Boxing I decided to make a boxing ring on foundry it took many hours and well here it is. Here is a basic overlook of the map *i would apreciate all feedback and ways to make the map better* The only honour rule Do not use plasma pistol. Use of the plasma pistol simply defeats the concept of boxing. So play fair and use mele only The aim of the game is to walk through one of these two doors and you will be teleported into one of these corridors. once teleported into one of the corridors and you will be pushed straight into the ring as soon as you are teleported in, battling oponents. There is a spectator box for spectator's to spectate *note* some players felt unsafe in the spectator box so i installed a saftey rail to keep you protected here is the view from the spectator's box Some action shots Player traits Primary weppon: Plasma pistol Damage restistance: 300% Play speed: 125% player gravity: 200% Download here Map variant : Halo 3 File Details Game type
Very basic, the idea has been done before except for the doors, I think but I'm not sure. What happens when you reach the doors, do you get teleported somewhere? If so where? The map it self is ok, it is noted that you know how to merge. But it could been done a lot better. And, can you get out of the map?
i have seen plenty of these boxing rings but i specifically like this 1 due to clever use of foundry probably wrong but it looks like there is a way for the players to get out of the ring w/ accidental, or maybe on purpose, head jumping i say accidental because u may be trying to ninja some1, land on their head, then jump out the ring by just jumping again
i set gravity to 200% so the only way to get out of the ring is to grenade jump out and the doors are the only way to get in
And something about your map that i must say is a very nice feature is the spectator box. And something that would make the ring look better would be the ring floor being made out of upside down bridges instead of walls. It's a minor detail but i think it'll look a lot better but I don't know maybe I'm just a perfectionist
This is a pretty cool idea and all- It looks like you spent a fair ammount of time with it. Shouldn't it be posted in the mini-games section, though?
I used to like boxing games, even back in Halo 2 on Lockout Problem is though, since the melee update, nearly every boxing game turns into a tie where every time you start a fight, you both die at the same time.