UPDATE 10/03/09: RELEASED INFO ON MORE SPECIAL INFECTED! Outbreak, is yet, another L4D remake using Halo 3. But it's no ordinary L4D infection game. There are MANY new and different things that I have designed and put into my game. I have added things such as my own "AI Director". The Director can "choose" where the advanced weapons, equipment, and random obstacles spawn during your trip to the next safe house. The game is split up into different Campaigns. Each Campaign will contain 3 different levels to get through. The last level is the finale, just like the last level in L4D's Campaigns. Campaigns will have different themes, from urban enviroments to rural outposts. SPECIAL INFECTED There will be as many as 15 SPECIAL INFECTED! Each different infected provides itself and it's team with special powers to help defeat the survivors. Such as the Hunter, who jumps from high places and lands on a survivor doing heavy damage. Here is a list of some of the new special infected, the rest will be released later on! The Hunter: Partially Camoed, more Health, inflicts more damage. Meant to jump off of higher places and assassinate humans. The Smoker: Sentinel Beam, Ranged Infected The Boomer: Has Flare, Blinds survivors and any infected member around flash radius The Shielder: Bubble Shield, acts as a Support Infected to Shield Infected trying to get to a certain area The Tank: Grav Hammer and Over Shield, can SERIOUSLY alter a game The Charger: Grav Hammer with normal, pretty much mini-tank The Vampire: Power Drainer, takes away survivors health in radius The Doctor: Needler, supposed to be like needles for shots. Too much shots to one survivor can cause explosion The Techy: Radar Jammer, blocks off survivors main way of tracking infected. NEW SPECIAL INFECTED The Acrobat: Grav Lift, like The Shielder, this acts as a support infected, letting other infected and itself get to higher elevation The SpitFire: Flame Thrower, does a great amount of damage, great for anti-corner camping The MeatShield: Deployable Cover, can block off survivor's trail. Great for helping other infected cross areas safely The Stalker: Full Invisibility, can come behind and make quick kills. Be careful, survivors have Enhanced Sensors! The Slinger: Brute Shot, rounds can damage Survivors, great melee strength NOTICE: Infected powers will be revealed as time goes by SOME OF THE SPECIAL INFECTED APPEAR ONLY IN CERTAIN CAMPAIGNS. SUCH AS THE DOCTOR WHO WILL APPEAR IN A LATER CAMPAIGN. CAMPAIGNS Riot Control is an urban-based Campaign that will involve many tight corners and choke-points that can mean easy bait for infected. The 3 levels in the map are the following 1: The Garage 2: The Warehouse 3: Dock Finale RIOT CONTROL LEVEL PICTURE(IN ORDER WITH ABOVE LIST!) THE SPECIAL INFECTED THAT ARE ONLY FOR RIOT CONTROL ARE THE VAMPIRE AND THE TECHY. INFO ON THEM WILL BE RELEASED SHORTLY! NOTICE: There will be one more Campaign in the initial release. It will be revealed later on. But don't worry, more campaigns will be added on in future "DLC PACKS" This is all I have for now. But it's good for now. I will update constatly, just as long as this thread can stay up! Thanks everybody! Any questions, PLEASE ask them! ~reserved for future updates~ please don't count this as double posting! I must make this since later on there will be alot more pictures and text!
This idea sounds pretty cool. I actually just got done making my own l4d map. Send me a fr, I'm interested in seeing the maps your making for the campaign and the special abilities of the classes.
Aight man cool. Tonight I will actually be posting some of those Special Infecteds' special abilities and attacks. Some time next week I will be revealing the 2nd Campaign.
Hey, just got done reading the perks for the special classes. I think you should add some abilities or items to the classes, such as the acrobat, once you use the grav lift, you then become a normal infected zombie and lose your "specialness". I only telling you this man, because when i personally made l4d map, i just gave the boomer a flare and people complained about him being boing and not that powerful, which was true but also i explained that they weren't using him properly. And another thing (i found this out after countless testing of my map), people just don't appreciate l4d maps as much as they should. People like you and me (or at least me) try really hard to re-create the left for dead experience using the bare minimum materials that bungie provided us and when people play it, they still say things like "this is lame" or "this map sucks". That hurts when people say that, y'know? Also i don't think people play their classes as they should. For, example: A person spawns as a hunter and has active camo and radar jammer (this is what i set him as in my map), he then even doesn't bother to use his radar jammer and runs idiotically and the humans, giving away his position and I.Q. I'm not saying that all people are like that, I'm just saying that some stupid people always just want to play infection where the humans have a warthog and drive around sandtrap in endless circles. Sorry for the long post, I'm just trying to get my feeling out there for the masses. Would it be cool if i co-forged with you? I know I just met you, but i think I could bring some fresh ideas to the table (Shake N' Bake baby!) Let me know if your interested. Thanks, Xii ShoGuN.
You know, I totally feel you inferno. I've often felt that l4d style maps are underappreciated. People don't get them. For some reason they can't grasp the amount of strategy and teamwork that is needed to make these games work. Survivors can't just go out on their own and expect to live, and as such, the infected can't work on their own and expect to be victorious over the living and when people are unable to do that they blame the map or the mechanics when in reality both are constructed fairly well, but are not executed well. Anyway, I didn't come here to rant. I wanted to say that I like this concept. I'm looking forward to seeing these new classes you've thrown in to the mix. And i'd also like to work with you and inferno and create an epic l4d-ish map.
Organite, you've hit my point right on the g-spot. No joke. Oh, if your still viewing this thread, could you possibly comment on my map? It's craving comments. It seems you have a pretty good grasp on the l4d concept, so sure, i'm down to have a forge sesh or two with you. I'll send you a fr. I can only play on the weekends due to f'in school lol
Haha thanks both of you. Let me make some room on my friend's list tommorow and I will add you both. I think that soo many bad L4D remakes have been remade, that people just think all of them suck. I made a L4D Survival mode back in May. It has over 1500 downloads since then. So that's why I decided to make the real style of L4D.
The first Campaign has been completed. The only thing that I have to do is remove anything that is un needed or unwanted. I have not yet started on the second campaign. But when it's done it will be awesome!
I have done ONE testing session with the Riot Control Campaign. The Campaign is only under Strict Alpha Testing right now, meaning only close and trusted friends may test. I should have some sort of video up soon. Riot Control's finale really feels like a finale!