I've just thought of a great idea. This is just an idea for a casual map of course, and it will require the HDDSL09 Gametype (Hog Demolition Derby, Summer League 09) which is basically Ram your opponent off the map using the warthog. The first map was made at the rocket spawn on rats nest.. It was good.. but lasted too long. Then Hogtagon came about on Sandbox's Skybox canvas, which was excellent but its got a little bit boring. Now my idea...... Hogcano! Basically, using Ghost merging, the idea is to make a Flat circle, that in the centre, has a funnel feature going down. Which is basically a pitfall. (i tried to draw this, but i couldnt do it lol) The pitfall will be filled (Evenly, merged if needs be) with movable objects. These will then act as a temporary cover over the "Volcano". Inside the "volcano's" funnel will be mancannons that spawn after 1 minute. Thus once spawned, it will launch the movable landscape upwards, making the demolition derby ring more difficult to drive around. Also at the same time inside the pitfall a killball will spawn (to give effect of the lava) The moving rocks that were the temporary landscape will be like the projectiles from a volcano. After 2 minutes is all contestants arent killed, An outer slanted ring will spawn making it easier to catch up with the contestants left so dueling can continue. At 2 minutes 30 seconds, Objects will be spawned (tidily) in the outer ring, so it once again makes driving harder. And finally at the 3 minute mark, gravlifts will spawn facing the pitfalls so unsuspecting drivers to go passed will be pushed into the volcano. Any thoughts?
pwned by first comment. Really that is what he was saying, except he wanted stuff to fly out from the funnel, and have some obstacles. Kind of like those hurricane maps, but with less stuff, and coming out of a funnel. off topic: RoF looks awesome, but plays really boring =/
wow, id never actually heard of that.. Its actually somewhat similar to the black hole thing.. but not exactly the same. If you've ever played hogtagon.. its just a flat octagon with a hole in the middle.. my idea is just a flat circle (with the centre made of movable objects) so to start its just a hazard free arena.. well hazard free if you dont drive off the edge or dont get pushed off the edge. The volcano then errupts, and all the middle layer explodes outwards. Revealing a new hazard and killball.