
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by DA DIRTY DELL, Nov 3, 2009.


    DA DIRTY DELL Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello people of ForgeHub this is my first map that I have posted. I have made plenty of maps and won plenty of forge tournaments, but I have just recently joined ForgeHub so that's why this is my first map post. Anyway here's the story.
    click spoiler for story lolz......

    The UNSC is in desperate need of a secret weapon to turn around the war between them and the alien alliance known as "The Covenant." The UNSC finally get a lead to a secret artifact from an AI named Cortana. Cortana tells them that beneath a barren desert is an artifact that was once called Relic. This artifact destroyed armies of ancient times, but the artifact was sealed in a giant tomb and is protected by an undead army. When the UNSC heard of this they saw this as their perfect opportunity to strike back at The Covenant.

    So they sent you and your squad searching for this desert in which the Relic was located. After months of searching for this desert you see an that sticks out like a sore thumb with a lighted up area of rocky pavement and gold. Your squad lands the helicopter and you begin to investigate until you find a hole in the middle of the area. You and your squad take a rope that is attached to the helicopter and throw the rope down the hole.

    As you climb down the rope you look around and find a large stone pillar. When you finally reach the bottom you approach the pillar and touch it, then a bright white light emits from the top illuminating the entire area. A huge red ball then appears in the air around you making the entire room visible. You then realize that this pillar isn't a pillar its the weapon, the Relic, the UNSC is searching for.

    You and your squad then start to devise a plan to get the Relic out of this gargantuan room through a small hole. When you and your squad begin to talk and setup camp you hear a small noise, like a roar, you all look around. Then undead creatures begin pouring from the holes and caves in the room. You pick up your guns and start unloadin'.

    Map: Built in the crypt on sandbox. 8-12 players required 8 at least and no more than 12. Thin wooden bridges spawn on each side of human base after 90 seconds.

    Weapons: Sniper x1 - 0 spare clips
    Shotgun x1 - 0 spare clips Battle Rifle x4 - 2 spare clips humans spawn w/
    Flamethrower x1 - spawns after 90 seconds
    Magnums humans spawn with
    Energy Sword infected spawn with
    Machine Gun Turret x4

    Undead Horde
    Zombie count 50%
    Movement: Gravity 100% Speed 110%
    speed and gravity are not amazingly high because the environment favors the infected putting the humans in a bad spot so making the infected fast would make the game last like 5 seconds no matter what

    Spawn with swords
    Damage Resistance:10%-No shields
    Sensors: Enhanced 75 meters
    Appearance: Black

    Damage modifier: 300%
    Infinite ammo: disabled
    Spawn with Battle Rifles and Magnums
    Normal shields
    Sensors: Enhanced 75 meters
    Movement: normal

    Now for what you all been waiting for.......the pics!!

    Front view of human base
    Base after 90 seconds


    Stairs to human base (i am secretly very proud of this lol)

    The Relic
    Red Zombie spawn

    Blue Zombie spawn
    Red and Blue Zombie spawn

    Top view of human base


    Another spawn for the infected (there is another one of these on the opposite wall)
    [​IMG]Download Map Relic

    Download Gametype The Horde

    #1 DA DIRTY DELL, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  2. suriname2

    suriname2 Ancient
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    I think I'm missing something... if the zombies basically take 1 or 2 shots from a turret, how do the zombies not get spawn killed?

    As for the map, I like the aesthetics: the stairs and the relic are nice.

    DA DIRTY DELL Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    the crypt is small and i did a bad posting job because there is 2 other spawning spots for the zombies which are 2 tube y pieces in the air on each side of the wall. and thank you
    #3 DA DIRTY DELL, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2009
  4. DarkFalcon

    DarkFalcon Ancient
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    I agree, though the map itself looks great such as the stairs and the relic are really well forged. The basic fact that you just walk up to the zombie spawn with a group of people well armed, can take away the enjoyment of the game. Zombies may start to quit. The flamethrower may be overpowering in this map, and the turrets can just aim at the spawn and get unlimted kills. Unless you can correct me that spawn killing is impossible. then I'm sorry. Anyway for the map layout and appearance 4.5/5. For gameplay 2/5 Overall 6.5/10.

    DA DIRTY DELL Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    like i said before its impossible to spawn kill cause there is 4 different base location for the zombies to spawn and 2 of which are in mid air and the flamethrower and sniper are obsolete bc its close range and the flamethrower takes a second or 2 before it kills and u would be dead by then
    EDIT: i am still worried as if the zombies have too much of an advantage
    #5 DA DIRTY DELL, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2009
  6. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    This map looks alright from what i can see. There is hardly any cover for the zombies at all, and there are four, count them-4our, turrets looking directly at them. If you had four guys on each turret looking over the giant open area, it would be a slaughter. Also, with low shields and high damage, i believe that the BRs get one hit headshots for sure. It might work better if the zombies had super-high speed, or they werent one shots. The base is nice, but ican tell that the rest of the map needs work. You have to have some money left. You should add some more to this map, maybe taking out the stairs,however nice they look, they dont add to the gameplay.

    The map needs work on gameplay and the map itself-2.5/5

    DA DIRTY DELL Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    wow thank you pena you figured it out i couldnt think of what i needed to do to where the beginning wouldnt be so rough its the stairs and the ease of entrance got it....I just could not put my finger on what i needed to change on this map. Although I will not be making a V2 rather just a small editing perhaps.
  8. DemoltionsDino

    DemoltionsDino Forerunner
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    This is just me thinking out loud here, but I don't think working on "ease of entrance" is the right term to use. Something more like working on "removing all those turrets" and "giving the infinitely weak zombies some speed and/or cover." It doesn't really matter how long the distance is if it's a one shot kill. The map itself is very nice looking though.
  9. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    The aesthetics are nice, but the gameplay needs a new turn. I like the defend the castle sort of feel, but the zombies need a chance. Perhaps adding different routes, spawns, and cover, along with changing the zombie traits would result in a better overall experience for the infected and the human.

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