I had an idea. Let me get straight to it. It is a mini game. Team oddball. Settings set to say that the score of your team is the score of the person who has touched the oddball least, or not at all. So basically, until EVERYONE has touched the oddball, your score is zero. Now, this is the thing that makes it a mini game. Your teamates are trapped in various spots that they can only be set free from by others. Some of these spots require MULTIPLE team members for the ones trapped inside to be released. To release your team members, you may have to double jump other team members already released, to switches and whatnot. At the beginning of the game, one person will be able to get out of their spot without assistance. So basically it's a race. And your entire team works together to complete it. Kind of like an obstacle course or something that you collect or free teammates as you continue. First team to get all their teammates out, and have them touch the oddball, wins. You could also somehow incorporate that players that are trapped can somehow help the ones who aren't by shooting **** or opening and closing doors. Thoughts? I made a map like this on last resort when halo 3 first came out, but you were just trapped in open boxes in the water. Not very complex.
This sounds pretty interesting and like it could be pretty fun. The only question I have is, would make it first team to 1 point wins, or have each member of the team have to hold it for a while? Let me know if you have any more ideas and I'll give you my opinion.
Sounds a bit complicated, maybe a bit too hard for the newcomers to understand, and boring for the trapped players.
Maybe trapped players could assist untrapped players somehow. By being provided with snipers and what not to shoot fusion coils or something.
Yeah that actually sounds interesting, other than being trapped of course. If you could make them do something useful while being trapped, it would definitely make it better.
You should use two balls and give one to each team so that one team doesn`t just take it and keep it from the others, ruining the game. But this is a good idea. I hope it turns out good.
I actually made a map like this one when I first started forging. Instead of having to pick up the oddball though your whole team had to reach a specific point. I sucked at forging then though so it was never really any good. I would like to see something like this be made though.
my friend made somthing similar to this, but all players start at same place and its more of a figure out how and how will you make it so every spawn in the right places, E.G. you need mabey 4 player to get to a spot but you have 3 in the game or will you make it so its a solid 4 no leanway