
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by guitaristtuck, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. guitaristtuck

    guitaristtuck Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Soo.... I guess I've been on a map-making roll recently. Imagine that...

    Download Retention

    Retention is an infection map in the underground section of sandbox. The survivors have holed up in an underground UNSC Factory, hoping to escape the nonsense of the latest zombie Apocalypse (they seem to be happening a lot recently). But, the factory has air vents near the ceiling, and one zombie happens to fall into your little patch of heaven. Oh joy...

    Dynamic Features-
    1. Safe house that has a switch to open the door
    2. Factory tubes that constantly spew out minor weapons
    3. Another tube that will rarely spew out a warthog
    4. Two office doors that can be sealed by shooting a switch in the middle of the level (offices still accessible from the roof)
    5. Automatic lights that turn on 30 seconds into the game

    1. The not-so-safe house (human spawn point)
    -----Rocket launcher
    -----Assault rifle
    -----Battle Rifle (roof)
    2. Utilities (red)
    -----Firebomb Grenades
    3. Barracks (blue)
    -----Battle Rifle
    -----Sniper Rifle
    -----Plasma Grenades
    4. Two Offices
    5. A Raised Quad
    -----Shotgun (top)
    -----Grav Lift (bottom)
    6. Factory Tubes (four of them)
    -----Plasma Rifles
    -----Warthog (changeable)

    Important notes-
    -works with most infection game types
    -Make sure custom powerup has no use
    -If you don't want a warthog to spawn, just select the "mongooses only" option
    -Try different strategies/gametypes- it's the end of the world. Have fun!

    A pictures worth a thousand words, so here's seven thousand words.

    Touch the custom powerup to open the safe house door. This will also take out any idiots standing too close to the door...

    Utilities- if you choose to stay here, prepare for some close encounters of the zombie kind. There are a few guns and lots of fire grenades on the roof.

    Barracks- You'll have more room to breathe here. Blue is supposed to calm your nerves or something, too. Here be a sniper, a battle rifle, and lots of plasma grenades.

    Offices- There are one of these on each side! If you manage to get all of the survivors in these two buildings, shoot the fusion coils in the roof of the quad. This will seal the main door of the offices with a grav lift, but the roof will remain vulnerable.

    The Quad- There is a shotgun in the middle of it for the particularly foolhardy. Shoot into the gap in the roof to seal the offices.

    Fresh off the Line- There are three weapon tubes (spikers, plasma rifles, and grenades). Use them if you're crossing the factory and find yourself suddenly out of ammunition. The stubby tube spawns the warthog.

    The Air Vents- This is where the zombies start. The first zombies actually fall from the surface, but I figured that would get old so all respawns are located where the vent actually fans out.

    That's all! I appreciate any suggestions, opinions, or constructive criticism.
    #1 guitaristtuck, Nov 1, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2009

    FORTY SEVIN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks pretty sweet! some parts very simple but it looks like it all comes together well! I like the weapon tube idea ;)!
  3. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, it looks, sloppy. I can see how it might be a 'run down town' sort of look, but it is hugely open, and do you know how to merge? If not, go down to the forging 101 section and check it out. It will change your life.

    I actually did download it, and did a forge through. It really is beyond sloppy, so If I were you, I'd take a look at how to merge, fix this map up, and go for a v2. Good luck.

    A few points about the map:

    1. I do not recomment warthogs in the crypt for infection, they just rape zombies and can simply be parked at a corner to pick off zombies.

    2. Random weapon spewing? Cool idea, but not for infection.
    #3 Rorak Kuroda, Nov 2, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2009
  4. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The weapon tubes are pretty interesting and most of it is forged quite well but there is way too much open space for my taste. Try adding a weapons list as well to your post.
  5. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    I love the weapon vents. I also like the overall design and structure of this map. It seems very fun and, if done right, can be a fun Slayer map!

  6. guitaristtuck

    guitaristtuck Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The warthog is sometimes fun, but I admit that it can be exploited. It doesn't spawn until a minute into the game, so it is kind of like a reward for survival. It won't even spawn in default infection types- It's totally optional.

    I intentionally made the weapons spawned in the tubes fairly useless, with the exception of the grenades. They also have no cover, so camping them would be pretty stupid. The tubes are a lot more atmospheric than game-changing.

    And I did use merging in this level- (the button area of the safehouse, the roof of the offices, the middle part of the barracks, most of the utility building, and the roof of the quad). this map isn't perfect, but it is by no means sloppy.
    #6 guitaristtuck, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2009

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