Hooray for Uplift Reserve testing! It was a blast. As well as last bird out (like the name Rifte, , It had an interesting concept to it, was very fun.
Yay lasst bird out is posted i had a great time testing it and have come to the conclusion that i like that kind of asset map a bit better that the hold off till hornet spawns one because the attackers usually just blow the hornet up as soon as it spawns. Uplift reserve was also a blast to play on it did seem a little easy but we never did get the vip to the hornet so not to easy. The Helipad is great and i love the H on it and the structures are great to. Although i still would suggest you add the big curved glass roof but i know you are out of objects so that wont happen but great work ROFLninja
Hey Rift! Is it alright if I make one of these on Foundry? The layout I'm imagining at the moment would not take that long to forge. Sorry if I'm cutting it close.
ya rift ill be on but not till like 10 or later cuz ill b out all night so ill let u c if your on if not ill show you tomorrow but ill prolly complete the "next part" of my map tonight though and its looking pretty nice i might add =]
Currently not accepting anymore members, I have 8 some people on this already. If I ever need an extra man, I'll notify you.
heyy man this is blue mag1c nd im wonderin if i can post some of my assest maps here i know you and alot of people liked my lost platoon map so im thinking about postin here
I'm gonna soon post my map... its almost finished... But for your gametype... did you removed the BRs?
Please do not release your map before the map pack and how to make guide are released. I liked the map though. Again, please refrain from releasing your map before the map pack and how to make guide are released. also, BRs and SMGs are ALWAYS the starting weapons. Also, when the map pack is released, there are going to be a few major changes to the gametype. Don't worry; they'll still work for all other maps.
/Facepalm I forgot, we did do testing on it. My bad, I dont think i should give out any spoilers though, so ill just keep silent.
The guide will be either released with or before the map pack comes out. So far the only people that have seen the guide are map pack members and a few special other people. It'll probably be released before a couple days before the map pack is released.
Ok... and If you wan't to test a map... invite me if I'm online... I'll show you my map and you'll tell me if you like it okay...
hey desert highway is almost completed and it looks very good in my opinion all i need to do is spawns weapons change the railings on the upper highway and add some more cover then it willbe ready for testing
The Asset Map Pack will be pretty beast man. I really like Uplift reserve. The drop from the pods are very long and beast. Excactly how many maps will be in this pack?
UPDATES jakob hunter's ONI:Aftermath has been removed from the map pack. Sorry. He'll be releasing it later on though, just not part of the map pack. In it's place is the all new Desert Highway which is currently in testing. Other than that, I6ExplodinCars' map, has been given an official name (Premise I think?)! There will be 6-10. 1 map will be released for every 2 days.
My map is probably gonna be done like tonight or tomorow. But I don't know what is the final asset gametype, is it the one in your fileshare? Can you like put a link?