Floter V3: Time for for fun Lets Flot Download Map Description: this map is made for 2-8 players was tested and has multiple versions ok it hasn't been getting many downloads so ill put a story in: A UNSC training faculty was struck by a mild earthquake now the faculty has not been used for over 10 years all the hard to attack places have fusion coils to prevent camping the forklift can save lives(it falls from the air) is designed for 4v4 capture the flag, team slayer, assult also has odd ball set up and infection is fun to play has a cool design on the outer and inner sections and a good weapon spread it uses the main room and outside of rat's nest I know the whole new map packs are out so it might not do so great right now here are some screens ill add some action pics soon i hope this next pic is 10 seconds in once all the cover is out This last pic is at the beginning of the round to allow more movement for the other team just some of the cool areas on the map please download sorry if i sound a little annoying about asking please comment all are welcome lets hope my first one goes well also a vid for action is in my file share its the worst sword fight its kida cool if you check it out Download Map
You're right but ... It could be neater but what happend was at first me and my friend who made it just wanted to take advantage of all the cheap little things you can do when its someone else's first time. In the original version there was also a respon point off the edge so you would all ways hope thats not where came back(its been taken off do to the request of freinds).
You need either a better description or a couple more pics to capture the feel of your map. Right now it just looks like a bunch of bridges and boxes thrown together with a couple vehicles and weapons. If you want people to download your map, make sure that it looks complete and professional in the topic. And what the hell is a Flot?
so your saying more description and some action pictures? and i made it up i have no clue but ill go define it on urban dictionary can you please post your thoughts