be learned in order to perfect the technique. And even still, anyone could practice and learn the techniques after hours if they wanted, it's always been about the designs and how well they played. The well forged map is only the basis, cracks and crevices should have always been nonexistent.
Even with the no-clip glitch, map making (especially amazing map making) is still time consuming. Sure the ghost-merging technique is simple, but actually getting the object positioned in the exact way that you want requires some effort. Like others have already said, no-clipping or ghost-merging is simply a new tool for forgers to use. You still have to know how to use it properly. Once people become more concerned with designing a map before forging it (rather than forging random areas or random pieces of geometry), then there will be more quality maps out there.